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[Guide] Creating Custom Bosses

MagmaGuy edited this page Jul 12, 2023 · 55 revisions

Creating custom bosses

Before you begin

Where do boss files go?

Boss files go into the configuration folder ~/plugins/EliteMobs/custombosses.

It is possible to create subfolders, such as ~/plugins/EliteMobs/custombosses/mybosses. This is recommended to keep things organized.

Files are stored in the .yml file format and Notepad++ is the recommended file editing software for configuration work. One file defines one boss, though it is possible to spawn the same boss several times and even set several spawn locations for the same boss file.

It is possible to use the webapp to quickly and easily create custom bosses and more.

Smallest possible configuration

Please note that the smallest possible configuration file for a Custom Boss is:

Note how this is just an empty file. This will still spawn a zombie custom boss with a custom name, as those are the defaults. Everything in this page is optional!

Example boss

Let's take a look at an example of what a bossfile looks like.

isEnabled: true
entityType: ZOMBIE
name: '&eTest boss'
level: dynamic
timeout: 10
isPersistent: false
healthMultiplier: 2.0
damageMultiplier: 0.5
mainHand: GOLDEN_AXE
offHand: SHIELD
isBaby: false
- invulnerability_knockback.yml
spawnMessage: A test boss has been spawned!
deathMessage: A test boss has been slain by $players!
escapeMessage: A test boss entity has escaped!
locationMessage: 'Test entity: $location'
- magmaguys_toothpick.yml:1
dropsEliteMobsLoot: true
dropsVanillaLoot: true
- "I've hit you!"
- "I've been hit!"

Breakdown of commonly used values

The following value types are frequently used in the plugin:


Strings are words or sentences, and should be placed between single quotes ('example 1') or double quotes ("example 2").

Color codes

String values can frequently have color codes. This uses the traditional color code system, which you can find here.


name: "&cRed Boss"


Integers are whole numbers, such as -100, 0, 123 and so on.


level: 10


Doubles are non-whole numbers, such as -11.12391 and 2391.1234.


healthMultiplier: 1.2


Multipliers are just a specific application of doubles. Taking health multipliers as an example, numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 lower the boss health, and numbers between 1.0 and infinity increase the boss health. 0.5 will result in halving an amount, and 2.0 will double an amount.


healthMultiplier: 0.5

Basic settings


Sets if the boss is enabled.

Key Values Default
isEnabled true / false true
isEnabled: true


Sets the entity type of the boss.

Key Values Default
entityType Pick from here.
Value must also be present in ~plugins/EliteMobs/mobproperties.
entityType: ZOMBIE


Sets the name of the boss.

Key Values Default
name String, accepts color codes and the placeholders listed below "Default Name"
Placeholder Description Example Output (for a level 10 boss)
$level Replaces with the level "$level Cool boss" 10 Cool boss
$normalLevel Replaces with the level, made for normal mobs "$normalLevel Cool boss" [10] Cool boss
$minibossLevel Replaces with the level, made for minibosses "$minibossLevel Cool boss" 〖10〗 Cool boss
$bossLevel Replaces with the level, made for bosses "$bossLevel Cool boss" 『10』 Cool boss
$reinforcementLevel Replaces with the level, made for reinforcements "$reinforcementLevel Cool boss" 〔10〕 Cool Boss
$eventBossLevel Replaces with the level, made for event bosses "$eventBossLevel Cool boss" 「10」 Cool boss
name: "$normalLevel &cCool boss!"


Sets the level of the boss.

Key Values Default
entityType Positive integer numbers or dynamic dynamic

dynamic is used for events and adjusts to the level of nearby players at the time of the boss spawn. It is not recommended for regional bosses.

level: 1


Sets the health of the boss.

Key Values Default
healthMultiplier Multiplier 1.0
healthMultiplier: 1.5


Sets the damage multiplier of the boss.

Key Values Default
damageMultiplier Multiplier 1.0
damageMultiplier: 1.5


Sets if the boss uses the baby variant of the mob. Can only be applied to mobs with baby variants.

Key Values Default
isBaby true / false false
isBaby: true


Sets the armor of the boss. Not all minecraft models are able to show armor. Boss armor is purely cosmetic and does not affect gameplay.

Key Values Default
helmet Material none
chestplate Material none
leggings Material none
boots Material none
mainHand Material none
offHand Material none

Note: This field also lets you set custom models for items. To set the custom model ID, add the ID after the material type following this format: ITEM_MATERIAL:ID. Example: DIAMOND_SWORD:1 sets the boss to wear a diamond sword with the custom model #1 in your texture pack.

Note 2: This field also lets you set custom leather colors with the format ITEM_MATERIAL:CODE where the code is the hexadecimal representation of the color. Example: LEATHER_LEGGINGS:ffa500 would create orange leggings. You can use hex codes, just remove the # when you get them from here.

helmet: 198c4123-cafc-45df-ba79-02a421eb8ce7
leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS:ffa500
offHand: SHIELD


Sets the powers the boss has.

Key Values Default
powers Refer to the list below none
- hyper_loot.yml

Easy configuration - premade powers

A full list of powers can be found in the ~/plugins/EliteMobs/powers folder. The following list is not necessarily complete since you can make custom powers and some dungeons come with their own powers.

List of premade elite powers
Power filename Description
arrow_fireworks.yml Boss shoots fireworks when hit.
arrow_rain.yml Makes arrows rain from the sky.
attack_arrow.yml Makes the boss shoot arrows.
attack_blinding.yml Gives the blindness potion effect on attack.
attack_confusing.yml Gives the nausea potion effect on attack.
attack_fire.yml Sets players on fire on attack.
attack_fireball.yml Makes the boss shoot fireballs.
attack_freeze.yml Makes the boss freeze players on hit.
attack_gravity.yml Gives the levitation potion effect on attack.
attack_lightning.yml Strikes lightning at nearby players.
attack_poison.yml Applies poison on attacks.
attack_push.yml Increases knockback of attacks.
attack_vacuum.yml Pulls players towards the boss on attack.
attack_weakness.yml Applies the weakness potion effect on attack.
attack_web.yml Spawns a web at the player location on player damage.
attack_wither.yml Applies the wither potion effect on attack.
bonus_coins.yml Drops extra coins.
bonus_loot.yml Drops extra loot.
bullet_hell.yml Makes the boss levitate and shoot several tracking arrows.
channel_healing.yml Makes the boss heal other nearby bosses.
corpse.yml Spawns a bone block on boss death.
death_slice.yml Creates a damage zone around the boss.
ender_dragon_aimed_fireball.yml Makes the dragon shoot fireballs.
ender_dragon_arrow_bombardment.yml Makes the dragon shoot arrows.
ender_dragon_disco_fireballs.yml Makes the dragon rotate fireballs around itself and then shoot them.
ender_dragon_empowered_lightning.yml Makes lightning strike with a custom block animation for destruction.
ender_dragon_ender_fireball_bombardment.yml Makes the dragon shoot ender fireballs.
ender_dragon_endermite_bombardment.yml Makes the dragon spawn endermite reinforcements.
ender_dragon_fireball_bombardment.yml Makes the dragon shoot fireballs.
ender_dragon_potion_bombardment.yml Makes the dragon shoot potions.
ender_dragon_shockwave.yml Makes the dragon destroy the combat arena.
ender_dragon_tornado.yml Makes the dragon spawn a tornado.
firestorm.yml Spawns several damaging flame pillars.
fireworks_barrage.yml Makes the boss shoot several fireworks rockets.
flame_pyre.yml Makes a flame pillar appear on the boss.
flamethrower.yml Makes the boss shoot a flamethrower.
frost_cone.yml Makes the boss shoot snowballs in a direction.
frost_walker.yml Gives the boss frost walking boots to walk on water.
gold_explosion.yml Spawns damaging gold nuggets on the boss that can be blocked.
gold_shotgun.yml Spawns damaging gold nuggets in a direction that can be blocked.
ground_pound.yml Makes the boss jump and drop to the floor with knockback.
hyper_loot.yml Drops 10x the normal loot.
implosion.yml Pulls all nearby entities towards the boss on death.
invisibility.yml Makes the boss invisible.
invulnerability_arrow.yml Makes the boss immune to projectiles.
invulnerability_fall_damage.yml Makes the boss immune to fall damage.
invulnerability_fire.yml Makes the boss immune to fire damage.
invulnerability_fireworks.yml Makes the boss immune to fireworks.
invulnerability_knockback.yml Makes the boss immune to damage knockback.
lightning_bolts.yml Spawns lightning bolts.
meteor_shower.yml Spawns several fireballs from the sky.
moonwalk.yml Makes the boss jump extra high.
movement_speed.yml Makes the boss extra fast.
photon_ray.yml Spawns a damaging ray that will bounce off of walls.
plasma_blaster.yml Spawns a slow moving green projectile.
shield_wall.yml Spawns shields that will protect the boss from a specific direction until destroyed.
skeleton_pillar.yml Spawns two pillars of particles that damage players in the zone.
skeleton_tracking_arrow.yml Spawns a tracking arrow.
spirit_walk.yml Makes the boss teleport to a nearby safe location if it keeps getting hit without being able to damage a player.
summon_embers.yml Summons the embers reinforcement.
summon_the_returned.yml Summons the returned reinforcement.
taunt.yml Taunts the player with messages.
taze.yml Tazes the player, shocking it and applying knockback.
thunderstorm.yml Spawns several lightning bolts.
tracking_fireball.yml Spawns a fireball that follows a player.
zombie_bloat.yml Knocks players away from the boss.
zombie_friends.yml Spawns the zombie friends reinforcement.
zombie_necronomicon.yml Makes the boss channel summoning reinforcements.
zombie_parents.yml Spawns the zombie parents reinforcement.

Note that some of the powers are in the Elite Script format, and can be customized.

- hyper_loot.yml
- summonType: ON_COMBAT_ENTER
  filename: test_boss.yml
  spawnNearby: true
  inheritAggro: true
  inheritLevel: true
- filename: movement_speed.yml
  - myDifficultyName

Intermediate configuration - Spawning reinforcements

Reinforcements also go into the powers category, using the following settings:

Reinforcement settings
Key Description Values Default
summonType What triggers the reinforcement spawn. Mandatory. Refer to the list below none
filename Filename of the boss to spawn as a reinforcement. Mandatory. String none
chance Chance of the reinforcement spawning. Optional. Double 1.0
amount Sets the amount of reinforcements to spawn. Optional. Integer 1
inheritAggro Makes the reinforcement inherit the aggro from the boss. Optional. true / false false
spawnNearby Makes the reinforcements spawn in a 30 block radius from the boss. Optional. true / false false
inheritLevel Makes the reinforcement inherit the level of the boss. Optional true / false false
customSpawn Makes the reinforcement spawn using the custom spawn system. Only used for summonType: GLOBAL
location Spawn location. Optional. world_name,x,y,z or x,y,z for a location relative to the boss. The offset is relative to the spawn location for regional bosses. none
lightningRod Special setting for summonType: ON_COMBAT_ENTER_PLACE_CRYSTAL. Makes end crystals spawn lightning around them. Optional. true / false none

Summon types set the conditions for the reinforcements spawning. The following is a list of the valid summon types:

Summon types
Value Description
ONCE Only spawns the reinforcements once, the first time the boss is damaged.
ON_HIT Spawns the reinforcements on hit.
ON_COMBAT_ENTER Spawns the reinforcements when the boss enters combat.
GLOBAL Spawns a reinforcement for every online player. Requires the customSpawn key to have a valid custom spawn set.
ON_COMBAT_ENTER_PLACE_CRYSTAL Places end crystal reinforcements on combat enter, only for use with custom dragon fights.

Note that it is possible to spawn reinforcements through Elite Scripts, so there are more customizable ways of spawning reinforcements.

- summonType: ON_COMBAT_ENTER
  filename: test_boss.yml
  spawnNearby: true
  inheritAggro: true
  inheritLevel: true

Expert configuration - Creating your own powers

It is possible to create your own powers, either on the boss file itself or as a new configuration file in the powers folder. You can learn more about that here.

Limiting powers based on instanced dungeon difficulty

Instanced dungeons can have difficulty settings, and it is possible to make it so a specific power is only enabled for specific difficulties.

Limiting power options
Key Description Values Default
filename Filename of the power. String none
difficultyID Difficulty name, matching the name of the difficulty in the dungeon package. String none

This will only apply to instanced dungeons.

- filename: movement_speed.yml
  - myDifficultyName


Sets the message to send when the boss spawns. Requires setting up the announcementPriority.

Key Values Default
spawnMessage Strings and color codes none
announcementPriority: 3
spawnMessage: I rise once more!


Sets the list of messages to send when the boss dies. Requires setting up the announcementPriority.

Key Values Default
deathMessages Strings, color codes and the placeholders below none
announcementPriority: 3
- '&e&l---------------------------------------------'
- '&4The Test Boss has been killed!'
- '&c&l    1st Damager: $damager1name &cwith $damager1damage damage!'
- '&6&l    2nd Damager: $damager2name &6with $damager2damage damage!'
- '&e&l    3rd Damager: $damager3name &ewith $damager3damage damage!'
- '&4Slayers: $players'
- '&e&l---------------------------------------------'

Death messages use the following placeholders:

Value Description
$damager1name The name of the top damager
$damager2name The name of the second top damager
$damager3name The name of the third top damager
$damager1damage The damage amount of the top damager
$damager2damage The damage amount of second top damager
$damager3damage The damage amount of the third top damager
$players Displays a list of all damagers

Advanced settings


Sets the amount of time, in minutes, before the Custom Boss despawns.

Key Values Default
timeout Time (in minutes) Integer 0
timeout: 20

Sets the boss to escape after 20 minutes.


Sets if the boss can survive a chunk unload. Only recommended for event bosses.

Key Values Default
isPersistent true / false false


isPersistent: true


Sets weapons that bosses can be strong or weak against.

Key Values Default
damageModifiers Material none
- material:DIAMOND_SWORD,multiplier:0.8
- material:TRIDENT,multiplier:2.0

In this example, bosses will only take 80% damage from diamond swords (or 20% less), but will take 200% damage from tridents (or 2x more).


Modifies the boss' damage and max health to match the values of the normalized entity in ~/plugins/EliteMobs/mobproperties. This is the default for regional bosses to guarantee a smooth difficulty curve.

Key Values Default
normalizedCombat true / false false


normalizedCombat: true


Sets the message that gets broadcasted to players when the boss escapes through the timeout mechanic. Requires announcementPriority to be configured.

Key Values Default
escapeMessage String none
announcementPriority: 3
timeout: 60
escapeMessage: "Sayonara!"


Sets the message show in the boss bar. This is used to track both Custom Boss health and its location in the server. Requires the annoucementPriority to be configured.

Key Values Default
locationMessage String, Color codes and the placeholders listed below none


Value Description
$distance Gets replaced with the distance the player is from the Custom Boss. This is the preferable option.
$location Gets replaced with the x y z location coordinates of the Custom Boss
announcementPriority: 3
locationMessage: "&4Cool boss: $distance blocks away!"

This would show something like Cool boss: 10 blocks away!


Sets the Custom Items that drop from the boss.

Key Values Default
uniqueLootList List none

Loot entries in the Custom Loot follow the Loot Table format. Info about that here!

- magmaguys_toothpick.yml:1
- minecraft:type=DIAMOND:amount=1:chance=0.9
- SCRAP:level=5-10:amount=10-20:ignorePlayerLevel=false:chance=0.5
- UPGRADE_ITEM:level=5-10:amount=1-2:ignorePlayerLevel=false:chance=0.1
- magmaguys_toothpick.yml:0.5:elitemobs.*


Sets if the boss will drop EliteMobs loot, excluding items in uniqueLootList. Includes coins.

Key Values Default
dropsEliteMobsLoot true / false true

Recommended to set to false for reinforcement mobs.

dropsEliteMobsLoot: true


Sets whether the Custom Boss will drop the vanilla loot usually associated to its vanilla mob type.

Key Values Default
dropsVanillaLoot true / false true
dropsVanillaLoot: true


Sets whether the Custom Boss will drop procedurally generated loot from EliteMobs. Does not include elite coins.

Key Values Default
dropsRandomLoot true / false true
dropsRandomLoot: true


Sets the trail that the boss leaves behind when moving.

Key Values Default
trails Particles or item materials none


Sets the message that the Boss Mob displays when they hit a player. This is a list, and the one used is randomized from the list.

Key Values Default
onDamageMessages List none
- "I hit you!"
- "Haha I hit you!"


Sets the message that the Boss Mob displays when damaged by a player. This is a list, and the one used is randomized from the list.

Key Values Default
onDamagedMessages List none
- "You hit me!"


Sets the entity that the boss will mount.

Key Values Default
onDamagedMessages Filename of the boss to mount or entity type none

Don't try to make the boss try to mount itself.

mountedEntity: balrog.yml

Note: Regional bosses will share their leash with the entity they're mounting, meaning they'll both be dragged back to the spawn location if they exceed the distance allowed by their leash.


Sets the priority level for announcements. Lower priorities mean no announcements are made, higher priorities can announce not only on chat but also on discord if configured.

Key Values Default
announcementPriority Integer 1

Here is a list of what the priorities do:

Value Description
0 The boss will be fully silent, with no announcement messages.
1 This is the default. Bosses can send chat messages, on spawn message, on death and escape messages.
2 On top of the things in 1, the boss will be set to be trackable by players through the /em menu.
3 On top of the things in 2, broadcast messages will be mirrored on Discord if configured. Discord configuration info here.

Here's an example of a boss that is trackable, is able to send spawn/death/escape messages on chat and on Discord:

announcementPriority: 3

Note: You will have to configure the spawnMessage, deathMessage/deathMessages, escapeMessage for chat and discord announcements and the locationMessage for the tracking feature if you wish to use the corresponding Announcement Priority level.


Set the distance at which bosses aggro and enter combat.

Key Values Default
followDistance Double none, uses defaults from Minecraft

Note 1: Regional bosses have half the followDistance when out of combat. This is so they don't aggro from too far away, which can cause annoying combat issues due to leash constraints.

Note 2: The higher the followDistance, the more intensive on the CPU the boss becomes. Use carefully and responsibly!

followDistance: 30

Sets a range of 30 blocks where if a player gets within that distance near the boss it will start chasing/attacking the player.


Sets the list of commands to run on custom boss death.

Key Values Default
onDeathCommands List none

The list supports the following placeholders:

Value Description
$level Placeholder for the boss level.
$name Placeholder for the boss name.
$chance=x$ Makes a command have a chance to run.
$players Makes the command run once for every player in the damagers list and replaces each time with the username of a different player on that list.
$locationX X coordinate of the boss at the time of death.
$locationY Y coordinate of the boss at the time of death.
$locationZ Z coordinate of the boss at the time of death.

Take a look at the example below to get a better understanding of how these work.

- "broadcast $players has killed $name! That was level $level!"
- "$chance=0.5$ broadcast What a kill!"

If Player1, Player2 and Player3 all damaged the boss before killing it, this is what the command output will be from console:

broadcast Player1 has killed CustomBossName! That was level X!
broadcast Player2 has killed CustomBossName! That was level X!
broadcast Player3 has killed CustomBossName! That was level X!

Additionally, there is a 50% chance that the following will also be output:

broadcast What a kill!


Sets the list of commands that will run on boss spawn.

Key Values Default
onSpawnCommands List none

This uses the same placeholders as onDeathCommands! Damager placeholders won't apply as there won't be any damagers at this time.

- broadcast Boss has spawned!


Sets the list of commands that will run when the boss enters combat.

Key Values Default
onCombatEnterCommands List none

This uses the same placeholders as onDeathCommands! Damager placeholders won't apply as there won't be any damagers at this time.

- broadcast Boss has entered combat!


Sets teh list of commands to run when the boss leaves combat.

Key Values Default
onCombatLeaveCommands List none

This uses the same placeholders as onDeathCommands!

- broadcast Boss has left combat!


Sets the LibsDisguises disguise if that plugin is enabled. More info here.

Key Values Default
disguise String none
customDisguiseData String none
disguise: custom:the_beast_sanctuary_beast
customDisguiseData: player the_beast_sanctuary_beast setskin {"id":"44e6d42b-bd8d-4e48-873b-fae7afed36e4","name":"Unknown","properties":[{"name":"textures","value":"ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTY2NjcwNjYwODA1MCwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICI3MmY5MTdjNWQyNDU0OTk0YjlmYzQ1YjVhM2YyMjIzMCIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJUaGF0X0d1eV9Jc19NZSIsCiAgInNpZ25hdHVyZVJlcXVpcmVkIiA6IHRydWUsCiAgInRleHR1cmVzIiA6IHsKICAgICJTS0lOIiA6IHsKICAgICAgInVybCIgOiAiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS82YmYyMTY4NmM1MGQ1ODhmZmExMDZhZDdjNmViZTk1ZWZiMjE2NDU5ODRjZDFjZWYwODkzNDc4NzMzNmI2YTI3IiwKICAgICAgIm1ldGFkYXRhIiA6IHsKICAgICAgICAibW9kZWwiIDogInNsaW0iCiAgICAgIH0KICAgIH0KICB9Cn0=","signature":"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"}],"legacy":false}

Sets a custom disguise from skindex. Check this page to learn how to correctly format this data.


Sets the custom model to use, if you have a custom model and ModelEngine. More info here.

Key Values Default
customModel String none
customModel: your_model


Sets if the boss can move. Frozen bosses can still attack.

Key Values Default
frozen true / false false
frozen: true


Sets the music a boss will play, starting when it spawns. Require the ogg file for the song to be in the resource pack

Key Values Default
song String none

There are two ways to set up songs. Here is the first one:

song: name=elitemobs:ice_queen.idle length=76370

This will play the song ice_queen.idle for 76370 ticks and then loop it. Note that the location of the song is determined by the resource pack.

Here is the second way of setting up songs:

song: name=elitemobs:ice_queen.end_transition length=14328->name=elitemobs:ice_queen.end_loop length=28657

This will play the song ice_queen.end_transition for 14328 ticks and then transition to ice_queen.end_loop for 28657 ticks and loop the end_loop.

This allows bosses to have an "intro" or "transition" song and then a main track that loops.


Sets if the reinforcements of the boss will be removed when the boss dies.

Key Values Default
cullReinforcements true / false true
cullReinforcements: true


Sets the movement speed of the boss

Key Values Default
movementSpeedAttribute Double none
movementSpeedAttribute: 0.3

Boss phases

Bosses can have phases that change when the boss reaches a certain percentage of health. When this happens, the boss starts using a different configuration file, meaning that everything about the boss can change, including things like the entity type.

Key Description Values Default
phases Sets the phases that the boss will have. Mandatory List none
phaseSpawnLocation Sets where the phase boss spawns. Optional String none

For this example, we are going to show three different configuration files.

First boss configuration file: phase_1_boss.yml

name: "Phase 1"
entityType: ZOMBIE
- phase_2_boss.yml:0.60
- phase_3_boss.yml:0.30

Second boss configuration file: phase_2_boss.yml

name: "Phase 2"
entityType: SKELETON

Third boss configuration file: phase_3_boss.yml

name: "Phase 3"
phaseSpawnLocation: same_as_boss,10,64,100,0,0
entityType: RAVAGER

This boss would change to the configuration file phase_2_boss.yml at 60% health, and to the configuration file phase_3_boss.yml at 30% health in the same world as phase 2 and at coordinates x=10, y=64 and z=100. The entity type and name of the boss would also change.

The format for an entry is filename:healthPercentage.

phaseSpawnLocation is optional, if it is not set the boss will change phases where it's standing.

The following things are important to know when designing a phase boss:

//todo: this will need more info

  • The configuration file for the first phase sets all phases of the boss.
  • Threat / damage counted is kept between phases for players.
  • Switching phases is based on the percentage of health lost, which is preserved when switching to a different phase. This means increasing or decreasing the healthMultiplier between phases will not heal or damage the boss, it will still switch with the same percentage, but will have more or less health for that phase.
  • Phase bosses revert to phase 1 if they go out of combat.
  • Phase bosses which are also regional bosses share the same leash radius and timeout mechanic across all phases, and will respawn as the phase 1 boss when the timer is finished.
  • The configuration file for the last phase sets the loot for the boss.
  • Phases can not be skipped - overkill damage will still make the boss switch phases at the percentage defined.
  • Phase bosses that have mounts cease to be mounted when switching phases.

Regional bosses

Regional bosses are a specific type of Custom Bosses that spawn at a specific configured location and are able to respawn at that location after a delay. Additionally, they can have leashes that make sure they stay in a specific zone, among other features.

These are used for all of the dungeon content.

Key Description Values Default
isRegionalBoss Sets if the boss is regional. Should be true if you want a regional boss. true / false false
spawnLocation Sets the spawn locations of the boss. Add these through the /em addSpawnLocation [filename.yml] command! none
spawnCooldown Sets the respawn cooldown of the boss, in minutes. Integer 0
leashRadius Sets the distance the boss can go from its spawn point before getting pulled back. Double none
onSpawnBlockStates Sets the blocks the boss will modify when it spawns. Check commands below none
onRemoveBlockStates Sets the blocks the boss will modify when it despawns. Check commands below none

As indicated, Regional Bosses can have onSpawnBlockStates and onRemoveBlockStates.

This is a very useful feature for modifying combat arenas during combat, especially when combined with phase switches, as it becomes possible to open and close combat arenas through changing block states.

The format for these is too complex to write manually, so a few commands exist to help you set them up:

Command Description
/em registerblocks [regional_boss_file.yml] [on_spawn/on_remove] Starts registering manual block selections for on spawn or on remove block states.
/em registerblocksedit [regional_boss_file.yml] [on_spawn/on_remove] Edits the on spawn or on remove block states.
/em registerblocksarea [regional_boss_file.yml] [on_spawn/on_remove] Allows admins to select large areas of blocks to save as states.
/em registerblocksareaedit [regional_boss_file.yml] [on_spawn/on_remove] Allows admins to edit large areas of blocks to save as states.
Example use:

Let's say you want to make a fight where a boss spawns in an arena that has an open door, and you want to make it so the door closes when the fight starts and reopens when the fight is over.

To do this, you will need two boss phases and to register three different sets of block states. For this example, I will name these phases phase_1_boss.yml and phase_2_boss.yml respectively.

  1. Use /em registerblocks phase_1_boss.yml on_spawn or /em registerblocksedit phase_1_boss.yml on_spawn to register the door blocks in their open state.

This means registering the air blocks. Area selection is recommended here.

This is necessary to make sure that the door is open when the boss spawns so players are guaranteed to have a way in.

  1. Use /em registerblocks phase_2_boss.yml on_spawn or /em registerblocksedit phase_2_boss.yml on_spawn to register the door blocks in their closed state.

This means registering the solid blocks of the door that would prevent the player from leaving.

This is necessary to change the door to be solid when the boss enters phase 2, preventing players from leaving.

  1. Use /em registerblocks phase_2_boss.yml on_remove or /em registerblocksedit phase_2_boss.yml on_remove to register the door blocks in their open state.

This means registering the same blocks from the first step again (the air blocks).

This is necessary to open the door when the boss dies, allowing players to leave the arena.

Instanced bosses

Instanced bosses are a subtype of Regional Bosses used in Instanced Dungeons.

Key Description Values Default
instanced Makes the custom boss instanced. Mandatory. true / false false

Setting bosses to instanced is mandatory for instanced dungeons to work correctly.

instanced: true
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