All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Script templates:
- Test.cs
- TestFull.cs
- Classes:
- Mock.cs
- CallRecord.cs
- Assertions:
- ConfirmInstanceOf
- ConfirmNotInstanceOf
- Script
- Library allowing to mock interfaces and classes.
- Updated documentation:
- Added note in about script templates & mocking library.
- Added info about mocking libary in
- '>' character from test output.
- Script
- [#213] [GDScript] Method names in verbose mode display "([])" when there are no arguments
- [#216] [GDScript]
thrown when passing invalid path to '--confirma-gd-path'. - [#221] [GDScript] An error is thrown when path to GDScript tests is empty.
- [#221] [GDScript] An incorrect error is thrown when path to GDScript tests is invalid.
- Arguments:
- '--confirma-category'
- '--confirma-disable-orphans-monitor'
- Formatters:
- AutomaticFormatter
- DefaultFormatter
- NumericFormatter
- StringFormatter
- CollectionFormatter
- Wrappers for C# assertions for GDScript:
- ConfirmEqualWrapper
- ConfirmArrayWrapper
- ConfirmRangeWrapper
- ConfirmSignalWrapper
- ConfirmStringWrapper
- ConfirmVectorWrapper
- ConfirmBooleanWrapper
- ConfirmNumericWrapper
- ConfirmDictionaryWrapper
- C# classes:
- WrapperBase
- GdScriptInfo
- Settings
- ConfirmaBotomPanelOptions
- AssertionMessageGenerator
- CollectionHelper
- Formatter
- TreeContent
- GDScript classes:
- TestClass
- Ignore
- RunTarget
- Support for lifecycle methods in GDScript:
- after_all
- before_all
- set_up
- tear_down
- category
- ignore
- Documentation for:
- settings
- testing GDScript code
- custom assertions
- Project settings:
- GDScript Tests Folder
- Output Path
- Bottom panel settings:
- [#178] Allow changing category.
- Allow disabling parallelization.
- Allow disabling orphans monitor.
- Allow disabling parallelization.
- Allow changing output type & path.
- Warning when trying to run tests without '--confirma-run' argument.
value toEIgnoreMode
field toIgnore
interface.- Constructor to
which automatically generates a message. ELifecycleMethodName
enum.- A clear distinction between C# and GDScript tests when displaying results.
- New bottom panel settings window.
- Base class for lifecycle attributes (
). - Allow to disable exterior brackets (
). LifecycleMethodException
exception.- Overload of
attribute forTestMethodResult
. - Support for non-static test classes.
- Included 'scripts' folder in exported ZIP.
- Documentation has been refreshed (more information, better described).
- Adjusted most of the assertion messages.
- Adjusted GDScript assertions to use C# wrappers.
- [#170] Recursively check every folder for GDScript tests (max depth is 16).
- All GDScript test classes need to extend
. GdTestDiscovery
now useGdScriptInfo
instead ofScriptInfo
.- GDScript tests folder can be passed as global or localized path.
methods fromLog
class support list of arguments.- Moved verbose switch to new settings window.
- From now on, lifecycle attributes are assigned to a class, and not to a specific method, and take the name of the method to run. One attribute of a given type is allowed.
- Replaced
. - [#188] Failed invocation of lifecycle method results in test failure.
- Orphans monitor is no longer considered experimental and is enabled by default.
for generating window content.
Test.- '--experimental-monitor-orphans' argument.
- Empty argument '--confirma-method' was allowed when argument '--confirma-run' was also empty.
- Not every GDScript test is shown in results.
when there is not GDScript tests.- Confirma run tests and closes immediately after start instead of launching the game.
- [Experimental] Information about number of orphans.
- [Experimental] Detecting when orphans are created.
- [Experimental] Running tests written in GDScript.
- 'GdAssertionFailed' signal to ConfirmaAutoload.
- Arguments:
- "--confirma-disable-cs" to disable C# tests.
- "--confirma-disable-gd" to disable GDScript tests.
- "--confirma-gd-path" to specify path with GDScript tests.
- "--confirma-output" specifies how to return test result information.
- "--confirma-output-path" specifies the path in which to create a report of the tests performed.
- Classes:
- ScriptInfo
- TestManager
- CsTestExecutor
- GdTestDiscovery
- TestLog
- Json
- EnumHelper
- Assertions for GDScript:
- ITestExecutor interface.
- "Run C# Tests" and "Run GDScript Tests" buttons to editor bottom panel.
- ScriptMethodInfo, ScriptMethodReturnInfo & ScriptMethodArgumentsInfo records.
- TestLog list in TestResult and TestClassResult records.
- EscapeInvisibleCharacters string extension.
- Enums:
- ELogType
- ELogOutputType
- ERunTargetType
- Alternative JSON output of test results.
- Total number of test classes to TestResult record.
- RunTarget struct and added it to TestsProps struct.
- Color.TerminalReset is now static readonly field.
- Moved TestsExecutionStarted/Finished signals to TestRunner.
- The "Run All Tests" button is no longer available when tests are executed.
- Minor changes in exceptions messages.
- Code style improvements.
- Minor optimizations.
- Improved independence from culture.
- Renamed:
- TestDiscovery -> CsTestDiscovery
- TestBottomPanel -> ConfirmaBottomPanel
- Class names are colored to help distinguish classes from tests.
prints to the stdio by default.- Methods in
are generic. - Errors from
are printed to stderr instead of stdout. - Argument '--confirma-method' no longer allows empty value.
- TestExecutor.cs
- TestOutput.cs
- Argument "--confirma-quit".
from TestsProps.cs.
- Resource leak on Godot editor exit.
- Parallelizable tests log is out of order.
- Printed newline characters in arguments messes up the output.
for arrays passed as object in case of an exception returns only the type instead of the actual values.Log.Print
throws exception when used too early.- Argument '--confirma-run' with invalid class name throws a NullReferenceException.
- Confirma can operate from a location other than the default.
- Single tests are run twice.
- Issues occur when adding Confirma to the bottom panel of the editor when starting Godot.
- '--confirma-method' argument allowing to run a single method.
- Flag to Repeat attribute to stop repeating after the first failed test.
- Confirma uses invariant culture when working with strings & numbers.
- TestDiscovery class is now static.
- Renamed protected '_autoload' & '_output' fields to 'Autoload' & 'Output'.
- Repeat field in TestCase is now of type RepeatAttribute and not ushort.
- Extensions:
- NextDouble
- NextElement
- NextElements
- NextShuffle
- NextChar
- NextLowerChar
- NextUpperChar
- NextDigitChar
- NextString
- ConfirmLowercase
- ConfirmUppercase
- Extensions:
- ConfirmIsOdd
- ConfirmIsEven
- ConfirmCloseTo
- Extension classes:
- RandomEnumExtensions
- RandomBooleanExtensions
- RandomNetworkExtensions
- Confirm class with assertions:
- IsEnumValue
- IsNotEnumValue
- IsEnumName
- IsNotEnumName
- IsTrue
- IsFalse
- Throws
- NotThrows
- Addon icon.
- Numeric extensions now use 'INumber' generic constraint instead of 'IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable, IEquatable'.
- ConfirmMatchesPattern
- Extensions:
- ConfirmSign
- ConfirmMatchesPattern
- ConfirmThrowsWMessage
- ConfirmNotThrowsWMessage
- ConfirmDoesNotMatchPattern
- Extension classes:
- ConfirmUuidExtensions
- ConfirmEventExtensions
- ConfirmActionExtensions
- ConfirmDateTimeExtensions
- ConfirmReferenceExtensions
- Simple library for generating random:
- Numbers
- Assertion chaining.
- Repeat attribute.
- Improved default messages.
- Typo in ConfirmRangeExtensions.
- Parallel execution of tests has been improved, significantly increasing performance.
- Message parameter to all extensions.
- Ignore attribute now accepts EIgnoreMode enum which allows ignoring class/method always or when ran from editor.
- Improved display of passed parameters to the methods.
- Improved default exception messages.
- Static Global class which simplifies access for the tests to the scene tree.
- Assertions for IEnumerable & attributes.
- Simplified checking if Action/Func throws an exception.
- Default, more concise way of displaying information in the terminal.
- Allow running tests in verbose mode via editor.
- '--confirma-verbose' argument.
- '--confirma-sequential' argument.
- The old way of displaying information is available under the '--confirma-verbose' argument.
- Moved extensions from Confirma namespace to Confirma.Extensions.
- TestRunner in editor doesn't work.
- 'Node not found: "/root/Confirma"' error in the editor when starting the project.
- '--confirma-exit-on-failure' argument.
- script.
- Classes:
- Converter
- VectorExtensions
- VariantExtensions
- ConfirmFileExtensions
- ConfirmVectorExtensions
- ConfirmSignalExtensions
- ConfirmNumericExtensions
- ConfirmDictionaryExtensions
- String extensions:
- ConfirmNotHasLength
- ConfirmEqualsCaseInsensitive
- ConfirmNotEqualsCaseInsensitive
- Moved ConfirmAssert exception to Confirma.Exceptions namespace.
Initial release.
Start of the project.