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Thea SDK npm version

This is official JS SDK for Thea Protocol

SDK Initialization

Depending on the platform you're using, there are different ways to initialize the SDK. Below are few samples

// Client side
const theaSDK = await TheaSDK.init({
	network: TheaNetwork.MUMBAI,
	web3Provider: new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum)

// Server side with private key and provider
const theaSDK = await TheaSDK.init({
	network: TheaNetwork.MUMBAI,
	privateKey: "123...",
	provider: new ethers.providers.AlchemyProvider(80001, "apiKey")

// Server side with signer
const theaSDK = await TheaSDK.init({
	network: TheaNetwork.MUMBAI,
	signer: new Wallet(privateKey, provider)

You can also pass in a current NBT address as an optional parameter to the SDK initialization. If you don't pass in a current NBT address, the SDK will fetch current base token addres from BaseTokenManager SC. Here is an example of passing in a current NBT address as a parameter:

// Server side init with signer and current NBT address
const theaSDK = await TheaSDK.init({
	network: TheaNetwork.MUMBAI,
	signer: new Wallet(privateKey, provider),
    currentNBTokenAddress: "0x123..."
  • Note! You can set new CurrentNBT token address anytime by calling:

Convert module

  • Convert NFTs - Converts tokenAmount of Carbon Credit ERC1155 with specific tokenId into corresponding amounts of current base token, SDG, Rating and Vintage ERC20's. BaseTokenManager contract gets ownership(locks) ERC1155's and mint's new ERC20 tokens to users address.
// call to unwrap method of Registry contract
const result = await theaSDK.convert.convertNFT(tokenId, tokenAmount);

// Sample output
    "id": "1", // token ID
    "amount": '10', // Converted Amount of ERC1155 Tokens
    "to": '0xE100c4ffFF7c00253BA4A2a695F5ac909d756D76',
    "from": '0xbd44572e53343A0f003b719cf438C6338bD29d9C',

Recover module

  • Recover NFTs - Recovers tokenAmount of Carbon Credit ERC1155 with specific tokenId from corresponding amounts of current base token, SDG, Rating and Vintage ERC20's. BaseTokenManager contract sends to user ERC1155's and burns's ERC20 tokens in appropriate amonts.
// call to unwrap method of Registry contract
const result = await theaSDK.recover.recoverNFT(tokenId, tokenAmount);

// Sample output
    "id": "1", // token ID
    "amount": '10', // Recovered Amount of ERC1155 Tokens
    "to": '0xE100c4ffFF7c00253BA4A2a695F5ac909d756D76',
    "from": '0xbd44572e53343A0f003b719cf438C6338bD29d9C',
  • Query recover fungible - Returns list of token amounts needed to recover amount of specified NFT (by tokenID).
// call to unwrap method of Registry contract
const result = await theaSDK.recover.queryRecoverFungibles(tokenId, tokenAmount);

// Sample output
    "cbt": "100000000", // current base token amount
    "sdg": '100000000', // sdg tokent amount
    "vintage": '100000000', // vintage token amount
    "rating": '100000000' // rating token amount

Roll Tokens module

  • Roll base tokens - Rolls tokenAmount of Base Token based on their vintage. This means that old Base Tokens (defined by sent vintage) and vintage tokens are burned and the same amount(tokenAmount) of new Base Tokens (defined by vintage + 1) is beeing minted. These Base Tokens addresses are defined in BaseTokenManager contract under baseTokens mapping with vintage as key.
// call to unwrap method of Registry contract
const result = await theaSDK.rollBaseTokens.rollTokens(vintage, tokenAmount);

// Sample output
    "user": "0xbd44572e53343A0f003b719cf438C6338bD29d9C", // Address of user who rolled tokens
    "vintage": "2022", // Vintage of old Base Token
    "amount": '10', // Amount of base tokens rolled
    "to": '0xE100c4ffFF7c00253BA4A2a695F5ac909d756D76',
    "from": '0xbd44572e53343A0f003b719cf438C6338bD29d9C',

Unwrap module

  • Unwrap token - Stores a request to untokenize the VCC token of type id, locks the tokens and emits event. Backend listens to event and process the request. Tokens are not burnt until backend calls updateUnwrapRequest function after processing and validating the transfer to offchain offchainAccount was succesful.
// call to unwrap method of Registry contract
const result = await theaSDK.unwrap.unwrapToken(tokenId, amount, offchainAccount)

// Sample output
    "requestId": "2", // Request ID that we can use to fetch token state
    "to": "0xe135783649BfA7c9c4c6F8E528C7f56166efC8a6", // The rest of the output is ethers Transaction receipt
    "from": "0xbd44572e53343A0f003b719cf438C6338bD29d9C",
  • Get unwrap token state - Returns the state of the unwrap token request.
// call to requests mapping of Registry contract
const state = await theaSDK.unwrap.getUnwrapTokenState(tokenId)

// Sample output
    "status": 0,
    "maker": "0x123...",
    "tokenId": "1",
    "amount": "1000"

Tokenization module

  • Request tokenization
const tokenizationState = await theaSDK.tokenization.requestTokenization(
      email: "[email protected]",
      ethAddr: "0x123...",
      fullName: "John",
// Sample output
    "result": {
        "uuid": "0000018631954fb292bd329c70fe6751", // tokenization ID
        "createdAt": "2023-02-08T15:11:54.291Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-02-08T15:11:54.291Z",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "fullName": "John",
        "ethAddr": "0x123...",
        "source": "verra",
        "subaccountId": "43163",
        "batchId": "11158-2891187991...",
        "status": "IN_QUEUE",
    "error": null,
    "errorMessage": null
  • Get tokenization state - Query tokenization state by tokenization ID
const tokenizationState = await theaSDK.tokenization.getTokenizationState(tokenizationId);
  • Tokenize - Used to claim tokens after tokenization request is performed and admin approves it
const tokenizationState = await theaSDK.tokenization.tokenize(tokenizationId);

Offset module

  • Offset NFT - offsets specified amount of ERC1155 token
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.offset.offsetNFT(1, "2000");
  • Offset fungible - offsets specified amount of ERC20 token for specified vintage
// Returns requestId in transaction receipt
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.offset.offsetFungible(2017, "2000");

Fungible trading

  • Query token price - Used to fetch best price by calling Uniswap's V3 Quoter contract
// Token in is "SDG" | "Vintage" | "Rating" | "CurrentNBT" | "Stable"

// From ERC20 to Stable coin
const priceInWEI = await theaSDK.fungibleTrading.queryTokenPrice({
	tokenIn: "SDG",
	amountIn: "1000000000000000000"

// From Stable coin to ERC20
const priceInWEI = await theaSDK.fungibleTrading.queryTokenPrice({
	tokenIn: "Stable",
	tokenOut: "SDG",
	amountIn: "1000000000000000000"
  • Swap tokens - Used to swap tokens by calling Uniswap's V3 SwapRouter contract
// From ERC20 to Stable coin
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.fungibleTrading.swapTokens({
	tokenIn: "SDG",
	amountIn: "1000000000000000000"

// From Stable coin to ERC20
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.fungibleTrading.swapTokens({
	tokenIn: "Stable",
	tokenOut: "SDG",
	amountIn: "1000000000000000000"

NFT orderbook

  • Query token list - Returns a list of ERC1155 tokens that are available, and they are grouped by projectIDs and vintages
const priceInWEI = await theaSDK.nftTokenList.getTokenList();

// Sample output
// (Object which keys are projectIDs and values are arrays of tokens that belong to that project)
    "1784": // proojectId
    [       // list of tokens in that project
            "vintage": 2018,
            "tokenID": "1",
  • Query Orders Info - Returns a list of orders for a given tokenID and owner
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftOrderbook.queryOrdersInfo(tokenId, owner);

// Sample output
    "orders": [
            "erc20Token": "0x5d29011d843b0b1760c43e10d66f302174bccd1a",
            "erc20TokenAmount": "10000000000000000000",
            "nftToken": "0xb47e3cd837ddf8e4c57f05d70ab865de6e193bbb",
            "nftTokenId": "69",
            "nftTokenAmount": "100",
            "nftType": "ERC1155",
            "sellOrBuyNft": "buy",
            "chainId": "1337",
            "order": {
                "direction": 1,
                "erc20Token": "0x5d29011d843b0b1760c43e10d66f302174bccd1a",
                "erc20TokenAmount": "10000000000000000000",
                "erc1155Token": "0xb47e3cd837ddf8e4c57f05d70ab865de6e193bbb",
                "erc1155TokenId": "69",
                "erc1155TokenAmount": "100",
                "erc1155TokenProperties": [],
                "expiry": "2524604400",
                "fees": [],
                "maker": "0x9342a65736a2e9c6a84a2adaba55ad1dc1f3a418",
                "nonce": "100131415900000000000000000000000000000096685863241593142117280893798097702934",
                "signature": {
                    "r": "0x39728a3bef397db69c6c6e1409ae6756c567a989894ad0787f9561113c9a80e9",
                    "s": "0x5f8a25be83efa2326e6405c68e8bdf5c0e83894dbef7e31de39d8c073302a1f6",
                    "v": 28,
                    "signatureType": 2
                "taker": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
            "orderStatus": {
                "status": null, // null status indicates that order is not yet executed and is awailable for matching
                "transactionHash": null,
                "blockNumber": null
            "metadata": {}
  • Query Price Listings - Returns sorted price listing for a given tokenID and side (buy or sell)
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftOrderbook.queryPriceListing(tokenId, side);

// Sample output
		"priceForOneNFT": 10,
		"nftTokenAmount": "10",
		"orderId": "100133271337000000000000000000000000000173830542377169720320941218856725572133",
		"orderToBeFilled": {
			"direction": 1,
			"erc20Token": "0xa6cbe96c05e92a01b52f519d50541409d85ed6d6",
			"erc20TokenAmount": "100000000000000000000",
			"erc1155Token": "0xf37221f42678ace417f2bc5c89489d1f0c77c133",
			"erc1155TokenId": "1",
			"erc1155TokenAmount": "10",
			"erc1155TokenProperties": [],
			"expiry": "2524604400",
			"fees": [],
			"maker": "0xca1edbea332fe36a4164bfc85bc58de12f07f941",
			"nonce": "100133271337000000000000000000000000000173830542377169720320941218856725572133",
			"signature": {
				"r": "0x004c3187cd41552901eeda3b6aa8bf1934db4cbff9e080d193b30714a62f9ead",
				"s": "0x293711b92b8dd052bdaebd00b84f2997e67b0b6ba8cd699ad513173f2856c867",
				"v": 28,
				"signatureType": 2
			"taker": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  • Query Order By Nonce - Returns order for a given nonce (orderId)
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftOrderbook.queryOrderByNonce(nonce);

// Sample output
    "orders": [
            "erc20Token": "0x5d29011d843b0b1760c43e10d66f302174bccd1a",
            "erc20TokenAmount": "10000000000000000000",
            "nftToken": "0xb47e3cd837ddf8e4c57f05d70ab865de6e193bbb",
            "nftTokenId": "69",
            "nftTokenAmount": "100",
            "nftType": "ERC1155",
            "sellOrBuyNft": "buy",
            "chainId": "1337",
            "order": {
                "direction": 1,
                "erc20Token": "0x5d29011d843b0b1760c43e10d66f302174bccd1a",
                "erc20TokenAmount": "10000000000000000000",
                "erc1155Token": "0xb47e3cd837ddf8e4c57f05d70ab865de6e193bbb",
                "erc1155TokenId": "69",
                "erc1155TokenAmount": "100",
                "erc1155TokenProperties": [],
                "expiry": "2524604400",
                "fees": [],
                "maker": "0x9342a65736a2e9c6a84a2adaba55ad1dc1f3a418",
                "nonce": "100131415900000000000000000000000000000096685863241593142117280893798097702934",
                "signature": {
                    "r": "0x39728a3bef397db69c6c6e1409ae6756c567a989894ad0787f9561113c9a80e9",
                    "s": "0x5f8a25be83efa2326e6405c68e8bdf5c0e83894dbef7e31de39d8c073302a1f6",
                    "v": 28,
                    "signatureType": 2
                "taker": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
            "orderStatus": {
                "status": null, // null status indicates that order is not yet executed and is awailable for matching
                "transactionHash": null,
                "blockNumber": null
            "metadata": {}

NFT trading

  • Enter Limit Order - Creates and submits an off-chain limit order (for specific tokenId, side, price and quantity) to the orderbook
const priceInWEI = await theaSDK.nftTrading.enterNFTLimit(
		tokenId, // token id of the NFT
		side, // buy or sell
		price, // price of the NFT in Stablecoins
		quantity, // quantity of the NFT
		chunks? // number of chunks to split the order into (default 1), each chunk will be made into a separate limit order

// Sample output
    "erc20Token": "0xa6fa4fb5f76172d178d61b04b0ecd319c5d1c0aa",
    "erc20TokenAmount": "100000000000000",
    "nftToken": "0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963",
    "nftTokenId": "113604032257357238510303590891918450986076622282835488971632849699550347132938",
    "nftTokenAmount": "1",
    "nftType": "ERC1155",
    "sellOrBuyNft": "buy",
    "chainId": "80001",
    "order": {
        "direction": 1,
        "erc20Token": "0xa6fa4fb5f76172d178d61b04b0ecd319c5d1c0aa",
        "erc20TokenAmount": "100000000000000",
        "erc1155Token": "0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963",
        "erc1155TokenId": "113604032257357238510303590891918450986076622282835488971632849699550347132938",
        "erc1155TokenAmount": "1",
        "erc1155TokenProperties": [],
        "expiry": "2524604400",
        "fees": [],
        "maker": "0x1e45d9f1be883653ebd1c3311866ec8fab9ba74a",
        "nonce": "100133271337000000000000000000000000000272122256199440695915800875629318974968",
        "signature": {
            "r": "0x103be09b2a88d1c2916a0f85c177cc9f84af3373efd7442d770416a38003ba7b",
            "s": "0x22ac77d199c445c5cf093ef1b6aace677efef0256f6b0d88cbfa4ae0d02b17a3",
            "v": 27,
            "signatureType": 2
        "taker": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "orderStatus": {
        "status": null, // null status indicates that order is not yet executed and is awailable for matching
        "transactionHash": null,
        "blockNumber": null
    "metadata": {}
  • Cancel Order - Cancels order for specific orderId(nonce) on 0x Exchange Conctract and returns transaction receipt
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftTrading.cancelOrder(orderId);
  • Update Order - Updates specific order with new price and quantity. Which includes cancels order for specific orderId(nonce) on 0x Exchange Conctract, then creating and submiting new off-chain limit order (for specific tokenId and side (defined in previously cancelled order), price and quantity (function input parameters)) to the orderbook
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftTrading.updateOrder(orderId, price, quantity);

// Sample output
    "erc20Token": "0xa6fa4fb5f76172d178d61b04b0ecd319c5d1c0aa",
    "erc20TokenAmount": "100000000000000",
    "nftToken": "0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963",
    "nftTokenId": "113604032257357238510303590891918450986076622282835488971632849699550347132938",
    "nftTokenAmount": "1",
    "nftType": "ERC1155",
    "sellOrBuyNft": "buy",
    "chainId": "80001",
    "order": {
        "direction": 1,
        "erc20Token": "0xa6fa4fb5f76172d178d61b04b0ecd319c5d1c0aa",
        "erc20TokenAmount": "100000000000000",
        "erc1155Token": "0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963",
        "erc1155TokenId": "113604032257357238510303590891918450986076622282835488971632849699550347132938",
        "erc1155TokenAmount": "1",
        "erc1155TokenProperties": [],
        "expiry": "2524604400",
        "fees": [],
        "maker": "0x1e45d9f1be883653ebd1c3311866ec8fab9ba74a",
        "nonce": "100133271337000000000000000000000000000272122256199440695915800875629318974968",
        "signature": {
            "r": "0x103be09b2a88d1c2916a0f85c177cc9f84af3373efd7442d770416a38003ba7b",
            "s": "0x22ac77d199c445c5cf093ef1b6aace677efef0256f6b0d88cbfa4ae0d02b17a3",
            "v": 27,
            "signatureType": 2
        "taker": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "orderStatus": {
        "status": null, // null status indicates that order is not yet executed and is awailable for matching
        "transactionHash": null,
        "blockNumber": null
    "metadata": {}
  • Enter NFT Order at Market Price - Creates market order that is filling orders from orderbook (sorted by best prices) to quantity specified in method and returns transaction receipt for buy orders (batch buy of ERC1155), or receipt's for sell orders (they are not filled in batch, cause currently there is no such function on 0x Exchange Contract, instead they are filled one by one)
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftTrading.enterNFTOrderAtMarket(tokenId, side, quantity);
  • Fill order - Fills a specific order (that can be found by calling queryPriceListings and using orderToBeFilled parameter of desired order) to amount specified in a call. Returns transaction receipt
const transactionReceipt = await theaSDK.nftOrderbook.fillOrder(order, amount);

Carbon informations

  • Estimate footprint - estimates footprint and returns summary and details about co2 emission for each year per country
const footprint = theaSDK.carbonInfo.estimateFootprint(1996, [
      isoCode: "USA",
      year: 2003,
      isoCode: "FRA",
      year: 2008,
      isoCode: "GBR",
      year: null,

// Sample output
    "footprint": 300.6559133529663,
    "summary": [
            "country": "United States",
            "isoCode": "USA",
            "from": 1996,
            "to": 2003,
            "co2Emission": 166.7100372314453
            "country": "France",
            "isoCode": "FRA",
            "from": 2003,
            "to": 2008,
            "co2Emission": 40.139599323272705
            "country": "United Kingdom",
            "isoCode": "GBR",
            "from": 2008,
            "to": 2021,
            "co2Emission": 93.80627679824829
    "details": [
            "year": 1996,
            "co2Emission": 20.880138397216797,
            "country": "United States",
            "isoCode": "USA"
            "year": 1997,
            "co2Emission": 20.89559555053711,
            "country": "United States",
            "isoCode": "USA"

// Get list of all country codes
const countries = theaSDK.carbonInfo.countries()
  • Tokenization informations - returns history or stats informations about tokenization
const tokenizationHistory = await theaSDK.carbonInfo.queryTokenizationHistory();

// Sample output
        "id": "1",
        "projectId": "1748",
        "vintage": "2019"
const tokenizationStats = await theaSDK.carbonInfo.queryTokenizationStats("1");

// Sample output
    "id": "1",
    "projectId": "1748",
    "vintage": "2019",
    "tokenURI": "1.json",
    "activeAmount": "99000",
    "mintedAmount": "100000",
    "retiredAmount": "1000",
    "unwrappedAmount": "0"
  • Offset informations - returns history or stats informations about offset
const offsetHistory = await theaSDK.carbonInfo.queryOffsetHistory();

// Sample output
		id: "1-726-0",
		amount: "1000",
		timestamp: "1677058856"

const offsetStats = await theaSDK.carbonInfo.queryOffsetStats("1");

// Sample output
		id: "1-726-0",
		amount: "1000",
		timestamp: "1677058856",
		token: {
			id: "1",
			projectId: "1748",
			vintage: "2019",
			tokenURI: "1.json",
			activeAmount: "99000",
			mintedAmount: "100000",
			retiredAmount: "1000",
			unwrappedAmount: "0"
		by: {
			id: "0x123..."
  • User balance - returns balances of ERC20 and ERC1155 tokens for a given wallet address
const balance = await theaSDK.carbonInfo.getUsersBalance("0x123...");

// Sample output
    "fungible": {
        "vintage": "1000",
        "rating": "1000",
        "sdg": "1000",
        "nbt": "80000"
    "nft": {
        "1": "29000"