In this exercise, we are toying around with the multilayer perceptron architecture from Unit 4.3.
In Unit 4.3, we fit the following multilayer perceptron on the MNIST dataset:
class PyTorchMLP(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_features, num_classes):
self.all_layers = torch.nn.Sequential(
# 1st hidden layer
torch.nn.Linear(num_features, 50),
# 2nd hidden layer
torch.nn.Linear(50, 25),
# output layer
torch.nn.Linear(25, num_classes),
def forward(self, x):
x = torch.flatten(x, start_dim=1)
logits = self.all_layers(x)
return logits
This network had 40,785 parameters (see Quiz on how to calculate this number), and it achieved the following accuracy values:
- Train Acc 97.24%
- Val Acc 95.64%
- Test Acc 96.46%
Can you change the architecture to achieve the same (or better) performance with fewer parameters and only 1 hidden layer?
PS: You may also try to add additional layers, but as a rule of thumb, using more than two hidden layers in a multi-layer perceptron rarely improves the predictive performance.
You can use th notebook in this folder as a template: Unit 4 exercise 1