Adds enhanced chest features to the game.
Remotely access storages in the game from anywhere.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
AccessChest | Enables the Access Chest feature. | "Location" |
"Disabled" , "Default" , "Inventory" , "World" 1 |
AccessChestShowArrows | Displays previous/next arrows for navigating chests. | true |
true , false |
AccessPreviousChest | Assigns the keybind for accessing the previous chest. | LeftTrigger |
Any valid button code.2 |
AccessNextChest | Assigns the keybind for accessing the next chest. | RightTrigger |
Any valid button code.2 |
- See Range Values.
See Button Codes.
Every night, after going to bed, your chests will automatically organize items based on the same rules as Categorize Chest and Stash to Chest. Items will only move between chests with the feature enabled, and only from a lower priority chest to a higher priority chest.
It also applies your Sort Inventory rules at the end.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
AutoOrganize | Enables the Auto Organize feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
- See Option Values.
With Carry Chest enabled, you can hit the Use Tool button to pick up chests into your inventory even if it has items.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
CarryChest | Enables the Carry Chest feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
CarryChestLimit | Limits how many chests can be carried. | 3 |
Any positive integer.2 |
CarryChestSlow | Enables the Carry Chest Slow feature. | Enabled |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
CarryChestSlowAmount | The speed penalty for carrying chests above the limit. | -1 |
Positive integer from 0 (normal speed) to 4 (slime speed debuff) |
CarryChestSlowLimit | The limit in which the slowness effect is applied. | 1 |
Any positive integer.2 |
- See Option Values.
- Use
for unlimited chests.
Assigns items to a chest based on a search term to be used for Auto Organize and Stash to Chest.
See Using Search for more information.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
CategorizeChest | Enables the Categorize Chest feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
CategorizeChestBlockItems | Determines if non-categorized items will be blocked. | "Disabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
CategorizeChestIncludeStacks | Determines if existing stacks will be included. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
- See Option Values.
Search for which chest(s) have the item you're looking for.
See Using Search for more information.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
ChestFinder | Enables the Chest Finder feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
ToggleSearch | Assigns a keybind to toggle the chest finder. | "LeftControl + F, RightControl + F" |
Any valid button code.1 |
- See Option Values.
See Button Codes.
While you are carrying a chest in your inventory, any items you pick up may be collected directly into the chest, bypassing your inventory.1
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
CollectItems | Enables the Collect Items feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
- See Option Values.
Set individual configuration options for storages.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
ConfigureChest | Enables the Configure Chest feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
ConfigureChest | Assigns the keybind for configuring a chest. | "End" |
Any valid button code.2 |
- See Option Values.
See Button Codes.
Hit a configurable key to bring up a crafting menu that uses items stored in nearby chests. This feature requires Better Crafting to be installed.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
CraftFromChest | Enables the Craft From Chest feature. | "Location" |
"Disabled" , "Default" , "Inventory" , "Location" , "World" 1 |
OpenCrafting | Assigns the keybind for opening the crafting menu. | "K" |
Any valid button code.2 |
CraftFromChestDisableLocations | A list of locations that crafting will not be allowed in. | [] |
The locations to block.3 |
CraftFromChestDistance | Limits the distance that a chest can be crafted from. | -1 | Any positive integer or -1 .4 |
- See Range Values.
See Button Codes.
- Add
to the list to disable in Mine and Skull Cavern. - Measured in tiles away from the player. Use
for "unlimited" distance.
Replaces the Chest Color Picker with a more precise version that lets you pick a color with sliders for hue, saturation, and lightness.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
HSLColorPicker | Enables the HSL Color Picker feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
HSLColorPickerHueSteps | How many intervals of hue can be selected. | 29 |
Any positive integer. |
HSLColorPickerSaturationSteps | How many intervals of saturation can be selected. | 16 |
Any positive integer.` |
HSLColorPickerLightnessSteps | How many intervals of lightness can be selected. | 16 |
Any positive integer. |
HSLColorPickerPlacement | Which side will the Color Picker be added to. | "Right" |
"Left" |
- See Option Values.
Adds inventory tabs to the side of the menu.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
InventoryTabs | Enables the Inventory Tabs feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
InventoryTabList | Determines what inventory tabs will appear. |
Lock an item in its storage so to prevent it from being moved or sold.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
LockItem | Enables the Lock Item feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
LockItemHold | Hold the LockSlot key and click to lock a slot. | true |
false |
LockSlot | Assigns the keybind for locking a slot. | "A" |
Any valid button code.3 |
- See Option Values.
See Button Codes.
With a chest as your active item, you can hit the action button to bring up the chest menu and access the chests contents.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
OpenHeldChest | Enables the Open Held Chest feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
- See Option Values.
The default storage for a chest is 36 items. With Resize Chest enabled you can increase storage space up to virtually unlimited storage.1
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
ResizeChest | Enables the Resize Chest feature. | "Large" |
"Disabled" , "Default" , "Small" , "Medium" , "Large" 2 |
ResizeChestCapacity | The number of items the chest can store. | 70 |
Any positive integer or -1 .3 |
ScrollDown | Assigns a keybind to scroll down. | "DPadDown" |
Any valid button code.4 |
ScrollUp | Assigns a keybind to scroll up. | "DPadUp" |
Any valid button code.4 |
ScrollPage | Assigns a keybind to hold to scroll one page at a time. | "LeftShift, RightShift" |
Any valid button code.4 |
- If the number of items exceeds the menu space, you can scroll to access the overflow.
- See Option Values.
- Use
for "unlimited" items or a positive multiple of 12 for limited storage.
See Button Codes.
Adds a search bar to the top of the Chest Menu to only display items that meet a search criteria.
See Using Search for more information.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
SearchItems | Enables the Search Items feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
SearchItemsMethod | Determines how the search will be applied. | "GrayedOut" |
"Default" , "Sorted" , "GrayedOut" , "Hidden" |
- See Option Values.
Allows shops to access items in chests for purchases.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
ShopFromChest | Enables the Shop From Chest feature. | "Location" |
"Disabled" , "Default" , "Inventory" , "Location" , "World" 1 |
- See Range Values.
Organize Chest allows you to group and sort items by a configurable property of those items.
Config Option | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
SortInventory | Enables the Sort Inventory feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
SortInventoryBy | The fields that inventory will be sorted by. | "" |
See Sort By Values. |
- See Option Values.
Hit a configurable key to instantly stash items from your inventory into nearby chests.1
Config Option | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
StashToChest | Enables the Stash To Chest feature. | "Location" |
"Disabled" , "Default" , "Inventory" , "Location" , "World" 2 |
StashItems | Assigns the keybind for stashing items. | "Z" |
Any valid button code.3 |
StashToChestDisableLocations | A list of locations that stashing will not be allowed in. | [] |
The locations to block.4 |
StashToChestDistance | Limits the distance that a chest can be stashed into. | -1 | Any positive integer or -1 .5 |
StashToChestPriority | Prioritize certain chests over others. | 0 | Any integer value. |
TransferItems | Assigns the keybind to hold for transferring items up. | "LeftShift, RightShift" |
Any valid button code.3 |
TransferItemsReverse | Assigns the keybind to hold for transferring items down. | "LeftAlt, RightAlt" |
Any valid button code.3 |
- Included chests are determined by config options.
- See Range Values.
See Button Codes.
- Add
to the list to disable in Mine and Skull Cavern. - Measured in tiles away from the player. Use
for "unlimited" distance.
Display stats about the storage in the chest menu and when hovering the cursor over a storage.
Config | Description | Default Value | Other Value(s) |
StorageInfo | Enables the Chest Info feature. | "Enabled" |
"Disabled" , "Default" 1 |
StorageInfoHoverItems | The info to show on hover. | "Icon","Name","Type","Capacity","TotalValue" |
Any valid button code.2 |
StorageInfoMenuItems | The info to show in menu. | "Type","Location","Position","Inventory","TotalItems","UniqueItems","TotalValue" |
See Info Values. |
ToggleInfo | Assigns a keybind to show/hide chest info. | "LeftShift + OemQuestion, RightShift + OemQuestion" |
See Info Values. |
- See Option Values.
See Button Codes.
Searching can be applied to an item's name, but it's often more useful to use tags which are shared by multiple items.
The game adds various Context Tags to each item which are used throughout this mod.
There are a few ways to see what context tags each item contains:
- Enter the console command
debug listtags
to show all tags for the currently held item. - Refer to the Modding Docs for some tags.
- Install Lookup Anything, enable ShowDataMiningField in its config and hit F1 while hovering over any item.
Here are examples of some useful tags:
Description | Tags |
Category | category_clothing , category_boots , category_hats , ... |
Color | color_red , color_blue , ... |
Name | item_sap , item_wood , ... |
Type | wood_item , trash_item , ... |
Quality | quality_none , quality_gold , ... |
Season | season_spring , season_fall , ... |
Index | id_o_709 , id_r_529 , ... |
For ease of use, it is recommended to set config options from Generic Mod Config Menu.
For some config options, the same options can be applied to multiple levels. The lowest level config will always take precedence.
- Default Chest - Every chest inherits from the Default Chest options.
- Chest Type - Applies to a particular type of chest.
- Chest
- Stone Chest
- Junimo Chest
- Auto-Grabber
- Mini-Fridge
- Mini-Shipping Bin
- Fridge
- Custom chests added by other mods.1
- Individual Chest - A single instance of a chest can be configured individually.
Group by is a text property of the item that organize will order by first.
- Category - Sort by the category.
- Name - Sort by the name.
- Quantity - Sort by the quantity.
- Quality - Sort by the quality.
- Type - Sort by the item type.
The types of info that can be displayed.
- Name - The storage name.
- Icon - The storage icon.
- Type - The type of storage.
- Location - The location of the storage.
- Position - The position of the storage.
- Inventory - The farmer whose inventory contains the storage.
- Capacity - The number of item stacks and slots in the storage.
- TotalItems - The total items in the storage.
- UniqueItems - The number of unique items in the storage.
- TotalValue - The total value of all items in the storage.
The option value determines whether a feature will be enabled or disabled for a chest.
- Default - The value will be inherited from a parent config.1
- Disabled - The feature will be disabled.
- Enabled - The feature will be enabled.
- If parent value is unspecified, Enabled will be the default value.
The Range value limits which chests will be selected for a feature relative to the player.
- Default - The value will be inherited from a parent config.1
- Disabled - The feature will be disabled.
- Inventory - Only chests in the player inventory.
- Location - Only chests in the players current location.
- World - Any chest accessible to the player in the world.
- If parent value is unspecified, Location will be the default value.
When Filter Items is enabled, then any categorizations that a chest has will be applied to Automate. This means that Automate will be blocked from adding items into the chest if the Filter list does not allow it.
Craft from Chest will launch a Better Crafting Page and it will correctly include all chests with the feature enabled.
Better Chests automatically integrates with Horse Overhaul saddlebags. The distance to the player's Horse will be considered for features such as Craft from Chest and Stash to Chest.
The SaddleBag can have its own Better Chest config by adding an entry for a
chest named "SaddleBag"
to the
Register your chest using the Better Chests API.
Replace any or all of the icons for the Configure, Craft from Chest, and Stash to Chest buttons by editing the image1:
Sample content.json
"Format": "1.24.0",
"Changes": [
"Action": "EditImage",
"Target": "furyx639.BetterChests/Icons",
"FromFile": "assets/MyConfigureButton.png",
"FromArea": {"X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 16, "Height": 16},
"ToArea": {"X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 16, "Height": 16}
- See the Edit Image docs for Content Patcher.
Replace any or all of the default tab textures by editing the image1:
Sample content.json
"Format": "1.24.0",
"Changes": [
// Replace texture for mining icon
"Action": "EditImage",
"Target": "furyx639.BetterChests\\Tabs\\Texture",
"FromFile": "assets/mining-icon.png",
"FromArea": {"X": 0, "Y": 0, "Width": 16, "Height": 16},
"ToArea" {"X": 48, "Y": 0, "Width": 16, "Height": 16}
- See the Edit Image docs for Content Patcher.
See here for the base translation file.
Language | Status | Credits |
Chinese | ✔️ Complete | Andyc66, zhaokun0914 |
French | ✔️ Complete | Ayatus, CaranudLapin |
German | ❔ Incomplete | Loni4ever, Popa-42, Kuhlyus |
Hungarian | ❔ Incomplete | martin66789 |
Italian | ✔️ Complete | zomboide |
Japanese | ❌️ Not Translated | |
Korean | ✔️ Complete | wally232 |
Portuguese | ✔️ Complete | Aulberon |
Russian | ❔ Incomplete | Newrotd |
Spanish | ✔️ Complete | Querbis |
Turkish | ✔️ Complete | KawaiFoxHappyClaws76 |