This documents how to run the httpd_configmap_generator tool to configure the container against a SAML identity provider.
$ httpd_configmap_generator saml --help
-h, --host=<s> Application Domain
-o, --output=<s> Configuration map file to create
-f, --force Force configuration if configured already
-d, --debug Enable debugging
-k, --keycloak-add-metadata Download and add the Keycloak metadata file
-e, --keycloak-server=<s> Keycloak Server FQDN or IP
-y, --keycloak-realm=<s> Keycloak Realm for this client
-l, --help Show this message
Creates the mellon metadata files and certificate for the container:
$ httpd_configmap_generator saml \
--force \ \
--debug \
-o /tmp/external-saml.yaml
With the above, the IdP metadata file still needs to be fetched from the SAML Identity Provider and added to the configmap.
For keycloak, this can be done with the following command:
$ httpd_configmap_generator update \
--input=/tmp/external-saml.yaml \
--add-file=,/etc/httpd/saml2/idp-metadata.xml,644:root:root \
Note: If the Realm is already created on the Keycloak server, the following example initializes the mellon metadata files and certificates as well as downloads the IdP metadata file from Keycloak in a single command:
$ httpd_configmap_generator saml \
--force \ \
--keycloak-add-metadata \ \
--keycloak-realm=testrealm \
--debug \
-o /tmp/external-saml.yaml
In the above example, the auth configmap file would include the following files:
- /etc/httpd/saml2/
- sp-metadata.xml
- sp-cert.cert
- sp-key.key
- idp-metadata.xml
For Keycloak, the sp-metadata.xml
file can be imported to create the Client ID for
application domain.