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File metadata and controls

99 lines (66 loc) · 2.89 KB


Gets updates from a vBulletin RSS feed and posts them in a discord channel.


Get a bot token and a channel ID by following the instructions found at:

Also enable the RSS feed for your vBulletin board, and get the URL. See:

Alter the config.ini file to include this bot token, channel id, and RSS feed URL.


update_frequency = 60
multi_line = true
bot_token =
channel_id = 0123456789012345
rss_feed_url =
message_format = `New Post on MyForum!`
    **{post_title}** _by {post_author}_
    **Link:** {post_link}

You can change update_frequency to change how often the forum is polled, this value is in seconds.

The message format defines what the bot will post in discord. The options in curly brackets, {}, will be replaced as follows:

Option Replacement
{post_title} The title of the post
{post_author} The author of the post
{post_link} A link to the post
{post_preview} A small preview of the post

You can format the messages as you like, for example if you just want the post title and a preview:

message_format = {post_title} - {post_preview}

If you have newlines in your message format you will need to add a tab at the beginning of the line for the config file to correctly parse:


message_format = First line!
    Second Line...
    ...Third line


message_format = First line!
Second line...
...Third line

Running the Script


If you're using Windows you can use the latest release here:

First edit the config.ini as described above, and then just run the .exe and off you go!

If, when you run the .exe, the window immediately closes please try running the program from within a command prompt. The program is likely showing an error but the window is closing too quickly for it to be seen.

Everything Else

This project uses Python 3.8 and pipenv.

Python 3:

Pipenv: pip install --user pipenv

You can download python from the link above, and once python is installed you can run the command pip install --user pipenv from within a command-line/terminal to install pipenv.

After Python and Pipenv are installed, open a command-line/terminal in the directory the code is based and run the following commands:

pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
pipenv run python

Off you go!


The bot will make a discord post similar to the below when a new forum post is made:

Example image


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.