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Status Levels

Greg Kolinski edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

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Numerous Objects within ECGridOS use the standard status level represented by the Status ENUM.

The status levels are as follows:

Active (1)

This is the normal, fully operational status.

Development (2)

A special status for systems in development.

Preproduction (0)

The object is pending Active status but is not available for normal operations. This cannot be set through ECGridOS, but can be created within the ECGrid infrastructure.

Suspended (-1)

The object has been suspended for active operation; however, any associated external ID (e.g. Qualifier/ID) remains reserved on the system. A suspended object can be reactivated.

Terminated (-2)

This object no longer is available for active operations on ECGrid. Any associated external ID is released for use by others on the ECGrid infrastructure. Terminated objects cannot be reactivated.

AutoRoute (2)

ECGridID Only. This is the same as Active; however, it indicates that the entry was created by the sending of an unknown sender Qualifier/ID pair through the ECGrid infrastructure.

Duplicate (-3)

ECGridID Only. This is a legacy status code and may show up on stale records. They can be considered Terminated.

Interconnect Status

Interconnects have a separate set of status levels represented by the InterconnectStatus ENUM and are defined as follows:

Pending (0)

Interconnect request transferred to NetOps. Waiting to hear back from the Network, pending confirmation.

Completed (-1) Interconnect has been confirmed.

Canceled (-2)

Interconnect has been canceled.

Delayed (1)

Interconnect request transferred to NetOps. The confirmation has been delayed.

Problem (2)

Interconnect request transferred to NetOps. There is a problem with the Interconnect request.

AuthorizationRequired (3)

Interconnect request transferred to NetOps. The Network is requesting written authorization in order to complete this Interconnect. This normally involves the migration of a Qualifier/ID to a new Network.

NoStatusChange (-99)

This is the status code to use to add a note to an Interconnect request without causing a status change.

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