This is an explanation about how datalists are formed in davarocr for text_layout tasks.
Take the training datalist Datalist/500K_train_datalist.json
as example:
"287.tar_1712.03005.gz_constrained_descent_paper_arXiv_15_ori.jpg": {
"height": 1000,
"width": 707,
"url": "287.tar_1712.03005.gz_constrained_descent_paper_arXiv_15_ori.json"
"114.tar_1507.06562.gz_main_merged_3_ori.jpg": {
"height": 1000,
"width": 773,
"url": "114.tar_1507.06562.gz_main_merged_3_ori.json"
For each image, such as 287.tar_1712.03005.gz_constrained_descent_paper_arXiv_15_ori.jpg
, its detailed annotation is in Annos/287.tar_1712.03005.gz_constrained_descent_paper_arXiv_15_ori.json
, which is:
"height": 1000,
"width": 707,
"content_ann": { # token-level annotations
"bboxes": [[326, 107, 333, 155], [75, 118, 109, 131], ...], # bounding boxes
"texts": ["(cid:90)", "Proof.", "The", "proof", ...], # text content extract by PDF extractor
"labels": [["paragraph"], ["paragraph"], ["paragraph"], ...], # categories
"cares": [1, 1, 1, ...], # whether to be considered during training
"content_ann2": { # layout-level annotations
"bboxes": [[75, 335, 631, 608], [75, 107, 631, 288],...],
"labels": [["paragraph"], ["paragraph"], ["paragraph"]...],
"cares": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}}
Please download original dataset from DocBank and use the script provided in DocBank/Scripts/
to convert to Davar format.
Take the training datalist Datalist/datalist_train.json
as example:
"Images/train/PMC5892139_00005.jpg": {
"height": 698,
"width": 536,
"url": "PMC5892139_00005.json"
"Images/train/PMC5345541_00001.jpg": {
"height": 842,
"width": 596,
"url": "PMC5345541_00001.json"
For each image, such as PMC5345541_00001.jpg
, the detailed annotation is in Annos/train/PMC5345541_00001.json
, which is:
"height": 842,
"width": 596,
"content_ann": { # token-level annotations
"bboxes": [[72, 46, 507, 54], [218, 345, 235, 355], ...], # bounding boxes
"texts": ["Smith and Malkowicz...", "for", ...] # text content extract by PDF extractor
"labels": [[0], [1], [1], ...], # categories
"cares": [1, 1, 1, ...], # whether to be considered during training
"cbboxes": [[[72, 47, 77, 55], [77, 46, 84, 55]..]] # character bounding boxes
"ctexts": [["S","m","i"...]] # character content extract by PDF extractor
"content_ann2": { # layout-level annotations
"bboxes": [[72, 87, 289, 214], [72, 228, 289, 425],...],
"labels": [[1], [1], [1]...],
"cares": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]}} ,
"segboxes": [[[72, 87, 289, 87,...]],[[81.62, 228.29, ...]],...] # segboxes for each layout component
For the PubLayNet, you can get the Davar format datalist through the following steps:
- Dataset preparation: download the PubLayNet dataset together with its PDF files
- Annotation parsing: use pdfplumber to parse the bboxes, texts, cbboxes, ctexts in content_ann from PDF files (if you want to generate labels for text lines, map layout-level annotations to text lines through IOU matching). You can refer to the script provided in DocBank.
- Format convertion: convert the above annotations to Davar format.
- The coco_val.json file can be downloaded from Link (Access Code: 6kdQ).