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BELLE: Be Everyone's Large Language model Engine


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The goal of this project is to promote the development of an open-source community for Chinese conversational large language models, with the vision of becoming an LLM Engine that can help everyone.

Rather than focusing on how to effectively pre-train large language models, BELLE is more concerned with how to build on the foundation of open-source pre-trained large language models to help everyone obtain their own high-performing, instruction-driven language model, thereby lowering the barriers to research and application of large language models, especially Chinese ones. To this end, the BELLE project will continuously provide access to instruction training data, related models, training code, application scenarios, and more, while also evaluating the impact of different training data and training algorithms on model performance. BELLE is optimized for Chinese and the model fine-tuning uses only data produced by ChatGPT (without incorporating any other data).


Try our cross-platform chat app to run 4-bit quantized BELLE-7B model natively on your device. The following screencap ran on an M1 Max CPU real-time (no speed adjustment).

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🔄 What‘s new

  • [2024/03/15] Updated a technical report Dial-insight. Dial-insight: Fine-tuning Large Language Models with High-Quality Domain-Specific Data Preventing Capability Collapse
  • [2024/01/16] Updated a technical report RAISE. RAISE found through experiments that constructing a small amount of sample data can effectively stimulate large models and generate more controllable dialogues
  • [2023/12/29] The open-source ASR model with enhanced Chinese capabilities Belle-whisper-larger-v2-zh and Belle-distilwhisper-large -v2-zh are released, making it easier for everyone to use large language models in speech scenarios.
  • [2023/11/24] The open-source BELLE-VL multimodal large language model is released, expanding the model's visual capabilities based on a language model foundation with enhanced Chinese language abilities. This provides the community with more flexible options. Currently, the latest version of BELLE-VL has scored 1620.10 points in the MME perception evaluation dimension, surpassing Qwen-VL, Llava, and mplug-owl."
  • [2023/10/27] Updated a technical report DUMA, exploring the Agent based on fast-slow brain architecture in conversational scenarios.
  • [2023/09/26] Updated the RLHF training code, supporting PPO and DPO training. Details:
  • [2023/08/16] Based on train_3.5M_CN, added instruction category field with 13 categories. Details: train_3.5M_CN_With_Category.
  • [2023/08/10] Updated inference code based on ZeRO Inference. Details: train/
  • [2023/08/07] Updated continuous pre-training and instruction fine-tuning codes, added flash attention 2. See train/ Packaged runtime environment at train/docker/
  • [2023/07/31] Updated a technical report, exploring strategies for incremental pre-training + instruction fine-tuning in niche domains.
  • [2023/07/27] Released BELLE-Llama2-13B-chat-0.4M, trained on 400,000 quality conversations based on Llama-2-13B. Improved performance on evaluation set compared to BELLE-LLaMA-EXT-13B model.
  • [2023/05/14] Released BELLE-LLaMA-EXT-13B, expanded Chinese vocabulary from LLaMA-13B-chat, trained on 4 million quality conversations.
  • [2023/05/11] In BELLE/10M, a new dataset named "train_3.5M_CN" containing 3.5 million newly added diverse instruction task data.
  • [2023/04/18] The train code has been updated and can be found in BELLE/train. Deepspeed-Chat has been integrated, and relevant Docker containers have been provided.
  • [2023/04/17] Two new papers have been published that compare the effects of different training data generation methods and different training methods (LoRA, finetune) on model performance.
  • [2023/04/12] Released ChatBELLE App, a cross-platform BELLE-7B model realtime chat App based on llama.cpp and Flutter.
  • [2023/04/08] In BELLE/10M, a new dataset named "Generated Chat" containing newly generated multi-turn dialogues with given roles, and a new dataset named "train_2M_CN" containing 2 million newly added diverse instruction task data.
  • [2023/04/05] The inference code that can be run on Colab is provided

📝 This repo contains

🚀 Traning recipe

Please refer to BELLE/train for a simplified implementation of the training code, which includes Deepspeed-Chat integration and supports finetuning and LoRA. Relevant Docker containers are also provided.

📊 Data Release

Details in BELLE/data/1.5M,The Chinese dataset generated 1M + 0.5M, using Stanford Alpaca as reference

10M more data will be released gradually,details in BELLE/data/10M. Currently, we have 0.8M multiturn data, and 0.25 math data.

🧐 Evaluation set & evaluation method

Details in BELLE/eval. A test set with over 1k samples and corresponding scoring prompts. It includes multiple categories and is evaluated using either GPT-4 or ChatGPT.

🤖 Models

Details in BELLE/models

  • The model optimized based on BLOOMZ-7B1-mt:BELLE-7B-0.2MBELLE-7B-0.6MBELLE-7B-1MBELLE-7B-2M

  • The finetuned models based on Meta LLaMA: BELLE-LLaMA-7B-0.6M-enc , BELLE-LLaMA-7B-2M-enc , BELLE-LLaMA-7B-2M-gptq-enc , BELLE-LLaMA-13B-2M-enc. Considering LLaMA's License constraints, the model is for research and learning only. Please strictly respect LLaMA's usage policy. Users are suggested to finetune the model with open-source scripts and datasets. We are not allowed to publish weights for LLaMA, of course, even finetuned, but there is no problem publishing the difference, a patch that we suggest to apply to the files. The encryption is a simple XOR between files, ensuring that only the people that have access to the original weights (from completely legal sources, of course) can transform them into finetuned weights. You can find the decrypt code on BELLE/models.

⚖️ Quantized_models

Details in BELLE/gptq,Referring to the implementation of GPT-Q, the relevant models in this project have been quantized.

🌐 Colab

Open in Colab provides the colab in BELLE/notebook

💬 ChatBELLE App

Details in BELLE/chat, cross-platform LLM chat app with BELLE using quantized on-device offline models and Flutter UI, running on macOS (done), Windows, Android, iOS and more.

📑 Research Reports

Please refer to BELLE/docs for regular updates on research reports related to this project.

More prompts are welcomed via issues!

📑 Research Reports

In order to promote the development of open source large language models, a lot of effort has been put into developing low-cost models similar to ChatGPT.

Firstly, in order to improve the performance and training/inference efficiency of the model in the Chinese domain, we further expanded the vocabulary of LLaMA and conducted secondary pre-training on 3.4 billion Chinese words.

In addition, currently, there are three types of instruction training data generated based on ChatGPT:

  1. self-instruct data based on GPT3.5 obtained by referring to Alpaca;
  2. self-instruct data based on GPT4 obtained by referring to Alpaca;
  3. data shared by users using ChatGPT, called ShareGPT.

Here, we focus on exploring the impact of training data categories on model performance. Specifically, we examined factors such as the quantity, quality, and language distribution of the training data, as well as our own collected Chinese multi-turn conversation data and some publicly accessible high-quality guidance datasets.

To better evaluate the effects, we used an evaluation set containing one thousand samples and 9 real scenarios to test various models, and provided valuable insights through quantitative analysis, in order to better promote the development of open source chat models.

The goal of this research is to fill the gap in the comprehensive evaluation of open source chat models, in order to provide strong support for the continuous progress in this field.

Factor Base model Training data Score_w/o_others
vocabulary expansion LLaMA-7B-EXT zh(alpaca-3.5&4) + sharegpt 0.670
LLaMA-7B zh(alpaca-3.5&4) + sharegpt 0.652
Data Quality LLaMA-7B-EXT zh(alpaca-3.5) 0.642
LLaMA-7B-EXT zh(alpaca-4) 0.693
Data Language Distribution LLaMA-7B-EXT cn(alpaca-3.5&4) 0.679
LLaMA-7B-EXT en(alpaca-3.5&4) 0.659
LLaMA-7B-EXT zh(alpaca-3.5&4) + sharegpt 0.670
LLaMA-7B-EXT en(alpaca-3.5&4) + sharegpt 0.668
Data Scale LLaMA-7B-EXT zh(alpaca-3.5&4) + sharegpt 0.670
LLaMA-7B-EXT zh(alpaca-3.5&4) + sharegpt
- ChatGPT - 0.824

In which, BELLE-0.5M-CLEAN is a set of 0.5 million cleaned data obtained from 2.3 million instruction data, which includes single-turn and multi-turn conversation data, and is not from the same batch as the previously released 0.5 million data.

It is important to note that through case analysis, we found limitations in the comprehensiveness of our evaluation set, which resulted in inconsistencies between model scores and actual user experience. Building a high-quality evaluation set is a huge challenge because it requires including as many diverse usage scenarios as possible while maintaining a balance of difficulty levels. If the evaluation samples are all too difficult, the performance of all models will be poor, making it challenging to discern the effectiveness of various training strategies. Conversely, if the evaluation samples are all relatively easy, the evaluation will lose its comparative value. In addition, it is essential to ensure that the evaluation data is independent of the training data.

Based on these observations, we caution against assuming that a model has achieved performance on par with ChatGPT merely by obtaining good results on a limited number of test samples. We believe that the continuous development of a comprehensive evaluation set is of great significance.

The relevant data and models in this work will be open-sourced in this project before April 19th.

To achieve fine-tuning of large language models, many researchers have begun to use parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques, such as LoRA, due to resource and cost limitations, which have also achieved some encouraging results compared to full-parameter fine-tuning.

In this research report, we selected LLaMA as the base model and experimentally compared full-parameter fine-tuning with LoRA-based fine-tuning.

The experimental results revealed that the selection of appropriate base models, the scale of the training dataset, the number of learnable parameters, and the cost of model training are all important factors.

We hope that the experimental conclusions in this article can provide useful insights for the training of large language models, especially in the Chinese domain, and assist researchers in finding better trade-off strategies between training costs and model performance.

The experimental results are as follows:

Model Average Score Additional Param. Training Time (Hour/epoch)
LLaMA-13B + LoRA(2M) 0.648 28M 8
LLaMA-7B + LoRA(4M) 0.624 17.9M 11
LLaMA-7B + LoRA(2M) 0.609 17.9M 7
LLaMA-7B + LoRA(0.6M) 0.589 17.9M 5
LLaMA-7B + FT(2M) 0.710 - 31
LLaMA-7B + LoRA(4M) 0.686 - 17
LLaMA-7B + FT(2M)
+ LoRA(math_0.25M)
0.729 17.9M 3
LLaMA-7B + FT(2M)
+ FT(math_0.25M)
0.738 - 6

The score is based on the 1000 evaluation sets currently open in this project.

LLaMA-13B + LoRA(2M) represents a model trained on 2 million instruction data using LLaMA-13B as the base model and the LoRA training method. LLaMA-7B + FT(2M) represents a model trained using full-parameter fine-tuning.

LLaMA-7B + FT(2M) + LoRA(math_0.25M) represents a model trained on 0.25 million math instruction data using LLaMA-7B + FT(2M) as the base model and the LoRA training method. LLaMA-7B + FT(2M) + FT(math_0.25M) represents a model trained using incremental full-parameter fine-tuning. All of these experiments were conducted on 8 NVIDIA A100-40GB GPUs.

math_0.25M is the open 0.25 million math database. During the experiment, according to our evaluation (see paper for details), our model performed poorly on math tasks, with scores mostly below 0.5. To verify the adaptability of LoRA on specific tasks, we used an incremental 0.25 million math dataset (math_0.25M) to adjust the large language model following instructions (we chose LLaMA-7B+FT(2M) as the base model) using the LoRA training method. As a comparison, we used incremental fine-tuning with a learning rate of 5e-7 and trained for two epochs. Thus, we obtained two models, LLaMA-7B+FT(2M)+LoRA(math_0.25M) and LLaMA-7B+FT(2M)+FT(math_0.25M).

The experimental results show that incremental fine-tuning still performs better but requires longer training time. LoRA and incremental fine-tuning both improved the overall performance of the model. From the detailed data in the appendix, LoRA and incremental fine-tuning both showed significant improvements in the math task, but only led to a slight performance decrease in other tasks. Specifically, the performance of the math task improved to 0.586 and 0.559, respectively.

It can be seen that: 1) the selection of the base model has a significant impact on the effectiveness of LoRA adjustment; 2) increasing the amount of training data can continue to improve the effectiveness of the LoRA model; 3) LoRA adjustment benefits from the number of model parameters. For the use of the LoRA scheme, we recommend doing adaptive training with LoRA on specific tasks based on models that have completed instruction learning.

Similarly, the relevant models in this paper will be open-sourced in this project as soon as possible.

⚠️ Limitation, Usage Limits and Disclaimer

There still exists a few issues in the model trained on current base model and data:

  1. The model might generate factual errors when asked to follow instructions related to facts.

  2. Occasionally generates harmful responses since the model still struggles to identify potential harmful instructions.

  3. Needs improvements on reasoning and coding.

Since the model still has its limitations, we require developers only use the open-sourced code, data, model and any other artifacts generated via this project for research purposes. Commercial use and other potential harmful use cases are not allowed.

This project is only allowed to be used in research purposes only. The project owners and contributors shall not be held responsible for any damage or loss caused by using this project (including but not limited to data, model or code). Please refert to our disclaimer for details.

📌 Citation

Please cite us when using our code, data or model.

  author = {BELLEGroup},
  title = {BELLE: Be Everyone's Large Language model Engine},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},

  title={Exploring the Impact of Instruction Data Scaling on Large Language Models: An Empirical Study on Real-World Use Cases},
  author={Yunjie Ji, Yong Deng, Yan Gong, Yiping Peng, Qiang Niu, Lei Zhang, Baochang Ma, Xiangang Li},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.14742},

  title={ChatHome: Development and Evaluation of a Domain-Specific Language Model for Home Renovation},
  author={Wen, Cheng and Sun, Xianghui and Zhao, Shuaijiang and Fang, Xiaoquan and Chen, Liangyu and Zou, Wei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.15290},

Cite the original BLOOM, LLaMA, Stanford Alpaca and Self-Instruct papers as well!

📚 Use case

Human Assitant
写一篇英文散文诗,主题是春雨,想象自己是春雨,和英国古代诗人莎士比亚交流 I am the spring rain,
Dancing on your face and body.
My dew-drenched petals dance with you,
Bringing life to every plant.

Shakespeare, I am here to meet you.
Your works have filled my heart with joy.
The beauty of nature in its fullness
Makes me feel like a partaker.

As the leaves sway and rustle by,
My dew-filled hand reaches out for them.
The sweet scent of flowers fill the air,
And bring me peace from all around.

Butterflies flit about as well,
Glistening in the sun's rays.
Their wings are made of dew,
A beautiful sight to behold.

You see, Shakespeare, I too am one with nature.
My dew-drenched hair is a symbol of hope.
For when we can connect back to our roots,
We will be able to make it through this season.
I am the spring rain,
Dancing on your face and body.
My dew-drenched petals dance with you,
Bringing life to every plant.

Shakespeare, I am here to meet you.
Your works have filled my heart with joy.
The beauty of nature in its fullness
Makes me feel like a partaker.

As the leaves sway and rustle by,
My dew-filled hand reaches out for them.
The sweet scent of flowers fill the air,
And bring me peace from all around.

Butterflies flit about as well,
Glistening in the sun's rays.
Their wings are made of dew,
A beautiful sight to behold.

You see, Shakespeare, I too am one with nature.
My dew-drenched hair is a symbol of hope.
For when we can connect back to our roots,
We will be able to make it through this season.



Classify the sentiment of the following sentence into Positive, Neutral, or Negative:
Super excited about teaching Stanford’s first course on Large Language Models! Check the syllabus out here
小明的爸爸有三个孩子,老大叫王一,老二叫王二,老三叫什么? 小明
使用python写一个二分查找的代码 def binary_search(arr, target):
  low = 0
  high = len(arr) - 1
  while (low <= high):
    mid = low + high // 2
    if arr[mid] == target:
      return mid
    elif target < arr[mid]:
      low = mid + 1
      high = mid - 1
  return -1
今天天气怎么样,把这句话翻译成英语 What's the weather like today?
怎么让自己精力充沛,列5点建议 以下是一些可以让你保持精力充沛的建议:
1. 睡眠充足。确保每天晚上得到充足的睡眠时间。
2. 多运动。进行适度的有氧运动,如慢跑、游泳等,可以帮助你提高能量和耐力。
3. 吃健康食品。选择富含蛋白质的食物,如鸡肉、鱼肉和鸡蛋,以及新鲜的水果和蔬菜。
4. 减少咖啡因的摄入量。尽量避免在白天喝含咖啡因的饮料或吃含有咖啡因的食物。
5. 放松身心。尝试冥想、瑜伽或其他形式的放松活动来减轻压力和焦虑感。
明天就假期结束了,有点抗拒上班,应该什么办? 面对即将结束的假期和开始工作时的紧张情绪,您可以采取以下措施来帮助您更好地适应:
1. 为自己制定一个清晰的工作计划。这可以帮助您更好地组织时间和任务,并避免在工作中感到混乱。
2. 与同事或朋友交流,分享您的感受和工作压力。这将有助于缓解一些焦虑感,同时也可以获得支持和建议。
3. 在工作日前花些时间放松身心,例如进行瑜伽、冥想等活动。这些方法可以减轻身体和精神上的疲劳感,使您更加精力充沛地迎接挑战。
父母都姓吴,取一些男宝宝和女宝宝的名字 - 男宝:吴俊杰、吴雨辰、吴子墨、吴思源、吴泽阳、吴宇航、吴博文、吴哲毅。
- 女宝:吴美琪、吴佳怡、吴欣瑜、吴香凝、吴雪柔、吴颖诗、吴语嫣。
推荐几本金庸的武侠小说 以下是三本我最喜欢的金庸武侠小说的推荐:
1. 《射雕英雄传》 - 一部充满智慧和机智的小说,讲述了郭靖、黄蓉夫妇的故事。
2. 《神雕侠侣》- 这是一部浪漫而感人的故事,讲述了一对情侣小龙女与杨过之间的爱情故事。
3. 《倚天屠龙记》- 这是一个宏伟而壮观的故事,描绘了明教领袖张无忌如何成为一位出色的英雄。

⛽️ Contributing

You are welcomed to commit issues or contributig data/code. Please refer to How To Contribute.

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