Releases: MSGFPlus/msgfplus
Releases · MSGFPlus/msgfplus
Release 2020.06.16 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.7.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Fixes a bug parsing a custom charge carrier mass from the command line (
) or from a parameter file (e.g.ChargeCarrierMass=1.00727649
)- See issue #103
Release 2020.03.14 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.7.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Update the embedded Unimod 'brick' definitions to fix the mzid generation failure after updating Unimod.obo
Release 2020.03.12 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.7.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Update the embedded Unimod.obo file to support recent Unimod accessions
Binaries removed due to issue that causes an exception when generating the mzid file
Release 2020.01.15 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Resolve a new issue with duplicate peptide ids in the mzid output (problem with 2 modifications rounding to the same integer mass)
- Don't exit with exit code '0' when there is a parameter parsing error
- Add additional example files to the documentation
Release 2019.07.03 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
are now optional at the command line, allowing the spectrum file and database file to be defined in the configuration file
Release 2019.06.28 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Auto-create the output directory if missing
- Verify that the user has write access to the output directory
- Updated MzidToTsvConverter
Release 2019.06.20 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Allow the title line of spectra in a .mgf file to have DatasetName.ScanStart.ScanEnd.Charge followed by a space and extra info
- Output the Java version and OS information to the console
- Update jmzReader and jmzidentml dependencies
- Updated MzidToTsvConverter
- Add direct dependency on JAXB libraries to support Java/OpenJDK 11
Release 2019.04.18 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Fix to issue #62, which prevents dropping of the highest m/z data point from most MS/MS spectra
- New version of MzidToTsvConverter that includes column
Release 2019.02.28 has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Fix a bug determining the prefix and suffix residues for peptides where M was removed from the protein N-terminus
Release 2019.02.27
Use MSGFPlus_v20190228 instead of this version. This version introduced a bug that is fixed in version MSGFPlus_v20190228. has:
File | Description | Requirements |
MSGFPlus.jar | MS-GF+ search engine | Java runtime, v1.8 or newer |
MzidToTsvConverter.exe | Converts .mzid files to a tab-delimited text file | .NET Runtime 4.6.2 or newer |
Documentation files | HTML files explaining how to use the software | n/a |
Example files | Example modification files and example results | n/a |
Changes in this release:
- Fix a bug that would output a single peptide evidence twice, under certain circumstances #49
- Prevent inaccurate information in peptide evidences due to differences in how protein N-Term Methionine cleavage is handled and tracked