This resource was created by myself and was not a fork of any of the other banking resources. So lets not say "Isnt this x banking 🤓" because its not. The user interface was heavily inspired by No Pixels Banking Interface. This resource is a replacement for qb-banking, qb-atm, qb-managment
- Personal, Job, Gang, Shared Accounts
- Withdraw, Deposit, Transfer between accounts
- Offline Player Full Support
- QB Target Support
- Optimized Resource (0.00ms Running At All Times)
Insert the SQL provided
Edit your QBCore/Shared/jobs.lua and add
bankAuth = true
to the job grades which have access to society funds
exports['Renewed-Banking']:handleTransaction(account, title, amount, message, issuer, receiver, type, transID)
---@param account<string> - job name or citizenid
---@param title<string> - Title of transaction example `Personal Account / ${Player.PlayerData.citizenid}`
---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted
---@param message<string> - Description of transaction
---@param issuer<string> - Name of Business or Character issuing the bill
---@param receiver<string> - Name of Business or Character receiving the bill
---@param type<string> - deposit | withdraw
---@param transID<string> - (optional) Force a specific transaction ID instead of generating one.
---@return transaction<table> {
---@param trans_id<string> - Transaction ID for the created transaction
---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted
---@param trans_type<string> - deposit | withdraw
---@param receiver<string> - Name of Business or Character receiving the bill
---@param message<string> - Description of transaction
---@param issuer<string> - Name of Business or Character issuing the bill
---@param time<number> - Epoch timestamp of transaction
---@param account<string> - Job Name | Custom Account Name
---@return amount<number> - Amount of money account has or false
exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney(account, amount)
---@param account<string> - Job Name | Custom Account Name
---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted
---@return complete<boolean> - true | false
exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney(account, amount)
---@param account<string> - Job Name | Custom Account Name
---@param amount<number> - Amount of money being transacted
---@return complete<boolean> - true | false
exports['qb-management']:GetAccount => exports['Renewed-Banking']:getAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:AddMoney => exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:RemoveMoney => exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:GetGangAccount=> exports['Renewed-Banking']:getAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:AddGangMoney=> exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney
exports['qb-management']:RemoveGangMoney=> exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney
Added Banking Blips