In order to elect a new validator, his election cycle needs to obtain majority of votes (more than 2/3).
In Tendermint validator votes are counted based on their voting power,
which is proportional to the amount of tokens they are staking.
The more validator stakes, higher his voting power.
First we need to generate insert validator elects transaction which we can sign in order to broadcast it to Tendermint.
We can do so by sending HTTP POST request to Electionr REST server.
Lets first send a request as an operator of the first node:
curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data @- <<'EOF' > tx.json
"base_req": {
"from": "cosmos1ge5t2s0k78y4zws2gpv5wsa0dw83fmflcpw0qn",
"chain_id": "electionr-chain"
"cycle_number": "1",
"elected_validators": [
"operator_addr": "cosmosvaloper1hgvneywkqgm03hvjl4mtj5ee6ymy60guuqyv59",
"cons_pub_key": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqw29jdgktm22u5fajnwdatf6acfa9af4g9lc6svm6an5ltjns4vwqjjqflu",
"place": "1"
Transaction tx.json
is now ready for signing.
It should look something like this:
"type": "auth/StdTx",
"value": {
"msg": [
"type": "electionr/MsgInsertValidatorElects",
"value": {
"elected_validators": [
"operator_addr": "cosmosvaloper1hgvneywkqgm03hvjl4mtj5ee6ymy60guuqyv59",
"cons_pub_key": "cosmosvalconspub1zcjduepqw29jdgktm22u5fajnwdatf6acfa9af4g9lc6svm6an5ltjns4vwqjjqflu",
"place": "1"
"initiator_address": "cosmosvaloper1ge5t2s0k78y4zws2gpv5wsa0dw83fmfla466vq",
"cycle_number": "1"
"fee": {
"amount": null,
"gas": "200000"
"signatures": null,
"memo": ""
In order to sign transaction do the following (from the root of the repo):
./testnet_config/sign <path_to_tx.json> cosmos1ge5t2s0k78y4zws2gpv5wsa0dw83fmflcpw0qn
Output represents signature of the first node's operator which will be used to broadcast transaction.
Now change "signatures"
field in tx.json
by modifying null
to []
and pasting signature inside of brackets.
Copy value
field of tx.json
and paste it inside tx
field, then execute following command:
curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data @- <<'EOF'
"tx": <insert_value>,
"return": "block"
Transaction is now broadcasted to other nodes. However, since this validator doesn't have enough power to achieve majority second validator needs to vote as well, in order to reach network consensus.