Releases: MRPT/mrpt
Releases · MRPT/mrpt
Release of v2.5.2
Version 2.5.2: Released August 30th, 2022
- mrpt::math::MatrixBase::eig_symmetric() now is ensured not to return negative eigenvalues due to numerical innacuracies in some platforms (i386).
- mrpt::maps::COccupancyGridMap2D::getAsPointCloud() did not return the outermost cells as obstacles.
- Fix unit test errors when compiling with LTO (Closes Debian bug #1015550)
Release of v2.5.1
Version 2.5.1: Released August 4th, 2022
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- Bold points when selecting a sensor in the timeline UI.
- RawLogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- Embedded nanoflann version upgraded to v1.4.3
- Fix regression: mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel may fail to resolve texture relative paths.
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh was implementing texture coordinates flipping (u,v) wrt documented behavior.
- Fix
failure in CTicTac when building with latest emscripten clang compiler. - Fix regression: yaml parsing boolean values may throw an exception inside
Release of v2.5.0
Version 2.5.0: Released July 18th, 2022
- Changes in applications:
- RawLogViewer:
- New time-line UI for quickly navigating and selecting observations.
- New application:
- ros-map-yaml2mrpt: CLI tool to import ROS map_server maps into MRPT formats.
- RawLogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- New functions mrpt::containers::find_closest() and mrpt::containers::find_closest_with_tolerance().
- mrpt::containers::yaml now also keeps information about line and column positions for each token, see mrpt::containers::yaml::node_t::marks
- \ref mrpt_core_grp
- mrpt::Clock::toDouble() now returns 0 for default-constructed (invalid) time_point.
- \ref mrpt_opengl_grp
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh supports having (x,y) limits with
for flipped elevation and image meshes. - New flag mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::LoadFlags::IgnoreMaterialColor for mrpt::opengl::CAssimpModel::loadScene()
- A new rendering mode for default no-perspective transformations.
See mrpt::opengl::CCamera::setNoProjection()
- mrpt::opengl::CMesh supports having (x,y) limits with
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- Add correct displacement covariance calculation between two poses with cross-correlation via new method mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuatPDFGaussian::inverseCompositionCrossCorrelation() (Closes #1242)
- \ref mrpt_system_grp
- New funtions mrpt::system::toAbsolutePath(), mrpt::system::pathJoin()
- Most functions in \ref filesystem ported to C++17 std::filesystem
- \ref mrpt_tfest_grp
- New method TMatchingPairList::overallSquareError() for SE(3) poses (CPose3D).
- \ref mrpt_containers_grp
- Deprecations:
- The following macros, which were already deprecated, have been removed:
- The following macros, which were already deprecated, have been removed:
- Build system:
- Update fallback embedded version of octomap to v1.9.6
- FIX: OpenGL API errors if several CWxGLCanvasBase instances are updated simultaneously in the same program.
- mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport would throw if an uninitialized image is passed for rendering in "image mode".
- mrpt::system::formatTimeInterval() reported an incorrect number of milliseconds.
- Fix detection of Boost python module.
- Calling mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable::setColor_u8() did not force a regeneration of opengl buffer objects in all cases.
Release of v2.4.10
Version 2.4.10: Relased June 24th, 2022
- Changes in applications:
- ptg-configurator:
- New menu action to export selected path to matlab/octave script.
- RawLogViewer:
- Visual improvements and display of timestamps in local time too.
- ptg-configurator:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- Adds covariance mapping to SE(3) for GTSAM (Closes #1229)
- \ref mrpt_ros1bridge_grp
- Import mrptToROSLoggerCallback() from the now obsolete mrpt_bridge package into mrpt::ros1bridge.
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- Build system
- Fix ROS version detection; select ROS2 if packages for both versions are found.
- Fix mrpt-comms rare timeout in busy build farms.
- mrpt::ros1bridge and mrpt::ros2bridge were not correctly exporting the
function for LaserScan messages.
Release of v2.4.9
Version 2.4.9: Released June 7th, 2022
- Changes in libraries
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
- new method mrpt::math::TPlane::signedDistance()
- \ref mrpt_ros2bridge_grp
- Fixed missing
in module config.cmake file.
- Fixed missing
- \ref mrpt_math_grp
Release of v2.4.8
Version 2.4.8: Released May 26th, 2022
- Build system:
- Fixed various ROS-level public dependencies.
Release of v2.4.7
Version 2.4.7: Released May 26th, 2022
- Examples:
- gui_depth_camera_distortion: Added option to change distortion model.
- Build system
- Fixed ROS-level public dependency on suitesparse.
- Enable tinyxml2 for ROS builds.
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
- Method mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::addFrom() removed, it overlapped with mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap()
- New optional parameter in mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::insertAnotherMap()
- \ref mrpt_obs_grp
- New option mrpt::obs::T3DPointsProjectionParams::onlyPointsWithIntensityColor
- \ref mrpt_maps_grp
Release of v2.4.5
Version 2.4.5: Released May 22nd, 2022
- Changes in libraries:
- New module mrpt_ros2bridge_grp to support conversions to/from ROS2 data types and MRPT classes.
- Build system:
- Fix detection of dependencies for both ROS1 and ROS2.
Release of v2.4.4
Version 2.4.4: Released March 5th, 2022
- New web-based applications
- All MRPT modules (including \ref mrpt_opengl_grp and mrpt-nanogui) are now compatible with Emscripten so they can run as Javascript + wasm on any modern browser.
- Changes in applications:
- RawlogViewer:
- Browse dialog: Smarter coloring of pointclouds; check all & none buttons for sensor layers.
- rawlog-edit:
- Operation
now also works for mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan observations. - New operation
- Operation
- RawlogViewer:
- Changes in libraries:
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat: Remove use of obsolete base class std::iterator.
- \ref mrpt_poses_grp
- 3rdparty libraries:
- Updated libfyaml to v0.7.12.
- Build system:
- Allow using libfyaml-dev system package if found.
- ROS package.xml: update dependencies so all sensors and mrpt-ros1bridge are enabled.
- Fix detection of ROS1 native
packages as build dependencies.
- ASSERT_NEAR_() did not work correctly when arguments were expressions with operators.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of strings with whitespaces in mrpt::from_string<>() when converting to std::string
- mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan::get_unproj_lut() was ignoring the depth camera distortion model and always assumed plumb_bob.
- mrpt::ros1bridge converter for IMU observations now correctly handles missing IMU readings (ROS convention of "-1" in covariance).
Release of v2.4.3
Version 2.4.3: Released Feb 22nd, 2022
- Changes in applications:
- navlog-viewer:
- The timestamp is now always shown.
- navlog-viewer:
- Do not run offscreen rendering unit tests in MIPS arch, since they seem to fail in autobuilders.
- mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration() did not return the distortion model (so if parameters are printed, it would look like no distortion at all!).
- mrpt::gui::CDisplayWindowGUI::createManagedSubWindow() created the subwindows helper UI on top of the other user windows. It now remains on the back of other windows.