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GPU implementation of the diffusion monte carlo algorithm for use with PhysNet interatomic potentials

                   Diffusion Monte Carlo Code for PhysNet
                     Meuwly Group, University of Basel                  


The Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) Code here can be used to calculate the vibrational zero-point energy of molecular systems. It is based on the unbiased DMC algorithm detailed in Ref [1] and uses PhysNet [2] based potential energy surfaces (PESs) to obtain energies for molecular geometries. It is recommended to run the calculations on a GPU for higher efficiency.

Installations & dependencies

The following installation steps were tested on a Ubuntu 18.04 workstation and using Conda 4.12.0 (see

a) Create an environment named (e.g.) physnet_dmc_env, install Python 3.6:

conda create --name physnet_dmc_env python=3.6

Activate it:

conda activate physnet_dmc_env

(deactivating it by typing: conda deactivate)

b) install tensorflow (and dependencies) using conda (make sure you install the dependencies with activated environment):

    pip install -r requirements.txt

if a compatible gpu is available. If you plan to use the DMC code on a CPU (or do not have a
GPU available) replace the line "tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0" in requirements.txt with "tensorflow==1.12.0"

c) For GPU use: The codes make use of Cuda 9.0, which needs to be installed if not available yet. On the pc-studix cluster this involves loading the following module

    module load gcc/gcc4.8.5-openmpi1.10-cuda9.0


The use of the code is illustrated based on the formic acid monomer molecule, for which a PhysNet PES has been published [3] (also see

The repository contains the following files and folders:

i) Contains the DMC code

ii) Contains the equilibrium FAM geometry and a reference geometry (this could be a transition state or otherwise you could start from a distorted structure)

iii) run_fam_cart.inp: Contains the DMC simulation settings and NN architecture used. Lines 1 to 7 concern the DMC settings, while the other lines define the NN architecture and should be exactly as used during training. Note that if the training was run without the Grimme Dispersion values (grimme_s6, grimme_s8, grimme_a1, grimme_a2) these lines need to be removed. Also comare to the parser in the main DMC code which reads these imputs for detailed explanation.

iv) tl_models: Contains the NN models that are transfer learnt to the CCSD(T)/aVTZ level of theory

v) neural_network: Contains the PhysNet implementation

The code can be run by invoking:

python @run_fam_cart.inp -i

The following files are produced by the DMC code:

i) fam_cart_coor.log: Summarizes the DMC settings and gives the final result of the simulation (ZPE of FAM on the PES is around 7320 cm**-1, see Ref. [3])

ii) fam_cart_coor.pot: Keeps track of the energy and number of alive walkers throughout the simulation, e.g. 939 301 0.0310269412001634 6809.626482475554, which corresponds to the step, the number of alive walkers, ZPE in hartree, ZPE in cm**-1

iii) Saves the walkers from the last 10 DMC steps for visualization purposes (in .xyz format)

iv) Saves walkers that are defective, i.e. from holes on the PES with energies smaller than the minimum you have defined. Note that this does not guarantee that the structures with high energies are physically sound (which could be the case for any ML PES).

How to cite

When using the PhysNet PES for FAM and the DMC code, please cite the following papers:

Unke, O. T. and Meuwly, M "PhysNet: A Neural Network for Predicting Energies, Forces, Dipole Moments, and Partial Charges", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 6, 3678–3693

Käser, S. and Meuwly, M. "Transfer learned potential energy surfaces: accurate anharmonic vibrational dynamics and dissociation energies for the formic acid monomer and dimer", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 5269-5281.


[1] Ioan Kosztin, Byron Faber, and Klaus Schulten; Am. J. Phys. 64, 633 (1996);

[2] Oliver T. Unke and Markus Meuwly; J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 6, 3678–3693

[3] Käser, S. and Meuwly, M.; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 5269-5281.


If you have any questions about the PES free to contact Silvan Kaeser ([email protected]) or Prof. Markus Meuwly ([email protected]).