This document contains details and endpoints of API version 1
All payloads are sent with POST
request to URL in form of
This endpoint, <API_URL>/capabilities
, is used to query the server of its
capabilities, i.e. which endpoints it supports. This is queried when program
starts or if user changes settings.
Expected HTTP response code 200
. Program will not send anything to the API
until the capabilities has been successfully queried. Query can fail because
of server did not return HTTP code 200
or the received JSON was invalid.
Configurable endpoints and example of JSON which server is expected to return:
"truck": true // Supports Truck -endpoint (default: false)
"fine": true // Supports Fine -endpoint (default: false)
JSON can be minified and keys with default values can be omitted if you want to use the default value.
Jobs will be sent to <API_URL>/job
when user takes a job or cancels or
delivers it.
Expected HTTP response code 200
. Otherwise, payload sending will be retried
in 30 seconds intervals until API responds with HTTP code 200
Below is an example of JSON format for a job.
- If
object insource
will not exist. - Truck can be wrong when status is
- e.g. when user owns a truck but decides to do a quick job; truck is
correct when
but whenDelivered
the truck is reported as the truck the user owns instead of the one used in the job.
- e.g. when user owns a truck but decides to do a quick job; truck is
correct when
"game": "ets2", // Game type (ets2, ats)
"status": 1, // See "Status" below
"type": 1, // See "Types" below
"isSpecial": false, // Is this special transport job
"income": 6878, // In game specific units (ETS2: €, ATS: $)
"revenue": 6878, // In game specific units (ETS2: €, ATS: $)
"xp": 120, // XP received
"time": 234, // Time spend on the job in game minutes
"maxSpeed": 0.0, // Maximum speed during the delivery (can be negative)
"fuelConsumed": 0.0, // Liters
"autoPark": false, // Was auto parking used
"autoLoad": false, // Was auto loading used (always true for non cargo market jobs)
"distance": {
"driven": 0.0, // Kilometers
"planned": 248 // Planned trip distance kilometers
"trailer": {
"id": "scs_box.moving_floor.chassis_stwx2esii",
"accessoryId": ""
"truck": {
"id": "vehicle.scania.streamline",
"name": "Streamline",
"wheels": 6,
"brand": {
"id": "scania",
"name": "Scania"
"cargo": {
"id": "paper",
"name": "Office Paper",
"mass": 18000.0, // Kilograms
"damage": 0.0 // Percentage (e.g. 0.01 = 1%)
"source": {
"city": {
"id": "tampere",
"name": "Tampere"
"company": {
"id": "viljo_paper",
"name": "Viljo Paperitehdas Oy"
"destination": {
"city": {
"id": "helsinki",
"name": "Helsinki"
"company": {
"id": "cont_port",
"name": "Container Port"
Description of job status:
0 = FreeAsWind
1 = OnJob
2 = Cancelled
3 = Delivered
Note: Job with a status 0
should not ever be sent to the API, if that
happens it's a bug.
Description of job types:
0 = Unknown
1 = CargoMarket
2 = QuickJob
3 = FreightMarket
4 = ExternalContract
5 = ExternalMarket
Note: If job has status of 0
it's most likely bug and an Issue should
be opened if there is no open issue of it already.
Trucks positional data will be sent to <API_URL>/truck
once in a second only
if game is not paused.
Response code is ignored; payload is only sent once.
Below is an example of JSON format for a truck positional data.
"speed": 0.0, // Meters per second
"heading": 0.723,
"x": 34496.559,
"y": 11.938,
"z": -61094.948
When player receives a fine it will be sent to <API_URL>/fine
. Fines will be
sent to the API even when player does not have an active job.
Expected response code 200
Below is an example of JSON format for fine:
"type": 1, // Explanation below
"amount": 370 // Fine offence amount in native game currency
Valid Types
0 = Unknown
1 = Crash
2 = AvoidSleeping
3 = WrongWay
4 = SpeedingCamera
5 = NoLights
6 = RedSignal
7 = Speeding
8 = AvoidWeighing
9 = IllegalTrailer
10 = AvoidInspection
11 = IllegalBorderCrossing
12 = HardShoulderViolation
13 = DamagedVehicleUsage
14 = Generic
If API receives fine with type Unknown
then create an issue (if it does not
exist yet) as it could indicate game has a new fine type.