Matterbridge Edge is the version of Matterbridge running with the new Matter.js API.
After months of work, the migration of Matterbridge from the old API to the new API is now complete. This includes the conversion of the entire old storage format to the new API storage format, encompassing fabrics, resumption records, network, commissioning, operational credentials, ACL, and part numbers.
A special thanks goes to Apollon for answering my countless questions and helping to resolve the many small issues that arose during this process.
I also want to express my gratitude to Tamer, who continues to test everything daily to ensure we reach a level of confidence needed to release the update with the latest tag.
Starting from version 1.7.0 (1.6.8-dev.11 before it is published as 1.7.0 with tag latest), the conversion process is automatic and is triggered each time you shut down, restart, or update Matterbridge using the frontend.
A message is displayed to inform the user when the conversion is complete.
Once the user run Matterbridge in Edge mode for the first time, the conversion will no longer be triggered.
The conversion only creates a new storage directory in the new format. It does not modify the old storage in any way, so there is no risk in trying Edge mode before its official release. You can also revert to normal mode by simply removing the -edge parameter. After the conversion is complete, the two storages will be identical. However, once you start using Edge mode, any changes made to one storage will not be reflected in the other. Therefore, it is recommended to let the conversion complete, switch to Edge mode, and continue using it exclusively. There is no conversion back to the old storage.
Matterbridge Edge will be officially released as version 2.0.0, as it represents a major update.
To start Matterbridge in Edge mode before its official release, you need to add the -edge parameter to the command line or Docker command.
matterbridge -edge
Modify your /etc/systemd/system/matterbridge.service
ExecStart=matterbridge -service -edge
Then run:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart matterbridge
sudo docker run --name matterbridge \
-v ${HOME}/Matterbridge:/root/Matterbridge \
-v ${HOME}/.matterbridge:/root/.matterbridge \
--network host --restart always -d luligu/matterbridge:latest \
matterbridge -docker -edge
container_name: matterbridge
image: luligu/matterbridge:latest # Matterbridge image with the latest tag
network_mode: host # Ensures the Matter mdns works
restart: always # Ensures the container always restarts automatically
- "${HOME}/Matterbridge:/root/Matterbridge" # Mounts the Matterbridge plugin directory
- "${HOME}/.matterbridge:/root/.matterbridge" # Mounts the Matterbridge storage directory
command: [ "matterbridge", "-docker", "-edge" ] # Override the image command adding -edge