Thank you for enrolling in my workshop, Welcome to the Tidyverse. To prepare for the workshop:
Please bring a laptop to class that has the following installed:
- A recent version of R (>=3.5.0), which is available for free at
- A recent version of RStudio Desktop (>=1.1.456), available for free at (RStudio Desktop Open Source License)
- The R packages we will use, which you can install by connecting to the internet, opening RStudio, and running at the command line:
install.packages(c("babynames", "flexdashboard", "mgcv", "plotly", "rmarkdown", "tidyverse"))
And don't forget your power cord!
Also, please sign up for a free RStudio Cloud account at On the day of the class, I'll provide you with an RStudio Cloud project that contains all of the course materials. We will use the software listed above only as an important backup should there be problems with the classroom internet connection.
I look forward to meeting you, Garrett