feat: change arguments of Arguments objects
feat: change arguments of Arguments objects
Force push
feat: rename MediaAnalyzerArguments to MedicalDeviceArguments
feat: rename MediaAnalyzerArguments to MedicalDeviceArguments
feat: rename MediaAnalyzer to MedicalDevice
feat: rename MediaAnalyzer to MedicalDevice
feat: update DiagnosisSupportResponse with new properties
feat: update DiagnosisSupportResponse with new properties
feat: add tests for checking invalid requests
feat: add tests for checking invalid requests
feat: add more tests for questionnaires
feat: add more tests for questionnaires
feat: update code to new format of questionnaires
feat: update code to new format of questionnaires
feat: adapt code to new shape of responses
feat: adapt code to new shape of responses
feat: add coding for integrating with the new version of the api
feat: add coding for integrating with the new version of the api
feat: change arguments of Arguments objects
feat: change arguments of Arguments objects
feat: add drepecated endpoint predict
feat: add drepecated endpoint predict
feat: use predict endpoint since severity assessment don't work with …
feat: use predict endpoint since severity assessment don't work with …
feat: rename itchinessScorad to itchinessScovid
feat: rename itchinessScorad to itchinessScovid
feat: change severity_assessment endpoint
feat: change severity_assessment endpoint
Refactor media analyzer classes and interfaces
Refactor media analyzer classes and interfaces
feat: add suport for diagnosis_support endpoint
feat: add suport for diagnosis_support endpoint