Based on ServiceLoader, monitor okhttp network requests, realize the functions of intercepting, parsing, dispatching, storing, reporting and so on.Adopt componentized development mode, each business component can be split and used individually, while providing export external call components, external calls do not need to care about the internal implementation, the integration between the components is completely decoupled.
- Provide basic dependency managementbuild.gradle.kts(Modifiable dependency version)
- Provide DataStore/Gson/RetrofitProvider external call management class (replaceable)
- Provide NetworkInterceptor global interceptor(Okhttp Interceptor)(if replace,handle global interface annotations)
- Provide Application lifecycle management,base on @AutoService annotation generation and decoupling( if replace,handle global interface annotations)
This component is an externally integrated component that can be directly relied upon for
- HttpDataResult.kt Provide external access to the interceptor parsing entity model
- HttpInterceptorListener.kt Provide external forwarding entity mod data interface, can be used for the upper layer of business to obtain the network request data and customize the processing, refer to the app component module[HttpInterceptor.kt]
This component is http-export internal business implementation components, dealing with network request whitelisting, parsing, forwarding and other business operations, can not be directly relied upon, it is recommended that the upper business business integration
- HttpInterceptor.kt Intercept okhttp requests and assemble entity modelsHttpResult.kt
- HttpResultParser.kt Parsing the original request header, body, formBody and assembling the [HttpDataResult] model
- DispatchProvider.kt Data model for forwarding completed http processing via asynchronous concatenation with ServiceLoader
This component is an externally integrated component that can be directly relied upon for
- HttpDataEntity.kt Database table mapping associated entity model for external combination of data and storage of data sources, reference app componentHttpInterceptor.kt
- HttpDataManage.kt Database external operation interface, providing additions, deletions, changes and customized query sql function
- QueryFilter.kt Customized query filters, reference app componentsMainActivity.kt
This component is the internal business implementation component of room-export, which provides room database, table, and dao implementations.
- HttpDataBaseLifecycle.kt Initialize room-related components during the lifecycle, get instances of dao operations
- HttpDataDaoProvider.kt Entity Model and Table Table Mapping Relationship Association
- HttpDataManage.kt Database additions, deletions, and changes are implemented in the room-export component [HttpDataManage.kt].
This component is an externally integrated component that can be directly relied upon for
- WorkReport.kt Open to the public business query filtering entity, business reporting platform distinction, associated WorkManager-InputData parameters
This component is the internal business implementation component of report-export, which provides the WorkManager backend reporting function.
- dingtalk DingTalk workspace and authentication services and data reporting (for reference only), the specific implementation can be replaced with the actual reporting business platforms
- markdown Formatted reporting messages (for reference only), according to actual business requirements
- work Handle data reporting and redundant data handling (for reference only), depending on actual business requirements
Upper layer business integration component shell, including all export and internal implementation components, assembly of additional public parameters (user information, device information, application information)
Specific call methods in [MainActivity.kt] and [HttpInterceptor.kt], the application BaseApplication should be replaced with the actual class used by the project.
In the project for the purpose of demonstrating the effect of DingTalk reporting, so you need to apply for enterprise application AppKey/SecretKey/AgentId/ for authentication to, through the above key information to obtain UserIds to complete the message push notification, the actual application is recommended to be reported to the log center or the relevant log platform as a link to the whole chain monitoring. In practice, it is recommended to report to the log center or related log platforms as a link in the whole chain monitoring.
DingTalk Platform > https://open.dingtalk.com/
The following should be configured, and the association affects the location of the authentication method : DingRepository.kt
# Ding key config
Example of actual calling code
suspend fun reportWorkSpace(title: String, content: String, success: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
Customizable DataServerProvider.kt to handle actual data reporting to the platform.
suspend fun reportDataServer(title: String, content: String, success: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
//do something
suspend fun reportDataOther(title: String, content: String, success: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
//do something
Demo screenshot screenshot
The metadata generated based on the @AutoService annotation can be viewed in the respective component build directory, for example:
- report/build/intermediates/java_res/debug/out/META_INF/services/*
- report/build/intermediates/runtime_library_classes_dir/debug/META_INF/services/*
- report/build/tmp/kapt3/classes/debug/META_INF.services
The usage can be seen in each business component containing the @AutoService class, for example:
auto-service official document address > https://github.com/google/auto/tree/main/service
Declaration Interface
* Define lifecycle methods what you want to use
interface ApplicationLifecycle {
/** Lifecycle onAttachBaseContext */
fun onAttachBaseContext(context: Context)
/** Lifecycle onCreate */
fun onCreate(application: Application)
/** marking priority,0 is highest priority,next is 1,2,3...100 ,you can custom it */
fun priority(): Int
Annotation Class
* Add google [@AutoService] annotation,to implementation it
class ApplicationLifecycleProxy : ApplicationLifecycle {
override fun onAttachBaseContext(context: Context) {
//do somethings
override fun onCreate(application: Application) {
//do somethings
override fun priority(): Int {
//in base application context,do somethings highest priority,so you should return 0
return 0
* With google auto-service,it will collect all @AutoService annotation class
class ServiceLoaderProxy {
private val loader: ServiceLoader<ApplicationLifecycle> by lazy {
val lifecycleQueue by lazy { loader.sortedWith(compareBy { it.priority() }) }
- Google JetPacks > https://developer.android.com/jetpack
- Kotlin Coroutines > https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines
- Retrofit & Okhttp > https://github.com/square/retrofit & https://github.com/square/okhttp
- Gson > https://github.com/google/gson
- auto-service > https://github.com/google/auto/tree/main/service