- BitBLT
- AgentSheets (anti-objects)
- Kedama & StarSqueak
- Jini (protocols & leasing)
- AmbientTalk
- Croquet (islands & t-time)
- Erlang
- Tweak (processes & events)
- Etoys (uni-classes & tile scripting)
- Seaside (continuations)
- Magritte (meta)
- Spoon (imprinting)
- Traits (implementation & application)
- PIE (layers)
- Qt (signals and slots)
- ThingLab2 (constraints)
- Prototypes (Liebermann)
- Actors (Liebermann)
- Google file system (map/reduce)
- Fabrik (visual data flow)
- SketchPad
- ThingLab
- Fabrik
- Actors
- Prototypes
- Self
- Erlang
- E / Caja
- Newspeak
- TeX
- Google Wave
- CouchDB
- Scala
- Haskell
- Constraint Solver
- Programming with Constraints
- Actors
- Prototypes
- Object-capabilities
- Alternative Property Lookup
- Perspectives
- Pathfinding algorithms
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch-Algorithm
- Discrete cosine transform
- Operational Transformations
- Distribution Boundary
- Regular Expressions
- Levenshtein distance
- Epidemic Change Propagation
- Object Abstractions in Maxine
- Lively HTML
- Lively Code Database
- A web based GridBagLayout
- Collaboration in Lively
- Bringing TEX’s Paragraph Layout Algorithm to the Lively Kernel
- Application Ideas
- 101 companies
- Local Movie Database
- Evolution Essay
- Turtle Tree Art
- Bouncing Ball / Atoms Simulation
- Aquarium (Vivarium)
- Jump and Run
- User Stories Management
- Citation Management
- Tool Ideas
- Autocompletion in dynamic systems
- Observe property changes to objects
- have an undo history
- playback / visualization of object history
- Record user events
- reproduce issues
- generate tests -> interactive test generation
- Objet graph visualization
- Object to source code navigation
- Explosion view
- Collaboration Tools
- Testing Tools
- Syntax Helper
- Hybrid Textual and Visual Editing
- Scraping websites
- Embedding into websites
- Programming with Constraints
- Actors
- Class and Prototypes
- Object-capabilities
- Promise Pipelining
- Alternative Property Lookup
- Nested Classes Lookup
- Perspectives
- Discrete cosine transform
- Regular Expressions
- Operational Transformations
- Online Object Observation
- Epidemic Change Propagation
- Grid Computing
- Constraints in user interaction
- Programming with Constraints
- Iteration in Data Flow Languages
- Constraint based Layouting
- Paragraph Layout in TeX
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Levenshtein distance
- Learnable Programming – 1. Follow the flow
- Learnable Programming – 2. See the state
- Learnable Programming – 3. Create by reacting
- Learnable Programming – 4. Create by abstracting
- Diffing and Merging Objects
- Continuous Persistent Undo
- Signaling Context Changes
- Remote Lively Programming
- Squeak.js - A Squeak in the browser
- Thread-safe Collections
- Parser Combinators
- Petit Parser
- Actors
- Croquet Islands
- (Object-oriented) Reactive Programming
- Jump Into Development
- Thin Morphic on HTML5
- Persistent HTML DOM
- Live Object Editor
- Reflective Rich Text / HTML Editor - Remote Lively IDE (Lively 2 Lively)
- Build-in software visualization (get overview / stats)
- Unified Back-end API: GitHub, Dropbox, Browser Cache, File System, …
- Tile scripting environment
- Foreign modules: Smalltalk, Lisp….
- Touch and pen support
- Particle-based Simulations
- Dataflow-fueled Tool Building
- Scripting Cloud Data Flow
- Source Code Rewriting
- Babel Projectional Editor
- Explorable DOM
- Abstraction-aware Debugging
- Continuous Time Computation
- Non-linear Constraint Solving
- Cache: Change-aware File Caching
- CVar: Cloud Variables
- AExpr: Active Expressions
- COP: COP 2.0
- Changes: Change-based Persistence
- Indexing: Personal Cloud Search
- Services: Access Web Services
- MPatch: Lively Changes of Foreign Sites
- RDF: Semantic Web Scripting
- Wasm: Web Assembly
- ProjE: Projectional Editor
- Edge: MS Edge + Windows APP
- Graph Drawing
- Stable Treemaps
- Entity Component System
- Conflict-free replicated data type
- Regular Expressions
- Parser Combinator
- Material Point Method
- Alpha-beta Pruning
- Monte Carlo Tree Search
- Support Vector Machine
- Artificial Neural Network
- Prolog / Unification
- Constraint Solver
- Z3
- Learnable Programming 1. Follow the flow
- Learnable Programming 2. See the state
- Learnable Programming 3. Create by reacting
- Learnable Programming 4. Create by abstracting
- Blockchain
- Xray through UI
- Scriptable Trace Viewer in Lively4
- Tracking JS Built-ins for Changes
- Static Analysis for High-Level Language Features
- Why and Why Not Questions
- Github Explorer
- Stroposcoping for non-graphical Objects
- Exploring Even Large Databases
- Lively Object Converter
- Lively4 Semantic Code Overview
- “The Program according to Garp”
- Categorizing Message Categories
- Finding and Using Implied Protocols
- Polymetric Views
- SSL Support in GraalSqueak
- Jupyter Notebooks in Squeak/Smalltalk
- Exploring Web Request Processing
- Fixing Old Software Bugs
- Recovering Data
- AST Explorer
- AST Code Navigation: Replace Tern / Use Babel AST in ESLint
- Persisting Code as AST
- An AST-aware Textual Code Editor
- X Ray: (A) Better UI
- X Ray: (B) Show (Async) Behavior
- Trace Navigation for Example-based Live Programming
- Explore Git Version History in GraphDB
- Error Handling in Self-supporting Systems
- Polyglot AST Explorer / Polyglot Method Finder
- Polyglot Object Comparison Tool
- Virtual Machine Inspector
- MLE-Development Umgebung im Browser
- Spreadsheets
- Alternative Spreadsheet Ideas
- Active Essays
- Programming in Games
- Programming with Constraints
- TileScripting
- Petri Nets)
- Bidirectional Loops in Fabrik
- Programming by Examples
- Programming by Demonstration
- Continuous Time Computation
- Non-linear Constraint Solving
- X Ray (A) Better UI
- X Ray (B) Show (Async) Behavior
- Trace Navigation for Example-based Live Programming
- Async Babylonian Programming
- Particle-based Simulations
- Fluid Simulation using the Material Point Method
- Lively Energy Simulation
- Squeak History
- Squeak OpenGL Canvas
- Smalltalk Shader Language
- Mounting Object Graphs
- Examples as Tests
- Stand-off Annotations for Source Code in Lively4
- Drag-and-Drop UI for Microsoft Academic Queries in Lively4
- Async Babylonian Examples in JavaScript
- Bidirectional Code-UI-Mapping
- Debugging Source Code Transformations
- Language-agnostic Live Programming Tools
- Polyglot Notebooks for VS Code
- GraalVM vs. "Traditional" Polyglot Programming
- Immediate Test Feedback
- Projectional Editor DSL
- Perspectives in the Squeak Debugger
- Projecting Web Server Code
- FFI in Dynamic Languages
- Interactive experimental Database Programming