diff --git a/src/file_format/macho.rs b/src/file_format/macho.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1061956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/file_format/macho.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+//! Support for parsing MachO files
+use crate::{Process, Address};
+use core::mem;
+// Magic mach-o header constants from:
+// https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-4570.71.2/EXTERNAL_HEADERS/mach-o/loader.h.auto.html
+const MH_MAGIC_32: u32 = 0xfeedface;
+const MH_CIGAM_32: u32 = 0xcefaedfe;
+const MH_MAGIC_64: u32 = 0xfeedfacf;
+const MH_CIGAM_64: u32 = 0xcffaedfe;
+struct MachOFormatOffsets {
+ number_of_commands: usize,
+ load_commands: usize,
+ command_size: usize,
+ symbol_table_offset: usize,
+ number_of_symbols: usize,
+ string_table_offset: usize,
+ nlist_value: usize,
+ size_of_nlist_item: usize,
+impl MachOFormatOffsets {
+ const fn new() -> Self {
+ // offsets taken from:
+ // - https://github.com/hackf5/unityspy/blob/master/src/HackF5.UnitySpy/Offsets/MachOFormatOffsets.cs
+ // - https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-4570.71.2/EXTERNAL_HEADERS/mach-o/loader.h.auto.html
+ MachOFormatOffsets {
+ number_of_commands: 0x10,
+ load_commands: 0x20,
+ command_size: 0x04,
+ symbol_table_offset: 0x08,
+ number_of_symbols: 0x0c,
+ string_table_offset: 0x10,
+ nlist_value: 0x08,
+ size_of_nlist_item: 0x10,
+ }
+ }
+/// Scans the range for a page that begins with MachO Magic
+pub fn scan_macho_page(process: &Process, range: (Address, u64)) -> Option
+ const PAGE_SIZE: u64 = 0x1000;
+ let (addr, len) = range;
+ // negation mod PAGE_SIZE
+ let distance_to_page = (PAGE_SIZE - (addr.value() % PAGE_SIZE)) % PAGE_SIZE;
+ // round up to the next multiple of PAGE_SIZE
+ let first_page = addr + distance_to_page;
+ for i in 0..((len - distance_to_page) / PAGE_SIZE) {
+ let a = first_page + (i * PAGE_SIZE);
+ match process.read::(a) {
+ Ok(MH_MAGIC_64 | MH_CIGAM_64 | MH_MAGIC_32 | MH_CIGAM_32) => {
+ return Some(a);
+ }
+ _ => ()
+ }
+ }
+ None
+/// Determines whether a MachO header at the address is 64-bit or 32-bit
+pub fn is_64_bit(process: &Process, address: Address) -> Option {
+ let magic: u32 = process.read(address).ok()?;
+ match magic {
+ MH_MAGIC_64 | MH_CIGAM_64 => Some(true),
+ MH_MAGIC_32 | MH_CIGAM_32 => Some(false),
+ _ => None
+ }
+/// Finds the address of a function from a MachO module range and file contents.
+pub fn get_function_address(process: &Process, range: (Address, u64), macho_bytes: &[u8], function_name: &[u8]) -> Option {
+ let function_offset: u32 = get_function_offset(&macho_bytes, function_name)?;
+ let function_address = scan_macho_page(process, range)? + function_offset;
+ let actual: [u8; 0x100] = process.read(function_address).ok()?;
+ let expected: [u8; 0x100] = slice_read(&macho_bytes, function_offset as usize).ok()?;
+ if actual != expected { return None; }
+ Some(function_address)
+/// Finds the offset of a function in the bytes of a MachO file.
+pub fn get_function_offset(macho_bytes: &[u8], function_name: &[u8]) -> Option {
+ let macho_offsets = MachOFormatOffsets::new();
+ let number_of_commands: u32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, macho_offsets.number_of_commands).ok()?;
+ let function_name_len = function_name.len();
+ let mut offset_to_next_command: usize = macho_offsets.load_commands as usize;
+ for _i in 0..number_of_commands {
+ // Check if load command is LC_SYMTAB
+ let next_command: i32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, offset_to_next_command).ok()?;
+ if next_command == 2 {
+ let symbol_table_offset: u32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, offset_to_next_command + macho_offsets.symbol_table_offset).ok()?;
+ let number_of_symbols: u32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, offset_to_next_command + macho_offsets.number_of_symbols).ok()?;
+ let string_table_offset: u32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, offset_to_next_command + macho_offsets.string_table_offset).ok()?;
+ for j in 0..(number_of_symbols as usize) {
+ let symbol_name_offset: u32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, symbol_table_offset as usize + (j * macho_offsets.size_of_nlist_item)).ok()?;
+ let string_offset = string_table_offset as usize + symbol_name_offset as usize;
+ let symbol_name: &[u8] = &macho_bytes[string_offset..(string_offset + function_name_len + 1)];
+ if symbol_name[function_name_len] == 0 && symbol_name.starts_with(function_name) {
+ return Some(slice_read(macho_bytes, symbol_table_offset as usize + (j * macho_offsets.size_of_nlist_item) + macho_offsets.nlist_value).ok()?);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ let command_size: u32 = slice_read(macho_bytes, offset_to_next_command + macho_offsets.command_size).ok()?;
+ offset_to_next_command += command_size as usize;
+ }
+ }
+ None
+/// Reads a value of the type specified from the slice at the address
+/// given.
+pub fn slice_read(slice: &[u8], address: usize) -> Result {
+ let size = mem::size_of::();
+ let slice_src = &slice[address..(address + size)];
+ bytemuck::checked::try_from_bytes(slice_src).cloned()
diff --git a/src/file_format/mod.rs b/src/file_format/mod.rs
index 14b8a83..f26597d 100644
--- a/src/file_format/mod.rs
+++ b/src/file_format/mod.rs
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
pub mod elf;
pub mod pe;
+pub mod macho;