css overrides to Joomla! 4 ATUM template
Joomla! 4 comes with default admin template ATUM. This template is working nicely on portable platforms such as tablets and bigger smartphones. On a 22"plus size screen it is not.
I don't need to add to the discussion more than a lot of users already do.
I do want to add a sample on how easy it is to make changes to the view.
The user.css is created to the taste of members in my current user base of teams working with Joomla! back end.
Since J! 4 is béta, this is not a final and finished project. There may still be features and stuff not being taken into account.
And again: This is only styling of existing core J!4 features.
Save it, make your changes and additions and drop it in /administrator/templates/atum/css/ folder
- zooms to 80% on desktop
- changes new module tiles into list on desktop
- changes column behaviour of options and settings in items/articles/categories and on
- reduces space consumption of options/settings in items/articles/categories and on
it is never finished...... ;)