title | date |
Articles - 2020/12 |
2020-12-01 00:14:32 UTC |
🌠 CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns" - Tailwind CSS creator
HTML as abstration, CSS as implementation
- Do Not change hooks invocation order
- Do Not use stale state
- Do Not create stale closures
- Do Not use the state for infrastructure data
- Do Not forget to cleanup side-effects
⭐️ Double Fetch
- customer => contents designer
- order => feature request
- worker => programmer
tl;dr: lazy-load non-critical resources when a user interacts with UI requiring it
- iOS Keychain service
- Android Secure Shared Preferences
To use these two services, either you can write a bridge by yourself or more quickly you can use libraries. There are three standard libraries developers use, which are
, andreact-native-sensitive-info
The statistical analysis for downloads for three packages within one year shows that react-native-keychain
is the most downloaded library that wraps up what you need.
# As stored in the password manager
username: rick
password: roll-the-people-venus
# As stored in your head
horcrux: papel
# Actual credentials
username: rick
password: roll-the-people-venuspapel
Because of the event loop priorities dequeuing jobs from the job queue (which stores the fulfilled promises’ callbacks) over the tasks from the task queue (which stores timed out setTimeout() callbacks).