Advanced filters for Rappasoft Laravel Livewire Tables v2.0 and above
- Numeric Range Filter
- Date Range Filter
- Date Picker Filter
- Smart Select (Select2 Style)
- Component Filter (Under Development)
Demo Available Here:
Package is currently under active development & testing, please use caution when using in a production environment.
Filter | Tailwind 3 | Tailwind 2 | Bootstrap 4 | Bootstrap 5 |
Number Range | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Date Range | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Date/Time Picker | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
SmartSelect | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ (Styling Improvements) |
✓ (Styling Improvements) |
Component Filter | Testing | Testing | ✗ | ✗ |
Version | Supported |
8 | ✗ |
9 | ✓ |
10 | ✓ |
This package uses Arr::map, which is not supported under Laravel 8. If there is demand, then a version will be released supporting Laravel 8
This package is available to be installed via Composer
composer require lowerrocklabs/laravel-livewire-tables-advanced-filters
Filter classes should be in your table's head in the same way as existing filters.
Filter with a configurable Minimum/Maximum value, provides two values to the filter() function
Include the class after your namespace declaration and standard Rappasoft filters
use LowerRockLabs\LaravelLivewireTablesAdvancedFilters\NumberRangeFilter;
In the filters() function in your data table component:
'min' => 10,
'max' => 100
->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $numberRange) {
$builder->where('age', '>=', $numberRange['min'])->where('age', '<=', $numberRange['max']);
This depends on custom CSS, which can be included in your component by using one of three "numberRange.cssInclude" configuration options below.
- Included within the blade, by setting numberRange.cssInclude to "inline" in the config file.
- Included from a minified file, this requires publishing the CSS files, and setting numberRange.cssInclude to "include"
- Included as part of your webpack/bundle, by setting numberRange.cssInclude to "none"
The colours in use are fully customisable, designed for class-based "dark/light" themes approach, as are the default min/max options, see guidance below. Any of these can be over-ridden on a per-filter basis using the "config()" option on the filter. You can set as many or as few configuration options as you like, the remainder will be set to the default from the configuration file.
'numberRange' => [
'defaults' => [
'min' => 0, // A Default Minimum Value
'max' => 100, // A Default Maximum Value
'minRange' => 0, // A Default Minimum Permitted Value
'maxRange' => 100, // A Default Maximum Permitted Value
'suffix' => '%', // A Default Suffix
'styling' => [
'light' => [ // Used When "dark" class is not in a parent element
'activeColor' => '#FFFFF',
'fillColor' => '#0366d6', // The color of the bar for the selected range
'primaryColor' => '#0366d6', // The primary color
'progressBackground' => '#eee', // The color of the remainder of the bar
'thumbColor' => '#FFFFFF', // The color of the Circle
'ticksColor' => 'silver',
'valueBg' => 'transparent',
'valueBgHover' => '#0366d6', // The bg color of the current value when the relevant selector is hovered over
'dark' => [ // Used When "dark" class is in a parent element
'activeColor' => '#FFFFFF',
'fillColor' => '#FF0000', // The color of the bar for the selected range
'progressBackground' => '#eee', // The color of the remainder of the bar
'primaryColor' => '#00FF00', // The primary color
'thumbColor' => '#0000FF', // The color of the Circle
'ticksColor' => 'silver',
'valueBg' => '#000000',
'valueBgHover' => '#000000', // The bg color of the current value when the relevant selector is hovered over
How to Include the CSS file. Options are:
- inline - Pushes the <style></style> tags to the
- include - Requires you to publish the CSS file, and will then include it
- none - Do not include the CSS, note that you will need to include the CSS in your webpack.
'cssInclude' => 'inline',
There are two filters, one is a standard single-date picker (DatePickerFilter), and the other is a range filter (DateRangeFilter)
Flatpickr Filter with a configurable Minimum/Maximum value, provides two values to the filter() function () in the form of an array.
Include the class after your namespace declaration
use LowerRockLabs\LaravelLivewireTablesAdvancedFilters\DateRangeFilter;
In the filters() function in your data table component:
DateRangeFilter::make('Created Date')
->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $dateRange) {
$builder->whereDate('created_at', '>=', $dateRange['minDate'])->whereDate('created_at', '<=', $dateRange['maxDate']);
Sensible defaults can be set within the configuration file. However, the following variables can be set on a per-filter basis. You can set as many or as few configuration options as you like, the remainder will be set to the default from the configuration file.
DateRangeFilter::make('Created Date')
'altFormat' => 'F j, Y', // The date format to be displayed once a date is selected
'ariaDateFormat' => 'F j, Y', // The date format to be displayed for screen-readers
'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d', // The date format to be returned for use in the filter
'earliestDate' => '2022-01-01', // The earliest date permitted, this is not required
'latestDate' => date('Y-m-d') // The latest date permitted, this is not required
->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $dateRange) {
$builder->whereDate('created_at', '>=', $dateRange['minDate'])
->whereDate('created_at', '<=', $dateRange['maxDate']);
Flatpickr Filter with a configurable Minimum/Maximum value, provides one values to the filter() function
Include the class after your namespace declaration
use LowerRockLabs\LaravelLivewireTablesAdvancedFilters\DatePickerFilter;
In the filters() function in your data table component:
DatePickerFilter::make('Created Date')
->filter(function (Builder $builder, string $date) {
$builder->where('created_at', '>=', $date);
Sensible defaults can be set within the configuration file. However, the following variables can be set on a per-filter basis. You can set as many or as few configuration options as you like, the remainder will be set to the default from the configuration file.
DatePickerFilter::make('Created Date')
'altFormat' => 'F j, Y', // The date format to be displayed once a date is selected
'ariaDateFormat' => 'F j, Y', // The date format to be displayed for screen-readers
'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d', // The date format to be returned for use in the filter
'timeEnabled' => false, // Enable time selection
'allowInput' => true, // Allow/disallow manual input into the text field
'earliestDate' => '2022-01-01', // The earliest date permitted, this is not required
'latestDate' => date('Y-m-d') // The latest date permitted, this is not required
->filter(function (Builder $builder, string $date) {
$builder->where('created_at', '>=', $date);
This utilises the Flatpickr library.
There are several options for utilising the Flatpickr library!
Install flatpickr
npm i flatpickr --save
Import flatpickr into your project's app.js
import flatpickr from "flatpickr";
Globally via the configuration file
// Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr JS
'publishFlatpickrJS' => false,
// Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr CSS
'publishFlatpickrCSS' => false,
You can also set this at run-time via the config() option
A Select2 style Filter built in AlpineJS. This takes a list of potential options, and allows the end-user to filter them on-the-fly, and select appropriate values.
Include the class after your namespace declaration
use LowerRockLabs\LaravelLivewireTablesAdvancedFilters\SmartSelectFilter;
To use this, you should pass the filter an array of options with values for the following keys, using the map function to return a relevant value for name.
- id
- name
This should take the format of: (# => { id: val, name: val })
In the filters() function in your data table component:
Tag::select('id', 'name', 'created_at')
->map(function ($tag) {
$tagValue['id'] = $tag->id;
$tagValue['name'] = $tag->name;
return $tagValue;
->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $values) {
$builder->whereHas('tags', fn ($query) => $query->whereIn('', $values));
To use the standard approach for the PopOver for Currently Selected Items, you should add a public array to your Data Component for storing the compiled selected items. This offers the best end-user experience.
If you would prefer to utilise an on-the-fly Alpine lookup for the name, then you should set popoverMethod in the configuration to lookup
The below can either be set in the configuration file, or specified per-filter by passing an array into the config() method of the filter. You can set as many or as few configuration options as you like, the remainder will be set to the default from the configuration file.
'smartSelect' => [
'popoverMethod' => 'standard', // Should be set to either standard or lookup
'iconStyling' => [
'add' => [
'classes' => '', // Base classes for the "add" icon
'defaults' => true, // Determines whether to merge (true) or replace (false) the default class (inline-block)
'svgEnabled' => false, // Enable or Disable the use of the default SVG icon
'svgFill' => '#000000', // Fill for the SVG Icon
'svgSize' => '1.5em', // Size for the SVG Icon
'delete' => [
'classes' => '', // Base classes for the "delete" icon
'defaults' => true, // Determines whether to merge (true) or replace (false) the default class (inline-block)
'svgEnabled' => true, // Enable or Disable the use of the default SVG icon
'svgFill' => '#000000', // Fill for the SVG Icon
'svgSize' => '1.5em', // Size for the SVG Icon
'listStyling' => [
'classes' => '', // Classes for the list items
'defaults' => true, // Determines whether to merge (true) or replace (false) the default classes
'closeAfterAdd' => true, // Close the smartSelect after adding an item
'closeAfterRemove' => true, // Close the smartSelect after removing an item
This uses AlpineJS. There are no other dependencies.
To publish assets to make modifications, please see below
php artisan vendor:publish livewiretablesadvancedfilters-config
Add the following to your app.js file.
import '../../vendor/lowerrocklabs/laravel-livewire-tables-advanced-filters/resources/css/numberRange.min.css';
You may publish these to your public path using:
php artisan vendor:publish livewiretablesadvancedfilters-css
php artisan vendor:publish livewiretablesadvancedfilters-lang
Please exercise restraint when publishing the views, as this package is in active development!
php artisan vendor:publish livewiretablesadvancedfilters-views
This package makes several on-the-fly adjustments to the default toolbar blade, including:
- Customisable width of the filter menu Set the following value in the configuration file. You may pass any valid width class/selectors to this field. 'customFilterMenuWidth' => 'md:w-80',
- Filter menu will lock open until you click to close the menu