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Makman2 edited this page Sep 4, 2015 · 4 revisions


  • IStandardTransformable: Not related to ITransformable, allows to scale, rotate (?), translate and maybe some other common stuff you should be able to do with vectors. Maybe not using an interface is better, just implement it into the Model directly. I mean when does it matter if an object is scalable as long as I can apply any valid transformation on it? (even it's a bit more imperformant, but anyway). EDIT: After thinking again: I vote this again up +1 (means implementing directly into the Model)
  • Custom Matrix transformation (this is a must-have)
  • Rotation transformation
  • (Non-linear) transformation chain
  • Linear transformation chain (orientate on CE3D)
  • Text(Buffer)Renderer (overthink the name), Printer comes later in 0.2 Think about the format where to render on (array, complete string with \n, ...)
  • Predefined models (cube, plane, circle, cylinder, pyramid) = Construction functions in CE3D2::Models::cube() etc.
  • doxygen
  • full documentation (also template parameters)
  • to check: what was the problem with using boost < 1.50? I remember it was something wrong when using C++11. Let's look when the travis builds crash :) --> if no problems on travis, move this issue to 0.2
  • Examples?!?! --> Examples in a separate repository.
  • Guides!!! --> look for doxygen integration
  • Make a CE2D2 config header from CMake that supplies version etc? (at least version is not unuseful)
  • Write into the readme that C++11 is used.
  • coala? yeah why not
  • Allow to disable checks??? (in OrthogonalProjection, the checks inside on_update() which checks for right vectors etc.) --> Maybe using here also a lazy evaluation system that is triggered automatically if not checked by user via check() or whatever? On first sight this looks bad...
  • Construction of object: Construction: Object elem(ctorparam1, ctorparam2, ...) OR: Object elem = Object(ctorparam1, ctorparam2, ...) Syntactically the first one is shorter and should be faster, but I think the compiler recognizes it and optimizes the second statement so it does not create an intermediate copy. I'm anyway in favor of first one because it's shorter and no boilerplate. It's decided: first one!!!
  • "Super-header" --> Includes all CE3D2 stuff so user only needs #include <CE3D2> for installation
  • Include headers directly even if parent includes it, so files keep being independent from each other in matters of headers and inclusion.
  • Install target
  • Logo?
  • Rename custom boost-called asserts (BOOST_###) to CE3D2? (CE3D2_CHECK_VECTORS_BLA) --> YES


  • some codestyle rules? at least the special stuff like test layout maybe?
  • Because I allow non-linear transformations, I can implement a RealPerspectiveProjection which has no Z-fighting etc., it's the real deal!!! This would also go well for the orthogonal projection.
  • (linear) Identity transformation? (in fact it is not useful)
  • (linear) Perspective projection
  • ModelGroup? (needs-design) Models as set or again std::vector?
  • PrintRenderer/ConsoleRenderer --> ncurses or other console libraries to manage console content + automatic size detection
  • Using a World class for the Renderer instead of passing directly models? I think that's a good idea, then world transformation and model-storing is handled by this World, while renderer just needs to take the models, copy them, transform them and we're good to go. Possibly a 0.2 goal :D
  • math-function helper classes --> CE3D used helper objects for mathematical functions (like linear_function). Maybe it's worth to copy them since I know it's needed for line-mode drawing. (at least I remember that they were quite helpful). but line-mode and triangle-drawing come in 0.2.
  • Line mode + Triangle mode --> don't use a custom connector class, use std::pair and std::tuple!!! --> Introduce some "nicer-readable" functions for connecting vertices? like connect() and disconnect()?
  • Performance tuning: Implement trans_prod(A, first_transposed?) which multiplies a matrix with it's own transposed matrix. --> Would be used in OrthogonalProjection (and maybe PerspectiveProjection)
  • Orthogonal Projection (and other classes) Implement interface for more detailed projection vector setting (set_at_position, set_at_position_at_elem_index, add, remove, clear...)


  • Hybrid Mode? or in 0.4?
  • Python bindings
  • C bindings

// Using sets for even for Models? Maybe introduce LineDrawing ... in 0.2 // with index wise connections, and try for 0.3 to introduce sets (if they are // cooler and nicer). // EDIT: I think that's not so cool. You can only access items by iterators, // not by references or pointers. And iterators don't support by default // peek(), so returning the element is quite a heavy task (copy // iterator, // advance the copy, get element from copy). Also the users get access // via the iterators to the background set and this is super-unintuitive. // But sets work completely with iterators, maybe they just return the single // value... Need to test that and maybe making a wrapper is a good idea. // Maybe it's cool, let's try it for 0.3 at least on a test branch.


  • Other language bindings (java, .NET, ...)
  • for 0.4 or 0.5: animations -> rigging and animators? animators maybe even earlier.


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