Capture, Share, and Connect Through Life's Milestones LifeCheckpoint is a unique social platform that allows users to document and share significant moments in their lives, inspired by the viral "Internet Checkpoint" concept. With LifeCheckpoint, you can:
- 📸 Create Checkpoints
- 🌈 Categorize Your Experiences
- 🌍 Connect Globally
- 🔍 Filter and Explore
- 👍 Engage and Interact
- 📊 Track Satisfaction
- 🔄 Add Updates
Whether it's a milestone in love, family, career, or any aspect of life, LifeCheckpoint helps you create a living diary of your journey and connect with others along the way.
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Download APKLife Checkpoint draws its inspiration from the "Internet Checkpoint" phenomenon that originated on YouTube, popularized by creator taia777. The concept of an internet checkpoint - a digital space where people can leave their mark and return to reflect on their past - resonated deeply with viewers worldwide.
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This app aims to capture the spirit of connection and reflection that made the Internet Checkpoint so impactful, fostering a community where personal stories intertwine to create a tapestry of human experiences, while providing a more structured, personal, and interactive experience. Life Checkpoint becomes a living, growing record of individual journeys and shared human experiences.
Authentication 🔑
- Sign in with Google
- Sign up and log in using the app's built-in authentication system
Checkpoint Creation and Management 🛠️
- Select from predefined categories or create custom categories
- Real-time image selection and preview
- Animated image reordering when deleting selected images
- Upload updates to existing checkpoints (max 200 characters)
- View checkpoint updates in a thread-style format
Home Feed 🏠
- View checkpoints from all users
- Filter checkpoints by category
- Like/unlike checkpoints in real-time
- Access user profiles directly from checkpoints
Social Interaction 🤝
- Follow/unfollow other users
- Like/unlike checkpoints
- View other users' profiles, checkpoints, and likes
User Profiles 👤
- Customizable profile with changeable username and profile picture
- View checkpoints organized by category
- See liked checkpoints
- View followers and following lists
- Delete own checkpoints
- Unlike previously liked checkpoints
Privacy and Account Management 🔒
- Secure login/logout functionality
- Option to change profile picture and username
Media Handling 📸
- View last 3 photos from device
- Select photos from gallery
- Take new photos in real-time
- Support for up to 2 images per checkpoint
Real-time Updates ⏱️
- Like/unlike and follow/unfollow actions update in real-time
- Immediate visibility of new checkpoints and updates
- MVVM with Clean Architecture: The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel pattern combined with Clean Architecture principles for a scalable and maintainable codebase.
For more information on MVVM with Clean Architecture, check out this detailed guide
Coroutines - For asynchronous programming and improving performance by handling I/O tasks off the main thread.
Android Architecture Components - A collection of libraries for robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
- ViewBinding - For efficient view interactions.
- DataBinding - To bind UI components in layouts to data sources.
- LiveData - For observable data holder class.
- ViewModel - To store and manage UI-related data.
- Navigation - For in-app navigation.
- DataStore - For data storage using key-value pairs or typed objects.
Dagger-Hilt - For dependency injection.
Glide - An image loading and caching library.
Lottie for Android - For rendering After Effects animations.
- Authentication - For user authentication.
- Firestore - Cloud-hosted NoSQL database.
- Storage - For file storage.
- ViewPager2 - For swipeable views.
- SmoothBottomBar - For a customizable bottom navigation bar..
- CountryCodePicker - For country selection functionality.
- CardStackView - For Tinder-like swipeable cards.
- SweetAlert - For custom alert dialogs.
- DotIndicator - For page indicators in ViewPager.
- Gradle for build automation.
- ProGuard for code obfuscation in release builds.
- Keystore for signing the release version.
- Minimum SDK: 26
- Target SDK: 33