Name: Lu Yiting
Matric Number: A0239591U
Database structure
- Student (name:string, matric:string, gender:string)
- Subject (code:string, name:string)
- Grade (code:string, score:string, student_id:string(fk))
User manual
Navigation tab
Home Display the home page
Student Display all the student records in a table Allow the user to add student record Allow the user to perform view, edit, and delete on each record
- View student record Display the details about a student and his/her exam records Allow user to add exam results Allow user to perform delete on exam results
Subject Display all subject records in a table Allow the user to add student record Allow the user to perform edit and delete on each subject
- Validity checks for inputs
- Student name: non-empty
- Student matric: length == 9
- Subject code: non-empty & no duplicates
- Subject name: non-empty
- Grade code: no duplicates