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File metadata and controls

125 lines (86 loc) · 3.62 KB


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App settings editable via RailsAdmin with support for ActiveRecord and Mongoid.

Supports images, files, html with or without sanitization, code with codemirror, etc.


  • Lazy loading - loads settings only if they are needed during request
  • Loads all settings at once and caches them for the duration of request
  • Supports lots of setting kinds - yaml, html with ckeditor, phone numbers etc
  • Each setting can be enabled and disabled within rails_admin, if it's disabled it returns default value for kind


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails_admin_settings'

For activerecord, generage migration:

rails g rails_admin_settings:migration

Then migrate:

rake db:migrate

Gemfile order matters

  • Put it after rails_admin to get built-in support
  • Put it after rails_admin_toggleable to get built-in support
  • Put it after ckeditor/glebtv-ckeditor/rich to get built-in support
  • Put it after russian_phone to get built-in support
  • Put it after sanitized to get built-in support
  • Put it after safe_yaml to get built-in support
  • Put it after validates_email_format_of to get built-in support
  • Put it after geocoder to get built-in support
  • Put it after carrierwave / paperclip to get built-in support
  • Put it after addressable to get built-in support

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails_admin_settings

Basic Usage (like RailsSettings)

Settings.admin_email = '[email protected]'

Advanced Usage

Settings.content_block_1(kind: 'html', default: 'test') 'yaml') = [1, 2, 3]

Settings.enabled?(:phone, kind: 'phone', default: '906 111-11-11') # also creates setting if it doesn't exist

See more here:


Settings can have namespaces (useful for locale, etc)

Settings.ns('test').s1 = 123
> "123"
> ""
> ""
Settings.ns_default = 'test'
> "123"
Settings.ns_default = 'main'
Settings.ns_fallback = 'test'
> "123"

Value types

Supported types:

string (input)
text (textarea)
boolean (checkbox)
color (uses built-in RailsAdmin color picker)
html (supports Rich, glebtv-ckeditor, ckeditor, but does not require any of them)
sanitized (requires sanitize -- sanitizes HTML before saving to DB [Warning: uses RELAXED config!])
integer (stored as string)
yaml (requires safe_yaml)
phone (requires russian_phone)
email (requires validates_email_format_of)
address (requires geocoder)
file (requires paperclip or carrierwave)
url (requires addressable)
domain (requires addressable)

Strings and html support following replacement patterns:

{{year}} -> current year
{{year|2013}} -> 2013 in 2013, 2013-2014 in 2014, etc

Usage with Rails Admin

Rails admin management for settings is supported out of the box


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request