Step 1: Document Marking
- Environment: R version 4.0.5
- File: preprocessing.R
- Description and Notes:
- After reading the keywords in the first line, change the path to Train_Textual (or Test_Intuitive/Validation), and change the path name in the third line to your path.
- Train_Textual should execute lines 33 and 34 to add the response to the training data.
- Run the file cormorbidity.csv to the folder after it will be generated.
Step 2: Training Model
- Environment: MATLAB R2020a, need to download and install SNN package first (download link:
- File:trainNN.m
- Description and Notes:
- set the path to Train_Textual
- the confusion matrix will be displayed after execution
Step 3: Test the model
- File: testNN.m
- Set the path to Test_Intuitive
- Run the test and it will show the confusion matrix.
Step 4: Generate results
- File:Validation.m
- Set the path to Validation
- Copy the variable p to the upload file