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File metadata and controls

175 lines (160 loc) · 7.17 KB

The pseudocode below serves as our specification for the implementation of pipelined Fast-HotStuff based on


A block has the following fields:

  • parent
  • view
  • qc
  • agg_qc
  • signature
  • transactions

A vote has the following fields:

  • block
  • signer
  • signature

A new_view message has the following fields:

  • view
  • high_qc
  • signer
  • signature

A qc has the following fields:

  • block
  • signers
  • signature

An agg_qc has the following fields:

  • view
  • qcs
  • signers
  • signature


Every node keeps track of its local

  • cur_view
  • high_qc
  • final_block


The functions defined in the next section rely on primitives we do not specify in detail for the sake of brevity:

  • leader(view) returns the leader of the view
  • supermajority(signers) returns whether the signers represent the supermajority
  • reset() restarts the timer which calls timeout when it expires
  • download(hash) and download(view) fetches a missing block from peer nodes
  • extends(block, ancestor) returns whether there is a chain between the block and the ancestor
  • commit(ancestor, block) commits the descendants of ancestor along the chain to the block
  • sign(message) creates a bls signature on the message using the node's private key
  • aggregate(signatures) aggregates the bls signatures and returns the resulting signature
  • verify(message, signature, signers) verifies if the (aggregated) bls signature on the message corresponds to the public key(s) of the signer(s)
  • batch_verify(messages, signature, signers) batch verifies if the aggregated bls signature on the messages corresponds to the public key of the signers


The following pseudocode specifies the core functionality of correct nodes. To ease legibility, we deviate from the Python syntax to some extent.

def safe(block):
	if block.qc != None:
		return block.view >= cur_view and block.view == block.qc.block.view + 1
	elif block.agg_qc != None:
		return block.view >= cur_view and extends(block, block.agg_qc.high_qc.block)

def try_commit(block):
	parent = block.qc.block
	grandparent = parent.qc.block
	if parent.view == grandparent.view + 1:
		return grandparent

def adjust_high_qc_and_view(qc, agg_qc):
	if qc != None:
		if qc.block.view > high_qc.block.view:
			high_qc = qc
		if qc.block.view > cur_view: # download the blocks of the missed views
			while cur_view++ <= qc.block.view: download(cur_view) 
	elif agg_qc != None:
		if agg_qc.high_qc.block.view != high_qc.block.view:
			high_qc = agg_qc.high_qc # release the lock and adopt the lock of the supermajority
		if agg_qc.high_qc.block.view > cur_view: # download the blocks of the missed views
			while cur_view++ <= agg_qc.high_qc.block.view: download(cur_view)

def receive(block):
	if block.hash already stored: return
	if block.view <= final_block.view: return # equivocation
	if block.parent missing: download(block.parent)
	elif !extends(block, final_block): return # trace back along the chain to detect the block where equivocation happened
	if !verify(block.hash, block.signature, leader(block.view)): return
	if block.qc != None:
		if !verify(block.qc, block.qc.signature, block.qc.signers): return
	if block.agg_qc != None:
		if !batch_verify((block.agg_qc.signers[i], block.agg_qc.view, block.agg_qc.qcs[i]) for i in 0..len(block.agg_qc.signers), block.agg_qc.signature, block.agg_qc.signers): return
		block.agg_qc.high_qc = qc in block.agg_qc.qcs such that qc.block.view == max(all.block.view of all in block.agg_qc.qcs)
		if !verify(block.agg_qc.high_qc, block.agg_qc.high_qc.signature, block.agg_qc.high_qc.signers): return
	store block
	adjust_high_qc_and_view(block.qc, block.agg_qc)
	if safe(block):
		if block.view > cur_view: # download the blocks of the missed views
			while cur_view++ < block.view: download(cur_view) 
		vote.signer = node_index
		vote.block = block.hash
		vote.signature = sign(block.hash)
		send vote to leader(cur_view++)
		grandparent = try_commit(block)
		if grandparent != None: 
			commit(final_block, grandparent)
			some_block = grandparent
			while some_block.view > final_block.view:
				view = some_block.view
				while view > some_block.parent.view
					delete block(view--)
				some_block = some_block.parent
			final_block = grandparent
	else timeout()

def receive(vote):
	if vote.block missing: download(vote.block) # download the missing block based on its hash
	if node_index != leader(vote.block.view + 1): return # the vote must be sent to someone else
	if vote.block.view < cur_view - 1: return # the vote arrived too late, the vote doesn't count anymore
	if !verify(vote.block, vote.signature, vote.signer): return
	collection[vote.block].append(vote.signature, vote.signer)
	if supermajority([all.signer for all in collection[vote.block]]):
		if vote.block.view > cur_view: # download the blocks of the missed views
			while cur_view++ < vote.block.view: download(cur_view) 
			cur_view = vote.block.view + 1 # supermajority has voted for vote.block and advanced to vote.block.view + 1
		if cur_view == vote.block.view + 1:
			high_qc.signature = aggregate([all.signature for all in collection[vote.block]])
			high_qc.signers = [all.signer for all in collection[vote.block]]
			high_qc.block = vote.block
			block.parent = vote.block
			block.view = cur_view
			block.qc = high_qc
			block.agg_qc = None
			compute block.hash
			block.signature = sign(block.hash)
			broadcast block

def receive(new_view):
	if new_view.high_qc.block missing: download(new_view.high_qc.block) # download the missing block based on its hash
	adjust_high_qc_and_view(new_view.high_qc, None)
	if node_index != leader(new_view.view): return # the message must be sent to someone else
	if new_view.view < cur_view: return # the message arrived too late, it doesn't count anymore
	if !verify((new_view.signer, new_view.view, new_view.high_qc), new_view.signature, new_view.signer): return
	collection.[new_view.view].append(new_view.signature, new_view.signer, new_view.high_qc)
	if supermajority([all.signer for all in collection[new_view.view]]):
		if new_view.view > cur_view: # download the blocks of the missed views
			while cur_view++ < new_view.view: download(cur_view) # supermajority has sent a new view message and advanced to new_view.view
		if cur_view == new_view.view:
			block.agg_qc.view = new_view.view
			block.agg_qc.signature = aggregate([all.signature for all in collection[new_view.view]])
			block.agg_qc.signers = [all.signer for all in collection[new_view.view]]
			block.agg_qc.qcs = [all.high_qc for all in collection[new_view.view]]
			block.parent = block.agg_qc.high_qc.block
			block.view = cur_view
			block.qc = None
			compute block.hash
			block.signature = sign(block.hash)
			broadcast block

def timeout(): # called automatically when the timer expires
	new_view.signer = node_index
	new_view.view = cur_view
	new_view.high_qc = high_qc
	new_view.signature = sign((node_index, cur_view, high_qc))
	send new_view to leader(cur_view)