This is a simple project that I wanted to fix a very unique and small problem. I like watching anime, and sometimes my parents walk into my room at the worst possible time, even if the show is completely PG13. I decided to spend ~$120 dollars to create 2 boxes, fitted with Arduino Nanos, RF24 radio modules, LEDs, 9V Batteries, and Battery level indicator circuits.
- Automatically "spacebar + escape" and "ALT + TAB" when PID sensor is triggered on remote box.
- LED Indiciator on box connected to PC to indiciate status of connection and battery level of remote box.
- RED when no connection available
- WHITE/BLUE when active
- FLASH GREEN when PID triggered
- YELLOW when battery level low (~approx 20 minutes left, enough for 1 more episode!).
- Automatic adjustment of "shutoff" threshold, as well as auto adjust for replaced batteries.