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Lokavaluto’s LokAPI

LokAPI is a javascript library intended to be used in mobile applications or web application to abstract all logics with lokavaluto’s server.

Adding lokapi to your project

From the root of your project:

npm install --save @lokavaluto/lokapi

Or better, as @lokavaluto/lokapi is still in early release,

npm install --save Lokavaluto/lokapi#master

To be sure to get the latest version, relaunch this last command whenever you want to update.

Setting up lokapi

Subclassing main LokAPIAbstract

Please note that an important part of the following is already packaged in package @lokavaluto/lokapi-browser (for node and browser support), and thus allow you to quick-start your projects with less code. Here’s a link to the project page of lokapi-browser and how to use it, with an example.

Lokapi will require a way to make HTTP request, access to a permanent store, or various other tasks. Depending on your platform or environment, you might have different way to implement these.

To inject these exchangeable dependency, you are invited to subclass LokAPIAbstract and define these objects:

A mapping of currency backends loaded
an implementation of HTTPRequest
a function to encode a string to base64
an object implementing this interface:
export interface IPersistentStore {
    get(key: string, defaultValue?: string): string
    set(key: string, value: string): void
    del(key: string): void
(optional) requestLogin
a function to trigger a login screen when automatic authorization fails or when no automatic autorization data exists. This will be triggered only if a protected request is made on the administration backend side.
(optional) requestLocalPassword
a function for backends to trigger a request to the user for a password that is meant to be kept locally on the device. This is typically used before payment with some backends (to see an example see package lokapi-backend-comchain), or administrative tasks. And takes usually the form of a popup.

Instanciating lokapi

On instantiation time, LokAPI class will require you to provide a host as first argument (a string, describing the URL to reach the administrative backend), and can receive a database name as second argument. If you don’t specify the database name, it’ll be the default one selected by the server.

Example for node

Using node’s core https as HTTP requestion implementation:

import http from "http"
import https from "https"

import { VueCookieNext } from 'vue-cookie-next'
import { LokAPIAbstract, e as LokAPIExc, t as LokAPIType } from "@lokavaluto/lokapi"

import cyclos from '@lokavaluto/lokapi-backend-cyclos'

class cookieStore implements LokAPIType.IPersistentStore {
  constructor() {
    VueCookieNext.config({ expire: '7d' })
  get(key: string, defaultValue?: string): string {
    let value = VueCookieNext.getCookie("lokapi_" + key)
    // XXXvlab: CookieViewNext is JSON.parsing string sometimes and this
    // breaks interface !
    if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") {
        return JSON.stringify(value)
    return value
  set(key: string, value: string): void {
    VueCookieNext.setCookie("lokapi_" + key, value)
  del(key: string): void {
    VueCookieNext.removeCookie("lokapi_" + key)

const requesters: any = { http, https }

class NodeLokAPI extends LokApiAbstract {

    BackendFactories = {

    httpRequest = (opts: LokAPIType.coreHttpOpts) => {
        const httpsOpts = {
            path: opts.path,
            method: opts.method,
            ...opts.headers && { headers: opts.headers },
            ...opts.port && { port: opts.port }
        const requester = requesters[opts.protocol]
        if (!requester) {
            throw new Error(`Protocol ${opts.protocol} unsupported by this implementation`)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            let req = requester.request(httpsOpts, (res: any) => {
                const { statusCode } = res

                let rawData = ''

                res.on('data', (chunk: any) => { rawData += chunk })
                res.on('end', () => {
                    if (!statusCode || statusCode.toString().slice(0, 1) !== '2') {
                        reject(new LokAPIExc.HttpError(statusCode, res.statusMessage, rawData, res))
                    } else {
                        if (opts.responseHeaders) {
                            for (const header in res.headers) {
                                opts.responseHeaders[header] = res.headers[header]

            if ( {
                if (typeof !== "string")
           = JSON.stringify(
            req.on('error', (err: any) => {
                console.error(`Encountered an error trying to make a request: ${err.message}`);
                reject(new LokAPIExc.RequestFailed(err.message))

    base64Encode = (s: string) => Buffer.from(s).toString('base64')
    persistentStore = new cookieStore()

if (!process.env.VUE_APP_LOKAPI_HOST) {
    throw new Error("Please specify VUE_APP_LOKAPI_HOST in '.env'")

var lokAPI = new LokAPI(

Example for nativescript

Using @nativescript-community/https as HTTP request implementation:

Note that this example couldn’t be thoroughly tested as much as it should. Use with caution.

import * as https from '@nativescript-community/https';

import { LokAPIAbstract, e as LokAPIExc, t as LokAPIType } from "@lokavaluto/lokapi"

import { getString, remove as removeSetting, setString } from '@nativescript/core/application-settings';

import cyclos from '@lokavaluto/lokapi-backend-cyclos'

class applicationSetting implements LokAPIType.IPersistentStore {
    get(key: string, defaultValue?: string): string {
        return getString("lokapi_" + key, defaultValue)
    set(key: string, value: string): void {
        setString("lokapi_" + key, value)
    del(key: string): void {
        removeSetting("lokapi_" + key)

class NativeLokAPI extends LokAPIAbstract {

    BackendFactories = {

    httpRequest = async (opts: LokAPIType.coreHttpOpts) => {
        const nativeRequestOpts = {
            url: opts.protocol + "://" + + opts.path,
            method: opts.method,
            headers: opts.headers,
            useLegacy: true,
        let response
        try {
            response = await https.request(nativeRequestOpts)
        } catch (err) {
                `Encountered an error trying to make a request: ${err.message}`)
            throw new LokAPIExc.RequestFailed(err.message)

        const statusCode = response.statusCode;
        let rawData = await response.content.toStringAsync();

        if (!statusCode || statusCode.toString().slice(0, 1) !== '2') {
            throw new LokAPIExc.HttpError(statusCode, response.reason, "", response)

        if (opts.responseHeaders) {
            for (const header in response.headers) {
                opts.responseHeaders[header] = response.headers[header]

        return rawData

    base64Encode = base64Encode
    persistentStore = new applicationSetting()

var lokAPI = new NativeLokAPI(APP_HOST, APP_DB)


Basic usage

Request to sign-up

Before being able to log in and use the local currency, you must have a user account on the administrative backend. If you don’t already have one yet, this is how to request the creation of one from the `lokApi` instance:

if (await lokApi.canSignup()) {
    await lokApi.signup(
      "[email protected]",  // login
      "Doe",                   // firstname
      "John",                  // lastname
      "myp4ss0rd",             // password

Note that the administrative backend might implement sign-up mechanism or choose not to. Thus, you can check if this is possible through lokApi.canSignup() first before trying to effectively use lokApi.signup(..).

Under the hood, the later will trigger the administrative backend to take actions to process your sign-up request. In odoo administrative backend, traditionally, that could means sending you an email with instructions you’ll need to follow to effectively complete the registration process.

Note that lokApi.signup(..) / lokApi.canSignup(), along with lokApi.resetPassword(..) / lokApi.canResetPassword() do NOT require to be logged in before.

Requesting a password reset

If you forgot your password, you can trigger a request to reset your password by providing your login.

if (await lokApi.canResetPassword()) {
    await lokApi.resetPassword("myuser")

Note that the administrative backend might implement password reset mechanism or choose not to. Thus, you can check if this is possible through lokApi.canResetPassword() first before trying to effectively use lokApi.resetPassword(..).

Under the hood, the later will trigger the administrative backend to take actions to reset your password. In odoo administrative backend, traditionally, that could means sending you an email with instructions you’ll need to follow to reset your password.

Note that lokApi.resetPassword(..) / lokApi.canResetPassword() do NOT require to be logged in before.


You must log in to the server with an existing account on the administrative backend:

await lokApi.login("myuser", "mypassword")

Note that you can check if you are logged in with lokApi.isLogged()

Accessing accounts

We assume that you’ve instanciated LokAPI as stated in the previous section, and you have logged in.

let accounts = await lokAPI.getAccounts()

let balance = await accounts[0].getBalance()
let symbol= await accounts[0].getSymbol()

console.log(`balance in first account: ${balance} ${symbol}`)
  • backend.getAccounts() is the list of accounts in that connection (warning, this is a promise).
  • account.getBalance() is the balance of the account
  • account.getSymbol() is the currency symbol for the account

Crediting account

You can credit your account thanks to account.getCreditUrl(amount). This will return an url to finish the purchase of new credits.

let accounts = await lokAPI.getAccounts()

url = await accounts[0].getCreditUrl(100)

console.log(`I need to follow instructions on $url ` +
            'to purchase credit to store in my account.')

Note that depending on the backend, an admin might have to manually validate the final step of crediting the money on your account.

Looking for recipients

Recipients are receiving ends of a transfer of money. These are connected to contacts in lokapi.

let recipients = await lokAPI.searchRecipients("Alain")

for await (const recipient of recipients) {
    console.log(`name: ${}`)

Note that if you look for an empty string, lokAPI.searchRecipients("") will return all favorite recipients.

Recipients are always ordered with favorites first and by name.

There is also a IBackend.searchRecipients(..) that works similarly and limits search to recipients able to receive money in the selected backend. Using the general lokAPI.searchRecipients(..) will look for any recipients in all the loaded backends.

You can also grab recipients by url. This url is the identity url created by odoo. It’ll return a list of recipients, one for each backend you can use to send money.

let url = ""
let recipients = await lokAPI.getRecipientsFromUrl(url)

recipients.forEach(recipient => {
    console.log(`name: ${}`)

Transfer money between an account to a recipient

Transfering money is done from an account of the logged-in user to a recipient:

// Fetch recipients named 'Alain'
let recipients = await lokAPI.searchRecipients("Alain")

await recipients[0].transfer("12", "Dinner Party participation")

Note that .transfer(..) can lead to these exceptions to be thrown:

  • sub-classes of InvalidAmount
    • NegativeAmount: Upon negative amounts
    • NullAmount: Upon 0 amount
    • RefusedAmount: When the backend refuses the transaction (often linked to insufficient funds).
  • InactiveAccount: Source or destination account is inactive.

If the backend supports it (test Backend.splitMemoSupport to check for this support), you can then also provide a third string argument as a recipient memo, this allows you to set different memo (descriptions) for the transaction for the recipient and the sender.

Without support for split memo, or without specifying a third argument, the second argument is used as the description for both sides.

Requesting contact info on current logged in user

The method lokAPI.getMyContact() allows you to get back your own information.:

// My own information
let me = await lokAPI.getMyContact()
console.log(`My user name: ${}`)

Setting/Unsetting Favorite status of a contact

You can set or unset the “favorite” state of a given contact with the lokAPI.setFavorite(..), lokAPI.unsetFavorite(..), or lokAPI.toggleFavorite(..) method. This can be used on a recipient (from .searchRecipients()) or a contact (but for now, only .getMyContact() is outputting a contact, and it doesn’t make sense to be your own favorite, does it ?).

It’ll not return any value, but the contact will be updated accordingly.

let recipients = await lokAPI.searchRecipients("Alain")

await recipients[2].setFavorite()
await recipients[3].unsetFavorite()

console.log(recipients[3].is_favorite) // is expected to be unset

List transactions

List past transactions for the current logged in user.

let transactions = await lokAPI.getTransactions()

for await (const tr of transactions) {
    console.log(`  ${} ${tr.amount} ${tr.currency}`)

You can also retrieve transaction in a specific date span:

let transactions = await lokAPI.getTransactions({
  dateBegin: new Date(2020, 1, 1),
  dateEnd: new Date(2021, 1, 1)

for (const tr of transactions) {
    console.log(`  ${} ${tr.amount} ${tr.currency}`)

Advanced usage

list backends instances and min/max credit amount

Lokapi provides advanced backend actions directly on it’s backend’s instances. You can list them with cached, debounced, async call lokAPI.getBackends().

Backend objects offers minCreditAmount and maxCreditAmount that allows you to know what would be the minimum and maximum accepted amount for credit requests if set in the administrative backend.

let backends = await lokAPI.getBackends()

for (const backend of backends) {
        `${backend.internalId}:\n` +
        `  min: ${backend.minCreditAmount}\n` +
        `  max: ${backend.maxCreditAmount}\n`)
    if (backend.safeWalletRecipient) {
      console.log(`  safe wallet: {}`)

Requesting the creation of a new user account

If you don’t already have a money account, some backends will allow you to submit a money account creation request. Once accepted by an admin, you’ll be able to use it.

This is done directly on the backend object thanks to IBackend.createUserAccount(data), provided that the backend implements this.

Argument of IBackend.createUserAccount(data) is a simple object whose content depends on the backend. Please refer to the target backend documentation to provide the correct information.

You might want to have a look at the section talking about caching and debouncing, because the backend list won’t be udpated after the user account created unless you flush the backend caches with lokAPI.flushBackendCaches().

list user accounts

Backends holds several user accounts. These are often not so much advertised intermediary object as they can be confusingly close from bank accounts, as in most backend, either there are no real user accounts but only an account, and in others, there are only one bank account per user account. But they share one aspect : they are the object requiring authentication of the holder.

You can list them from a Backend object thanks to property backend.userAccounts, which output an Object associating the internalId with the corresponding userAccount :

let backends = await lokAPI.getBackends()

for (const backend of backends) {
    console.log(`  ${backend.internalId}`)
    for (const userAccount of Object.values(backend.userAccounts)) {
        console.log(`    - account: ${userAccount.internalId}`)

You can also get the full list of all user accounts from the main LokAPI object:

const userAccounts = await lokAPI.getUserAccounts()

for (const userAccount of userAccounts) {
    console.log(`  ${userAccount.internalId}`)

caching and debouncing

lokAPI instances provide partial caching and debouncing. Caching means that most calls that generates an http request will have their results stored, and the next call won’t be actually performed but the lokAPI instance will provide the caller with the stored result.

Debouncing occurs when you have several callers waiting for the same async results, they will all be coalesced into waiting for the same query, avoiding to make N calls for the same query.

This is especially useful if you deal with reactive GUIs with lots of components in a typically event-driven environment.

An issue with this, is that you need to know how to forget and ask for a new query when you know data might have changed on the server side.

We provide the lokAPI.flushBackendCaches() to deal with that.

This is especially important after creating a new account, as backends creation are cached and debounced, because these are information that typically won’t change often.


These are usage for users having special administrative rights on the administrative backends or the currency backends.

Validate account creation requests

Users can request the creation of a new bank account via IBackend.createUserAccount(..), provided that the backend implements this.

Check user account validation rights

The call to .hasUserAccountValidationRights() will return a boolean to tell you if any backends has at least one of their user accounts with Account Validation rights.

Please note that this function is available on top-level lokApi instance, and also on Backend’s instances (it’ll only check for rights in its own user accounts), and finally directly on each UserAccount instances.

let hasRights = await lokAPI.hasUserAccountValidationRights()

if (hasRights) {
  console.log("I've got the power !")

Get list of account waiting for validation

.getStagingUserAccounts() on main instance will query administrative backend for the list of user account created that needs validation from an administrative account.

Please note that it returns IRecipient objects, that allows you to print names.

let recipients = await lokAPI.getStagingUserAccounts()

recipients.forEach(recipient => {
    console.log(`${} has created his account and awaits validation.`)

Validate account creation

.validateCreation() upon a recipient instance will request the validation of that account. The current user logged in need to have user account validation rights.

Depending on the backend, it could have to check your identity or your credentials.

let recipients = await lokAPI.getStagingUserAccounts()

recipients.forEach(recipient => {
    await recipient.validateCreation()

Validate credit requests

Credit requests (the action of requesting to get some additional credit on your account) can be issued indirectly by the administrative backend. There are no direct method on LokAPI to create a credit request.

Check credit requests validation rights

The call to .hasCreditRequestValidationRights() will return a boolean to tell you if any backends has at least one of their user accounts with Credit Request Validation rights.

Please note that this method is available on top-level lokApi instance, and also on Backend’s instances (it’ll only check for rights in its own user accounts), and finally directly on each UserAccount instances.

let hasRights = await lokAPI.hasCreditRequestValidationRights()

if (hasRights) {
  console.log("I've got the power !")

Get list of credit requests waiting for validation

.getCreditRequests() on main instance will query administrative backend for the list of credit requests that needs validation from an administrative account.

Please note that it returns ICreditRequest objects, allowing you to query the recipient requesting the credit, and the amount.

Note that ICreditRequest are ITransactions, so you can expect the same properties (amount, related, currency, …)

let creditRequests = await lokAPI.getCreditRequests()

creditRequests.forEach(creditRequest => {
    console.log(`${creditRequest.related} has requested a credit of ${creditRequest.amount}.`)

Validate credit request

.validate() upon a credit request instance will send the validation of that credit request (and thus credit the account with the given amount). The current user logged in need to have credit request validation rights.

Depending on the backend, you might have to confirm your identity or your credentials.

let creditRequests = await lokAPI.getCreditRequests()

creditRequests.forEach(creditRequest => {
    await creditRequest.validate()

Miscellaneous and internal helpers

Get the backend list

You can query the lokapi to get the backend list available on the administration backend side. A Backend instance is the main object whose instance is responsible for a currency domain. You have a Backend per currency. So in short, .getBackends() will give you the available currencies available.

This function is cached, so it doesn’t get updated if you happen to add a new currency backend in the administration backend.

.getBackends() returns an Object mapping a string identifier for the backend (ie:, comchain:Lemanopolis, …), and the Backend object instance.

let backends = await lokAPI.getBackends()

for (const b in backends) {
    console.log(`  Backend ${b}:`, backends[b])

Direct request to odoo api

You can use lokapi instance to query directly the odoo api trough the get, post, put, delete methods and their authenticated counterparts, $get, $post, $put, $delete.

// All 8 methods have this signature:
// type restMethod = (path: string, data?: JsonData, headers?: { [label: string]: string }): Promise<JsonData>

// Notice that the next call is an example, but you don't need to
// use this endpoint as it is used by the lokAPI.login() and
// manages token for you.'/auth/authenticate', {
  api_version: 2,
  db: 'mydb',
  params: ['lcc_app']
}, {
  'Authorization': 'XYZ',

lokAPI.$get(`/partner/partner_search`, {
  value: "foo"

Please note that .get(..) and .$get(..) have same prototype and usage than other function and do not require you to build a query string as it’ll encode in the URL as a querystring the data you’ve provided.