Encoder implementation for image inversion task of stylegan3 generator (Alias Free GAN).
The neural network architecture and hyper-parameter settings of the base configuration is almost the same as that of pixel2style2pixel, and various settings of improved encoder architecture will be added in the future.
For fast training, pytorch DistibutedDataParallel is used.
- GeForce RTX 3090 x 8
- NVIDIA driver version: 460.91.03
$ sh build_img.sh
$ sh build_container.sh [container-name]
$ docker start [container-name]
$ docker attach [container-name]
$ pip install -v -e .
python train.py \
--outdir exp/[exp_name] \
--encoder [encoder_type] \
--data data/[dataset_name] \
--gpus [num_gpus] \
--batch [total_batch_size] \
--generator [generator_pkl]
python test.py \
--testdir exp/[train_exp]/[train_exp_subdir] \
--data data/[dataset_name] \
--gpus [num_gpus] \
--batch [total_batch_size]
Train options
"model_architecture": "base",
"dataset_dir": "data/ffhq",
"num_gpus": 8,
"batch_size": 32,
"batch_gpu": 4,
"generator_pkl": "pretrained/stylegan3-t-ffhq-1024x1024.pkl",
"val_dataset_dir": null,
"training_steps": 100001,
"val_steps": 10000,
"print_steps": 50,
"tensorboard_steps": 50,
"image_snapshot_steps": 100,
"network_snapshot_steps": 5000,
"learning_rate": 0.001,
"l2_lambda": 1.0,
"lpips_lambda": 0.8,
"id_lambda": 0.1,
"reg_lambda": 0.0,
"gan_lambda": 0.0,
"edit_lambda": 0.0,
"random_seed": 0,
"num_workers": 3,
"resume_pkl": null,
"run_dir": "exp/base/00000-base-ffhq-gpus8-batch32"
Trainset examples
Real image batch X
Encoded image batch G.synthesis(E(X))
Testset examples(celeba-hq)
Target image
Encoded image
Encoded image, transform x=0.2, y=0
Encoded image, transform x=0.2, y=0.1
Encoded image, transform x=-0.2, y=0.1
Encoded image, transform x=-0.2, y=-0.1
- Refactoring configuration system
- Implement resume checkpoint
- Apply Transformer encoder instead of convs in GradualStyleBlock(Config-a) -> CNN GradualStyleBlock is better than transformer // discarded
- Taining delta w from avg latent w_avg (G.mapping.w_avg) -> Training Config-b now, not use regularization loss, same as psp paper
- Implement scripts for test dataset
- Add L2 delta-regularization loss and GAN loss(latent discriminator), e4e
- GPU memory optimization in training loop
- Colab demo
- Apply hyperstyle
- Train encoder for stylegan3-r generator