The NEM Foundation's funding proposal started voting on Feb 15 and voting was open for 5 days. The funding proposal passed with 90% Yes votes and 10% No votes - with votes from 4.56% of the "Proof of Importance" (NEM's way of weighting holders' influence). The vote was conducted on the basis that a 65% supermajority of Yes votes was required, and at least 3% of the network's POI must vote Yes as a quorum requirement. Voting was conducted from within the NEM wallet by sending 0 XEM transactions to a Yes or No address. Another concurrent proposal to fund "NEM Labs" was also successful, with a similar level of participation and 98.8% approval. The NEM Foundation proposal asked for $8 million in XEM (figure is surprisingly hard to find, could only be found in a google doc presentation), while the NEM Labs proposal asked for $3.27 million.