A virtual environment is an isolated working copy of Python. This means that each environment can have its own dependencies or even its own Python versions. This is useful if you need different versions of Python or packages for different projects. This also keeps things tidy when testing packages and making sure your main Python installation stays healthy.
First of all, you should not install packages in the default environment, only in a dedicated virtual environment. This keeps things tidy when testing packages and making sure your main Python installation stays healthy.
Second, in Jupyter Notebooks, Python environments are managed using kernels. You have to manually add a kernel with a virtual environment. Then the Notebook will work in that environment, meaning that if you install packages from the Notebook this will modify the Python environment.
Most importantly, never use !pip install
in a Notebook. Explanations below...
Below I use Mamba to manage the packages and environements. It is an equivalent of conda, it has exactly the same command line options as conda, but it is much faster than conda.
The example below will use Jupyerlab.
After you have installed Mamba, in a Mamba shell:
mamba update -y mamba
mamba update -y --all
mamba install -y -c conda-forge jupyterlab
Below I'll create an environment to work with Langchain.
First create environment mylangchain:
mamba create --name mylangchain --clone <path of the default environement>
Example on Windows 10:
mamba create --name mylangchain --clone C:\Users\user\mambaforge
Activate that environment and install the packages you need:
mamba activate mylangchain
mamba install langchain -c conda-forge
You can check the list of existing environments with:
mamba info --envs (alt.: mamba env list)
To return to the default environment:
mamba deactivate
Later on, if you want to remove an environment:
mamba env remove --name mylangchain -y
Make the environment available in Jupyter as a new kernel:
mamba activate mylangchain # do it before the ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=mylangchain --display-name "Python (langchain)"
To list the available kernels:
jupyter kernelspec list
Later on, if you want to remove a kernel:
jupyter kernelspec uninstall -y mylangchain
Create a Notebook and select the kernel you created with ipykernel. In the above, the kernel name is "Python (langchain)", which runs in the "mylangchain" environment.
Then, do not use !pip install
in a Notebook.
It will install the package in the default environment, not in the active environment that corresponds to the selected kernel.
Instead, to install a package in the virtual environment where the current Notebook kernel is running, you should do this:
import sys
!mamba install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} <package_name>
You can check that the package has been installed in the right environement this way:
!mamba list --prefix {sys.prefix} "<package_name>"
import sys
!mamba install -c conda-forge -y --prefix {sys.prefix} langchain openai
!mamba list --prefix {sys.prefix} "langchain|openai"
# packages in environment at C:\Users\user\mambaforge\envs\mylangchain:
# Name Version Build Channel
langchain 0.0.239 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
openai 0.27.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install <package_name>