MIGAMoreGames is a not-for-pay system that allows members of the Mobile Independent Gaming Alliance to cross-promote games and receive basic analytics regarding impressions and conversions. Many game publishers include a mechanism for promoting their other titles within an app. By using MIGAMoreGames, publishers can promote not only their own games, but also the games of MIGA participants with the aim of boosting game sales for all involved.
MIGAMoreGames consists of:
- A web application for managing and serving game listings, collecting analytics and reporting.
- Client libraries for the retrieval and presentation of game listings within a native application and submission of analytics data to the web application.
MIGAMoreGames started as a joint effort between ChickenBrick Studios, LLC and Bendroid/Bored Grizzly, LLC. MIGA participants are welcome and encouraged to contribute to further development of the system. To get involved or to ask questions, please post to the MIGA Google Group.
The MIGAMoreGames for iOS library is a “full-service drop-in” solution for integrating MIGAMoreGames into your app. The design of the library focuses on ridiculously simple integration with sensible defaults while allowing developers to customize nearly every aspect of how it works should they choose.
MIGAMoreGames for iOS provides:
- A mechanism for requesting a feed of participating and relevant applications from the MIGAMoreGames web application. User Interface classes for uniformly presenting applications and handling requests for additional information (taps/clicks).
- Basic analytics support (when the application “opts-in”). Support for persistent caching of content to reduce network load and provide fallbacks when the network is unavailable.
- Support for default content included in the application bundle to provide a fallback when neither the network nor cached content is available.
MIGAMoreGames for iOS supports i(Phone)OS versions 3.x and later. When available, features from later versions are used in a backwards-compatible manner. We plan to support 1 major version behind the current version. For example, when iOS version 5 is released, future versions of MIGAMoreGames for iOS will drop support for iPhoneOS 3, and iOS 4.0 will become the target version.