- ;addpp
- ;ar
- ;bmi
- ;bpm
- ;bttv
- ;calcscore
- ;compare
- ;define
- ;emojipedia
- ;emote
- ;eval
- ;fantasychange
- ;fantasyname
- ;ffz
- ;flowa
- ;flowabot
- ;help
- ;ign-set
- ;lastfm
- ;lazerscore
- ;np
- ;oppai
- ;oppai2
- ;osu-track
- ;osu-untrack
- ;osu
- ;packs
- ;ping
- ;ping2
- ;pins
- ;query
- ;recent
- ;render
- ;rosu
- ;score
- ;strains
- ;streamin
- ;tap
- ;time
- ;top
- ;tops
- ;uptime
- ;urban
- ;viewers
- ;with
Calculate new total pp after achieving a certain top play.
Usage: ;addpp <amounts separated by +> [username] [beatmap_id]
;addpp 300
Returns your total pp with an additional 300pp score.
;addpp 300+350
Returns your total pp with an additional 300 and 350pp score.
;addpp 1100 Vaxei 1860433
Returns Vaxei's total pp if their score on /b/1860433 awarded 1100pp.
Calculate Approach Rate values and miliseconds with mods applied.
Usage: ;ar <ar> [+mods]
;ar 8 +DT
Returns AR of AR8 with DT applied.
Calculate your BMI.
Usage: ;bmi <height in m or cm> <weight in kg>
;bmi 185cm 70kg
;bmi 1.56m 56kg
Show a visual BPM graph over time for a beatmap.
Usage: ;bpm [beatmap url] [+mods]
Returns BPM graph for the last beatmap.
;bpm https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 +DT
Returns BPM graph with DT for specific beatmap.
Show a BTTV emote by name. Emotes from https://betterttv.com/.
Usage: ;bttv <emote name>
;bttv WoweeHOP
Returns WoweeHOP BTTV emote
Calculate maximum score for a beatmap.
Variations: ;calcscore
, ;scorecalc
, ;cs
Usage: ;calcscore <map link> [+mods]
;calcscore https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75
Returns the maximum score for Disco Prince with no mods.
;calcscore https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 +HDHRDT
Returns the maximum score for Disco Prince +HDHRDT.
Search for best score on the last beatmap.
Variations: ;compare
, ;c
Usage: ;compare [username or * for all users] [+mods]
Returns your own best score on the last beatmap.
;compare Vaxei +mods
Returns Vaxei's best score with the same mods on the last beatmap.
;compare * +HD
Returns the #1 HD score on the last beatmap.
Shows the definition of a word.
Variations: ;define
, ;dictionary
, ;dict
Usage: ;define <word>
;define help
Returns the definition for the word 'help'.
Look up what an emoji looks like on all platforms (warning: spammy).
Usage: ;emojipedia <emoji>
;emojipedia 🤔
Returns thinking emoji on all platforms.
Print one or multiple emotes the bot can use in chat.
Variations: ;emote
, ;e
Usage: ;emote <emote 1> [emote 2] [emote n]
;e SourPls
Returns SourPls emote.
Runs JavaScript code and returns the result of the last evaluation. Underscore.js for array/object helpers and bonusPP(n)
for bonus pp calculation are available.
Usage: ;eval [javascript code]
;eval 5+5
Evaluates 5+5 and returns the result.
;eval _max.([1, 2, 3])
Uses Underscore.js to return the maximum value of an array.
Generates a fantasy name and changes your nickname to it.
Available types: human
, elf
, dwarf
, hobbit
, barbarian
, orc
, evil
, asian
, arabic
, surname
, sci-fi
, lovecraft
, reptilian
, aztec
, ratman
, demon
, dragon
, wizard
, mixed
, english
, place
, title
, military
, hero/villain
, rockband
Available lengths: short
, medium
, long
Data from https://www.fantasynamegen.com/.
Usage: ;fantasychange <type> [length]
;fantasychange elf medium
Generates a medium-length elf name and sets it as your nickname.
Generates a fantasy name.
Available types: human
, elf
, dwarf
, hobbit
, barbarian
, orc
, evil
, asian
, arabic
, surname
, sci-fi
, lovecraft
, reptilian
, aztec
, ratman
, demon
, dragon
, wizard
, mixed
, english
, place
, title
, military
, hero/villain
, rockband
Available lengths: short
, medium
, long
Data from https://www.fantasynamegen.com/.
Usage: ;fantasyname <type> [length]
;fantasyname elf medium
Returns a medium-length elf name.
Show an FFZ emote by name. Emotes from https://frankerfacez.com/.
Usage: ;ffz <emote name>
;ffz WoweeW
Returns WoweeW FFZ emote
Show a random flower picture. Images from https://pexels.com/.
Usage: ;flowa [optional tags separated by space]
;flowa sakura tree
Returns a random picture of a sakura tree.
Show information about this bot.
Usage: ;flowabot
Get help for a command.
List of all commands: https://github.com/respektive/flowabot/blob/master/COMMANDS.md
Usage: ;help <command>
;help pp
Returns help on how to use the ;pp
Sets your osu! username so you can use osu! commands without specifying a username.
Usage: ;ign-set <osu! username>
;ign-set nathan on osu
Sets your osu! username to nathan on osu.
Show Last.fm stats for a user.
Usage: ;lastfm <last.fm username> [period (7day, 1month, 3month, 6month, 12month, overall)]
;lastfm rj overall
Returns total last.fm stats for rj.
Calculate maximum lazer classic score for a beatmap.
Variations: ;lazerscore
, ;ls
, ;classicscore
Usage: ;lazerscore <map link> [+mods]
;ls https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75
Returns the maximum lazer classic score for Disco Prince with no mods.
;classicscore https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 +HDHRDT
Returns the maximum lazer classic score for Disco Prince +HDHRDT.
Shows what song you are currently listening to. If it can't be retrieved from Rich Presence it will ask for a Last.fm username.
Usage: ;np [last.fm username]
Uses oppai (2016 ppv2) to calculate pp for a beatmap.
Usage: ;oppai <map link> [+HDDT] [99.23%] [2x100] [1x50] [3m] [342x]
;oppai https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 +DT
Calculates pp on this beatmap with DT applied.
Uses oppai (2014 ppv2) to calculate pp for a beatmap.
Usage: ;oppai2 <map link> [+HDDT] [99.23%] [2x100] [1x50] [3m] [342x]
;oppai https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 +DT
Calculates pp on this beatmap with DT applied.
Start tracking the specified user's osu! top plays in the current channel.
Usage: ;osu-track <username> [top play limit (1-100, default 50)]
;osu-track nathan_on_osu 50
Start tracking nathan on osu's top 50 top plays.
Stop tracking the specified user's osu! top plays in the current channel.
Usage: ;osu-untrack <username> [top play limit (1-100, default 50)]
;osu-untrack nathan_on_osu
Stop tracking nathan on osu's top plays.
Show osu! stats.
Variations: ;osu
, ;osu2
Usage: ;osu [username]
;osu nathan_on_osu
Returns nathan on osu's osu! stats.
Get the beatmap packs containing the given beatmap.
Variations: ;packs
, ;pack
Usage: ;packs <map link> [+mods]
;packs https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75
Returns the packs containing the given beatmap Disco Prince.
Usage: ;ping
ping a website.
Usage: ;ping2 <url>
;ping google.com
Returns the time it took to ping google.com
Show a list of pinned plays
Variations: ;pins
, ;pinned
Usage: ;pins [username]
Returns your top 5 pinned plays.
;pins7 vaxei
Returns Vaxei's top 7 pinned plays.
Run SQL query.
Usage: ;query <query>
Show recent score or pass.
Variations: ;recent
, ;rs
, ;recentpass
, ;rp
Usage: ;recent [username]
;recent nathan_on_osu
Returns nathan on osu's most recent score.
;recent3 respektive
Returns respektive's most recent score.
Returns your most recent pass.
Render picture or gif of a beatmap at a specific time. Videos 10 seconds or longer are automatically rendered as mp4 video with audio and beatmap background.
Variations: ;render
, ;frame
, ;fail
Usage: ;render [beatmap url] [+mods] [AR8] [CS6] [preview/strains/aim/speed/fail] [HD] [20%] [mp4] [plain] [120fps] [mm:ss] [353x] [4s]
;render strains
Returns a gif of the hardest part on the last beatmap.
Returns a gif of the part where the player failed on the last beatmap.
;render 1:05
Returns an image of the last beatmap at 1 minute and 5 seconds.
;render speed 10s 50%
Returns a 10 second video of the streamiest part on the last beatmap at half speed.
;render 120fps 353x plain
Returns a 120fps video at 353 combo on the last beatmap without sound and black background.
Uses rosu-pp to calculate pp for a beatmap.
Variations: ;rosu
, ;rosu-pp
, ;rpp
, ;pp
Usage: ;rosu <map link> [+HDDT] [99.23%] [2x100] [1x50] [3m] [342x] [1.2*] [OD9.5] [AR10.3] [CS6] [HP8]
;rosu https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 +HD 4x100 343x CS2
Calculates pp on this beatmap with HD applied, 4 100s, 343 Combo and CS set to 2.
;rosu https://osu.ppy.sh/b/774965 99% 1.3*
Calculates pp on this beatmap with 99% accuracy and a custom speed rate of 1.3*.
Search for a score on a beatmap.
Usage: ;score <beatmap url> [username or * for any user] [+mods]
;score https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 * +HD
Returns #1 score with HD on this beatmap.
;score https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75
Returns your best score on this beatmap.
;score5 https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 *
Returns the #5 score on this beatmap.
Show a visual strain graph of the star raiting over time on a beatmap.
Usage: ;strains [beatmap url] [+mods] [AR8] [CS6] [aim/speed]
Returns strain graph for the last beatmap.
;strains +HR CS5
Returns strain graph with HR applied and CS set to 5 for the last beatmap.
;strains https://osu.ppy.sh/b/75 aim
Returns aim strain graph for this beatmap.
he smells
Usage: ;streamin
Calculate BPM values for different beat snap divisors
Usage: ;tap <BPM> <Beat Snap Divisor>
;tap 200 1/4
Return equivalent tapping values for 200 BPM at 1/4
;tap 150 1/3
Return equivalent tapping values for 150 BPM at 1/3
Get the current time at a place.
Usage: ;time [name of place, e.g. city]
;time london
Returns the current time in London.
Show a specific top play.
Variations: ;top
, ;rb
, ;recentbest
, ;ob
, ;oldbest
Usage: ;top [username]
Returns your #1 top play.
;top5 vaxei
Returns Vaxei's #5 top play.
Returns your most recent top play.
Returns your oldest top play (from your top 100).
Show a list of top plays
Usage: ;tops [username]
Returns your top 5 plays.
;tops7 vaxei
Returns Vaxei's top 7 plays.
See how for long a Twitch channel has been live or for how long it hasn't been streaming.
Variations: ;uptime
, ;downtime
Usage: ;uptime <twitch username>
;uptime distortion2
Returns distortion2's uptime or downtime.
;downtime ninja
Returns ninja's uptime or downtime.
Shows the definition of a word on urbandictionary.
Usage: ;urban <word>
;urban help
Returns the definition for the word 'help'.
See how many people are watching a Twitch channel.
Usage: ;viewers <twitch username>
;viewers distortion2
Returns how many viewers distortion2 currently has (if they're live).
Show pp values of a beatmap with several accuracies or a specified accuracy.
Usage: ;with [beatmap url] [+mods] [98.34%]
Returns pp values for the last beatmap with the same mods.
;with +
Returns pp values for the last beatmap without mods.
;with +HD 97.5%
Returns pp value for the last beatmap with 97.5% accuracy and HD applied.