Azure Redis Cache is based on the popular open-source Redis cache. It gives you access to a secure, dedicated Redis cache, managed by Microsoft and accessible from any application within Azure. This broker currently publishes a single service and plan for provisioning Azure Redis Cache.
- Create a Redis Cache.
- Check whether creating the Redis Cache succeeds or not.
- Collect credentials.
Do nothing.
- Delete the Redis Cache.
- Check whether deleting the Redis Cache succeeds or not.
- Get the service name and plans
cf marketplace
Sample output:
service plans description
azure-rediscache basic*, standard*, premium* Azure Redis Cache Service
If you can not find the service name, please use the following command to make the plans public.
cf enable-service-access azure-rediscache
- Create a service instance
Configuration parameters are supported with the provision request. These parameters are passed in a valid JSON object containing configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file.
cf create-service azure-rediscache $service_plan $service_instance_name -c $path_to_parameters
Supported configuration parameters:
"resourceGroup": "<resource-group-name>", // [Required] Unique. Only allow up to 90 characters
"cacheName": "<cache-name>", // [Required] Unique. Must be between 3 and 63 characters long. Can only contain numbers, letters, and the - character. The cache name cannot start or end with the - character, and consecutive - characters are not valid.
"parameters": {
"location": "<location>", // [Required] e.g. eastasia, eastus2, westus, etc. You can use azure cli command 'azure location list' to list all locations.
"enableNonSslPort": true | false,
"sku": { // [Required] EXAMPLE: Basic C 0 for cache size 250MB, low network performance and 256 client connections. See more skus:
"name": "<sku-name>",
"family": "<sku-family>",
"capacity": <capacity>
For example:
cf create-service azure-rediscache basic myrediscache -c examples/rediscache-example-config.json
The contents of examples/rediscache-example-config.json
"resourceGroup": "redisResourceGroup",
"cacheName": "mycache",
"parameters": {
"location": "eastus",
"enableNonSslPort": false,
"sku": {
"name": "Basic",
"family": "C",
"capacity": 0
NOTE: Please remove the comments in the JSON file before you use it.
- Check the operation status of creating the service instance
The creating operation is asynchronous. You can get the operation status after the creating operation.
cf service $service_instance_name
For example:
cf service myrediscache
cf bind-service $app_name $service_instance_name
For example:
cf bind-service demoapp myrediscache
Verify that the credentials are set as environment variables
cf env $app_name
The credentials have the following format:
"credentials": {
"hostname": "<cache-name>",
"name": "<cache-name>",
"port": 6379,
"primaryKey": "<primary-key>",
"secondaryKey": "<secondary-key>",
"sslPort": 6380
cf unbind-service $app_name $service_instance_name
For example:
cf unbind-service demoapp myrediscache
cf delete-service $service_instance_name -f
For example:
cf delete-service myrediscache -f