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OsX Installation Instruction


Priority Apps:

These apps should be manually installed asap because I use them for my entire installation process:

Chrome account Sync

Login with your user to sync apps, bookmarks and settings. In case you don't like syncing with google you can just:

  • retrieve everything
  • export the bookmarks somewhere
  • change user
  • import the bookmarks back
  • delete the google user


sync and settings

  • Theme:
    • download and extract Solarized Dark Theme
    • open iterm2-colors-solarized folder and double click on Solarized Dark.itermcolors
    • open iterm Preferences/Profiles/Colors/Load presets and chose Solarized Dark color scheme (or your favorite theme)
  • Fonts for powerline
    • download and extract the fonts for powerline
    • drag the whole folder over Font Book application. This will install all the fonts system wide
    • open iterm Preferences/ Profiles / Text /
      • Regular Font and select DejaVu sans mono 12pt for Powerline
      • Antialiased and select Inconsolata 12pt for Powerline
  • Setup dropbox, then Enable iterm2 sync options:
    • Preferences / General / Preferences / Check "Load preferences from ..." / Browse / Chose the foolder (dropbox or others) where you saved your settings.
    • NOTE: Anytime I change any settings I should click on "Save Current Settings ..." iterm2 Settings
  • Change the login shell
    • If you have installed bash 4 with brew install bash then you have to tell your mac this is your default shell, not the standard /bin/bash.
    • Otherwise add a line in /etc/shells with the PATH to your brew bash installation (and restart)
    • Execute:
        chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
        sudo chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
    • Logout/Login

shell integration

To enable shell integration either you follow the default procedure by iTerm2>Install Shell Integration or given that I've already installed it and added some extra utilities scripts you can just open the file ~/.bash_local and uncomment this line and you are ready to go:

  test -e "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash" && source "${HOME}/.iterm2_shell_integration.bash"

I source the iterm shell integration scipt from .bash_local because I do not want it on all my machines so by default it is disabled. If you enable shell integration from .bash_local you will also get these cool commands (see the ~/iterm2 directory):

  cd ~/Pictures
  imgls                   # directory listing that includes a thumbnail of each image in a directory
  imgcat my_image.jpg     # Displays one or more images inline at their full size
  download file_name      # Downloads a file, but does not display it inline.
  divider my_image.jpg    # Draws a full-width, one line-tall graphical divider.

Check here for more docs.

Get Xcode from App Store

  • open xcode to agree to the TOS (or it won't install the components)
  • install Command Line Tools: xcode-select --install then click install
  • open Xcode's preferences and install the command line tools package (this will install also git, from apple)

Bootable Backup (optional)

Right after a clean installation it's a good idea to crete a bootable backup on an external hard drive when the system is still clean.

  • Disk Utility / Erase or Partition / Mac Os Extended (Journaled)
    • Go to the (entire) hard disk section / select the partiton /
    • Be sure that it is "GUID Partition Table"
      • Otherwise / Options / Check GUID Partition Table
  • Backup Everything from the current hard disk to the external one with CCC

Installation Steps

Step 1: Install Homebrew and brew packages

I usually run step by step all the instruction in ./ but the shortest way is to sh This script will install:

  • GNU replacement for various osx terminal commands
  • Bash 4
  • Libraries
  • Bash completions
  • Java (Oracle)
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • mod_wsgi


brew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8


brew install mysql
# Or if you prefer mariadb
# brew install mariadb
# then also follow the instruction for setting up php.ini (under __apache__ section)
unset TMPDIR
export TMPDIR=/tmp
mysqld --initialize-insecure --log-error-verbosity --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql

For setup:

  • launch mysql (I usually do so with launchroket)
  • mysql_secure_installation
  • sudo cp $(brew --prefix mysql)/support-files/my-default.cnf /etc/my.cnf

Apache, mod_php and mod_wsgi

mod_php is already installed (but not activated) mod_wsgi needs to be installed from brew.


cd /etc/apache2 sudo vi httpd.conf uncomment # LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/ next find the <IfModule dir_module>, should be around the line 231 and substitute this block

<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.html


<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

this tells apache to process index.html OR index.php if a directory is requested. Setup your php.ini


cd /etc/ sudo cp php.ini.default php.ini

In case you installed and want to use mariadb instead of mysql then: sudo chmod +w php.ini sudo vi php.ini

In php.ini, change the MySQL Unix socket (MariaDB installed by Homebrew use /tmp/mysql.sock by default). If php.ini copied from php.ini.default is not writable, make it writable then replace every occurence of /var/mysql/mysql.sock with /tmp/mysql.sock (it should be at two places) Credits

Search for ;date.timezone = Europe/London and uncomment it by removing the semicolon and add your timezone, for example: date.timezone = Europe/London. Then test apache and restart it:

apachectl configtest sudo apachectl graceful

Php built-in web server:

Php has a built-in development server, if you just want a basic local web server you can cd mywebsite and launch php -S localhost:8000 and access it at the address http://localhost:8000. Furthermore if you are using a php web framework, for example Silex, you can specify your application entry point (routing): php -S localhost:8000 index.php. In my .bash_functions there is a function called server, when I need a server on a directory, I just cd into it and launch server it will also open Chrome Canary (if installed) at the specified address or the default browser if Canary was not found.


brew tap homebrew/apache
brew install mod_wsgi

If problem in compiling see: In short:

$ sudo ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/

edit /etc/apache2/http.conf and add this: LoadModule wsgi_module /usr/local/Cellar/mod_wsgi/3.4/libexec/ or the correct version you have in Cellar Then test everything is ok:

apachectl configtest
sudo apachectl restart


Be also sure to uncomment LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/ in your httpd.conf file. Normally by default this line should be already uncommented but better to double check. mod_rewrite is what let you create websites with pretty URLs as for example applications like WordPress do. Open /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and look for all occurrences of AllowOverride None and change them with AllowOverride All in the relevant places you want to make pretty urls. Then again:

apachectl configtest
sudo apachectl restart

Turn off brew Analytics

If you aren't aware brew is collecting your usage data by default. I don't like this, so: brew analytics off

Step 2: Install enviroments

Run step by step or sh This script will install rbenv, pyenv and nvm that means tools to easily switch version of Ruby, Python and Node.



brew install rbenv #for different versions of ruby
brew install ruby-build


rbenv install -l        # list all the available versions of ruby to install
rbenv install 2.1.2     # will install ruby 2.1.2
rbenv global 2.1.2      # makes ruby 2.1.2 the default one
rbenv rehash            # Run this command after you install a new version of Ruby, or install a gem that provides commands

rbenv gemset, for sandboxed collection of gems, for example for a specific project. SEE:

brew install rbenv-gemset

specific_install to install gem from github (or anywhere else)

gem install specific_install  # USAGE: gem specific_install -l <url to a github gem>


gem install bundler
rbenv rehash
bundle install

This will create a Gemfile.lock file



brew install pyenv


pyenv install --list    # for the list of the available python version to install
pyenv install 2.7.10    # install a specific version
pyenv global 2.7.10     # set default global to be used in all shells by writing the version name to the
pyenv rehash            # to rebuild your shim files. Doing this on init makes sure everything is up to date
pyenv versions          # list installed versions
pyenv version           # current active version
pyenv local 2.7.5       # set a python version for the current directory. It creates .python-version file inside the current directory

If everything is ok which python should prompt /Users/USERNAME/.pyenv/shims/python NOT /bin/python


pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper    # If virtualenvwrapper wont work just uninstall and reinstall virtualenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper        # probably not needed

Then don't forget to source: $(brew --prefix)/bin/

# create a virtualenv using the currently set global python
mkvirtualenv my_venv1

# for specific version of python (need to specify the full path)
mkvirtualenv -p /Users/myuser/.pyenv/versions/2.6.6/bin/python2.6 my_venv2



I manage to manually install this, because the installation script write in my .bashrc (no, thanks).

Then source this from you .bash_profile (see the configuration into this file).


To install the latest node version

nvm install node

This also installs all the global packages (for this version of node listed in ~/.nvm/default-packages

Default Node version

Set your default node version with:

nvm alias default node vx.y.z

Automatically switch node version

Follow the instructions at:

Clean NPM cache

npm cache clean –force
nvm cache clear

Step 3: Install gloabl npm packages

Run step by step or sh

Step 4: Tools and Libraries

Run step by step or sh This will install:

    # Python Packages for mysql and postgres
    export CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments
    export CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments
    pip install psycopg2 # postgres HAS to be installed

    pip install mysql-python


mert is amazing! It is a command line tool for managing windows, tabs, and pane configurations for iTerm.


npm install -g mert


Run mert init in your project directory with, it will create a .mertrc file. Edit the .mertrc file:

root: "/Users/foo/Projects/NonNewtonianApplesFallingUpwards"
    - workon foo_virtual_env; python runserver;
    - cd webapp; gulp serve;
    - git status;

then run mert start. This will read the .mertrc file and create 3 horizontal panes in iterm with your favorite commands for your project. I created an alias in .bash_aliases:

alias start="mert start"

so that I just cd myproject; start will launch my defined panes and commands defined in the .mertrc. This saves me a lot of time!


alcatraz packet manager for xcode. I don't have enough experience with this, I need to play with it a little bit more

curl -fsSL | sh
# uninstall with
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/Alcatraz.xcplugin
# Remove all cached data:
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alcatraz


Mackup sync app settings. I only use this for better touch tool and f.lux but can be used with almost any application. Open ~/.mackup.cfg and change the directory to point to your dropbox (or whatever) where you saved your setting from another machine or osx installation. Then mackup restore.


mackup backup       # Launch it and back up your files
mackup restore      # Launch it and restore your files
mackup uninstall    # Copy back any synced config file to its original place.

Step 5: Install applications with cask

"Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to OS X applications and large binaries alike." Basically I can install all my GUI application just by sh so I don't have to find each App homepage, download them, unzip, mount the dmg, drag and drop..I have so many apps that this task could take a lot of times. And most important I never remember all the apps I had previously installed.

Casks comes with brew by default, to activate it, just: brew tap caskroom/cask.

To find an application:

brew search chrome

will return a list with all matching applications. To install for example dropbox in /Applications/Web directory:

brew cask install --appdir="/Applications/Web"    dropbox

I've created two aliases. In .bash_aliases

alias caskinstall='brew cask install'


LaunchRocket is a Mac PrefPane to manage all your Homebrew-installed services

brew cask install launchrocket

This will make your life easier when you need to launch/stop/launch at startup services. For example you can handle mysql mongodb rabbitmq, postgresql and so on..

Manual Apps Installation

Make sure to go to pref panel/Security & Privacy: allows apps downloaded from anywhere.

Other Apps (low priority):

App Store:


Don't forget to add licenses for the following apps:

Sytem Preferences

Language and Input Sources

  • System Preferences / Language & Region /
    • Choose Preferred Languages
    • Keyboard Preferences / Input Sources / Choose Layouts:
      • U.S. Extended
      • U.S. International (for accents supports)
      • Italian or Whatever

Data Partition

I keep all my data in a separate partition. Music, Movies, Pictures, ectr BUT "Library" and of course the dotfiles. Don't forget to symlink all the folders from external partiton to home:

  1. Copy/Paste the folder icons from home folders to external folders
  2. Erase home folders that exist on external hd
  3. Simlynk them: cd ~/; ln -s /Volumes/HomeData/*/ . (ln is smart enough not to overwrite existing folder)

Add Spaces to Dock

  defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'
  killall Dock

Enable double tap-dragging for touchpad

System Preferences / Accessibility / Mouse and trackpad / Trackpad options/ Enable dragging

Setup Global Hotkeys

TODO: add images. System Preferences / Keyboard / Shortcuts / ...

Reduce transparency in El Capitan

System Preferences / Accessibility / Display / Reduce Transparency

Always show Scrollbars

System Preferences / General / Show Scroll Bars -> Always

System Lock

  • System Preferences /
    • Security / Require pass immediately ...
    • Security / Disable Automatic Login
    • Desktop & Screen Saver / Screen Saver / Start After X minutes

Trim Support

If you have a non-Apple ssd Hard Drive it's a good idea to enable Trim Support: sudo trimforce enable