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199 lines (141 loc) · 6.13 KB

mic.Triggerscope contains methods to control a Triggerscope.


This class is designed for the control of a Triggerscope (written for Triggerscope 3B and 4). All functionality present in the Triggerscope documentation should be included.

Public Properties


Triggerscope response timeout in seconds. Default: 1.


Serial port Triggerscope is connected to. Default: 'COM3'.


Structure defining signals on each port.

  • See mic.Triggerscope.triggerArrayGUI() for formatting or GUI generation of this structure.


Trigger mode of the Triggerscope. Default: 'Rising'. Note: This should be set to one of the (hidden property) options TriggerModeOptions.

Dependent Properties (Hidden)


Array of signals to be set on ports when triggered. Note: This property is automatically generated from SignalStruct.

Protected Properties (Set Access, Hidden)


Graphics object parent of the GUI.


Meaningful name of the instrument. Default: 'Triggerscope'.


Serial port device for the Triggerscope.


Brief pause made after sending a command in seconds. Default: 0.1.


Communication rate for Triggerscope. Default: 115200.


Number of bits per serial communication character. Default: 8.


Serial communication command terminator. Default: 'LF'.


List of commands present in the Triggerscope documentation.


List of trigger modes from the Triggerscope documentation. Options: 'Rising', 'Falling', 'Change'. Note: Changing the order of this list may break class functionality.


Resolution of the DAC channels in bits. Default: 16.


Number of TTL/DAC channels. Default: 16.


List of voltage ranges in Volts as a 5x2 numeric array. Default: [0, 5; 0, 10; -5, 5; -10, 10; -2.5, 2.5]



Triggerscope(SerialPort, DeviceTimeout, AutoConnect)

Creates an instance of the Triggerscope class.

  • Inputs:
  • SerialPort: Serial port the Triggerscope is connected to.
  • DeviceTimeout: Response timeout for the device (optional).
  • AutoConnect: Boolean indicating whether to automatically connect to the Triggerscope (optional).

Public Methods


Retrieves the SignalArray dependent property.

  • Converts SignalStruct into a numeric array representing signals for TTL/DAC ports.

updateActivityDisplay(obj, ~, ~)

Updates the GUI activity display message when ActivityMessage changes.

updateConnectionStatus(obj, ~, ~)

Updates GUI controls based on changes in the IsConnected property.


Destructor for the mic.Triggerscope class instance.


Connects to the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).


Disconnects the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

[Response] = executeCommand(obj, Command)

Executes a command on the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

[Response] = executeArrayProgram(obj, CommandSequence, FastMode)

Executes an array program on the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

[CommandSequence] = generateArrayProgram(obj, NLoops, Arm)

Generates an array program for the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).


Sets default settings for the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

setDACRange(obj, DACIndex, Range)

Sets the range for a specified DAC channel (implementation not shown).

setDACVoltage(obj, DACIndex, Voltage)

Sets the voltage for a specified DAC channel (implementation not shown).

setTTLState(obj, TTLIndex, State)

Sets the state of a specified TTL channel (implementation not shown).


Exports the current state of the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

gui(obj, GUIParent)

Launches the GUI for the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

triggerArrayGUI(obj, GUIParent)

Launches a GUI for configuring trigger arrays (implementation not shown).


Resets the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).


Runs a functional test of the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

Protected Methods

writeCommand(obj, Command)

Sends a command to the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

[Response] = readResponse(obj)

Reads a response from the Triggerscope (implementation not shown).

Hidden Methods

[VoltageRangeIndex] = selectVoltageRange(obj, Signal)

Selects the appropriate voltage range for a given signal (implementation not shown).

Static Hidden Methods

convertLogicalToStatus(Logical, CharOptions)

Converts a logical value to a string status.

  • Inputs:
  • Logical: Scalar logical value.
  • CharOptions: Cell array of two strings corresponding to true and false values.

[TriggerModeInt] = convertTriggerStringToInt(TriggerModeString)

Converts a string trigger mode to an integer index.

[ToggleSignal] = generateToggleSignal(TriggerSignal, SignalPeriod, TriggerModeInt)

Generates a toggle signal (implementation not shown).

[OutputSignal] = toggleLatch(ToggleSignal, InPhase)

Toggles a latch signal (implementation not shown).

[BitLevel] = convertVoltageToBitLevel(Voltage, Range, Resolution)

Converts a voltage to a bit level (implementation not shown).

EXAMPLE USAGE: TS = mic.Triggerscope('COM3', [], true); This will create an instance of the class and automatically attempt to connect to serial port COM3.


Triggerscope 3B, Triggerscope 4 ( connected via an accessible serial port MATLAB 2019b or later (for updated serial communications, e.g., serialport()) Windows operating system recommended (Unix based systems might require changes to, e.g., usage/definition of obj.SerialPort, or perhaps more serious changes) TeensyDuino serial communication driver installed

Citation: David J. Schodt (Lidke Lab, 2020)