- v10.0.0-beta.2 (07.08.2024)
- add build date to image
- cleanup dockerfile
- test new build process
- v10.0.0-beta.1 (13.07.2024)
- upgrade node version to recommended node20
- remove dedicated node setup from dockerfile
- improve logging for failed database check (#411)
- rework build process due to problems with github actions
- fix build process by updating npm to latest
- fix node js setup
- update docs and ci
- v9.1.0-beta.4 (08.01.2024)
- dropping arm/v7 support (temporary)
- add trap for debugging mode (#421)
- fix ownership of userscripts (#423 by @EugenMayer)
- add strict mode to healthcheck.sh (#424 by @EugenMayer)
- fixes for ci process and dockerfile
- remove deprecated files from repo
- v9.1.0-beta.3 (23.11.2023)
- add --force to restore in maintenance script
- improve shebang in scripts for downgrade and portability
- v9.1.0-beta.2 (06.11.2023)
- v9.1.0-beta.1 (03.11.2023)
- fix issue with avahi setup (#384; #385 by @z1r0)
- add silent cleanup to setup_avahi.sh
- add error handling for package updates/ install
- fix calling iob in iobroker_startup.sh (#388)
- update official docs
- v9.0.0-beta.2 (28.09.2023)
- fix issue with unlocking features in backitup (#381)
- fix issue with fresh initializing iobroker
- v9.0.0-beta.1 (24.09.2023)
- remove special settings script and env for zwave (#377)
- simplify ci/ reduce gh actions
- ignore errors in "silent cleanup" on first start (#369)
- cleanup/ restructure repo
- update nodejs setup process
- update base image to debian 12 (bookworm)
- improve security by avoiding root (except startup script itself)
- restrict iobroker command line commands (start/ stop/ node fix)
- integrate maintenance script into iobroker command
- move container config files location
- repo cleanup
- v8.1.0-beta.4 (29.07.2023)
- fix container restart in maintenance script
- fix running maintenance script as iobroker
- enhance quoting (#357 by @dontobi)
- v8.1.0-beta.3 (05.07.2023)
- fix permission issue for restart container as iobroker user
- fix issue with js-controller ui upgrade
- fix small issues in maintenance script
- update action workflows
- v8.1.0-beta.2 (26.04.2023)
- prohibit restore when startup script is still running
- extend time before restart after restore is done
- influx data repo will be added automatically when PACKAGES contains influxdb or influxdb2-cli package
- v8.1.0-beta.1 (14.04.2023)
- fix calling of "iob setup first" on slaves (#335)
- update readme and docs
- remove manifests
- enhance dockerfile, reduce image size (#323)
- v8.0.0-beta.1 (20.02.2023)
- upgrade node version to recommended node18
- rewrite of multihost setup handling
- rewrite of custom objects and states db setup handling
- enhance initial packages install/ update
- enhance logging and error handling
- add volume instruction to dockerfile
- add support for password protected custom objects and states db (#306)
- add support for redis sentinel (#311)
- add restore command to maintenance script
- add database connection check at startup
- remove initial restore feature
- update docs
- v7.2.0-beta.1 (30.11.2022)
- fix restart option in maintenance script
- add error handling for usb devices
- add aliases to maintenance script
- add env PERMISSION_CHECK (#251)
- add some more DEBUG messages to log
- add env IOB_BACKITUP_EXTDB to unlock external db backups in backitup adapter
- reorder dockerfile steps to fulfill ioBroker Docker check
- fix hostname check (#293)
- fix setting gid of iobroker group (#289)
- fix build action node issue for iobroker/iobroker repo
- v7.1.0-beta.1 (12.10.2022)
- add env DEBUG for extended debugging log
- enhance logging in iobroker-startup.sh
- enhance build process
- add restart option to maintenance script
- add strict mode for iobroker-startup.sh
- fix "unary operator expected" error
- backitup restore patch
- update docs & ci
- v7.0.0-beta.1 (16.06.2022)
- upgrade node version to recommended node16
- rewrite maintenance script (#243 by @agross)
- enhance container shutdown on SIGTERM (as requested with #264 by @buzz0r)
- enhance startup script logging
- enhance logging for avahi & zwave install scripts
- add new env for offline mode (fixes #255)
- v6.1.0-beta.2 (2022-02-11)
- fix -kbn option in maintenance script
- enhance shutdown/ prevent warnings on upgrade
- remove hostname check for multihost slave
- enhance startup script logging
- add breaks and enhance maintenance script (fixes #233)
- v6.1.0-beta.1 (2021-12-23)
- some more corrections in maintenance script (#232 by @agross)
- add auto confirm parameter to upgrade function in maintenance script (#229 by @thost96)
- add alias "m" for maintenance script
- move docs/ restructuring readme
- v6.0.0-beta1 (2021-10-07)
- upgrade node version to recommended node14
- add beta-node16 tag for beta testing node16
- update documentation
- v5.3.0-beta1 (2021-10-07)
- add check (installed) PACKAGES on startup (fixes #201)
- add packages for discovery adapter
- add packages for backitup adapter
- reorganize Dockerfile
- v5.2.0-beta4 (2021-09-10)
- adding iobroker user rights for "gosu"
- adding more labels in OCI standard format
- fixing work dir bug
- adding backitup compatibility
- v5.2.0-beta3 (2021-09-04)
- reducing layers in dockerfile
- making hostname check mandatory for startup
- enhance startup log
- v5.2.0-beta2 (2021-08-28)
- redesign maintenance script
- switching amd64 base image to debian bullseye slim
- optimizing log output
- adding labels in OCI standard format
- adding packages update on first start
- adding file for docker detection by ioBroker adapters
- adding best practice for states db migration in readme
- removing couchdb option for states db (no longer supported)
- v5.2.0-beta1 (2021-05-04)
- added upgrade parameter to maintenance script
- added expose for default admin ui port (fixes #172)
- added short form for maintenance script
- v5.2.0-beta (2021-04-02)
- some renaming to enhance automated build
- changes in versioning
- delete travis for automated build
- v5.0.2-beta (2020-07-28)
- added docker tag for major version latest
- extend readme.md docs
- added maintenance script
- added container health check
- fixed configuration procedure and logging for objects and states db setup
- v5.0.1-beta (2020-07-01)
- fixing backup detection in startup script
- fixing permission issue on iobroker restored
- extended Logging
- enhance multihost support
- v4.2.4-beta (2020-06-23)
- added graceful shutdown
- small fix for GID/UID handling
- adding new ENV "IOB_MULTIHOST" for multihost support
- small syntax fixes in iobroker_startup.sh
- v4.2.3-beta (2020-06-05)
updating js-controller to not stable version 3.1.5 to fix renaming issue(is stable now)
- v4.2.2-beta (2020-06-03)
workaround for renaming issues on startup(fixed in js-controller)
- v4.2.1-beta (2020-05-10)
- using node 12 instead of 10
- updated documentation in readme.md
- v4.1.4-beta (2020-04-07)
- switching base image to buster
- optimizing installation of packages defined by ENV "PACKAGES"
- v4.1.3-beta (2020-02-08)
- renamed ENV for admin port (new "IOB_ADMINPORT)")
- added new ENVs for "iobroker setup custom" (replacing "REDIS")
- enhancements in startup script logging
- v4.1.2-beta (2020-02-02)
- added feature for running user defined scripts on startup
- small fix for permissions issues on some systems
- v4.1.1-beta (2020-01-17)
- updated openzwave to version 1.6.1007
- improved readme.md
- v4.0.3-beta (2020-01-06)
- added support to restore backup on startup (#56 by @duffbeer2000)
- small fixes according to "docker best practices"
- v4.0.2-beta (2019-12-10)
added env for activating redis- enhancements in startup script and docker file
- v4.0.1-beta (2019-11-25)
- added env for iobroker admin port
- added env for usb-devices (setting permissions)
- updating prerequisites for iobroker installation
- some small code fixes
- v3.1.4-beta (2019-10-23)
- added env for zwave support
- v3.1.3-beta (2019-10-17)
- enhanced logging of startup-script
- multi arch support (amd64, aarch64, armv7hf)
- v3.1.2-beta (2019-09-03)
- using node 10 instead of node 8
- v3.1.1-beta (2019-09-02)
- adding env for setting uid/ gid for iobroker-user (#33 by @mplogas)
- v3.0.3-beta (2019-08-21)
- switching base image from "debian:latest" to "debian:stretch"
- v3.0.2-beta (2019-06-13)
- using gosu instead of sudo (#26 by @SchumyHao)
- changing output of ioBroker logging
- v3.0.1-beta (2019-05-18)
switching back to iobroker-daemon for startup
- v2.0.6-beta (2019-04-14)
- added some additional logging
- fixing some issues for language env
- added permission fixing on first start
- v2.0.5-beta (2019-02-09)
- added ENV to docker file
- added EXPOSE for admin
- final testing
- v2.0.4-beta (2019-01-28)
- added support for env variables "avahi" and "packages"
- moving avahi-daemon installation into avahi startup script
- added script for installing optional packages
- optimizing logging output
- v2.0.3-beta (2019-01-24)
- added support for running ioBroker under iobroker user
- optimizing logging output
- optimizing scripts
- v2.0.2-beta (2019-01-23)
- optimizing and rearranged docker file
- changes for new ioBroker install script
- added restoring for empty mounted /opt/iobroker folder
- some more small fixes
- v2.0.1-beta (2019-01-07)
- some changes for supporting other docker-environments than synology ds
- v1.2.2-beta (2018-12-05)
- using node8 instead of node6
- changes for new iobroker setup
- v1.2.1-beta (2018-09-12)
- added support for firetv-adapter
- v1.1.3-beta (2018-08-21)
added ffmpeg-package for yahka to support webcams
- v1.1.2-beta (2018-04-04)
- added ENV for timezone issue
- v1.1.1-beta (2018-03-29)
- added wget package
- updated readme.md
- v1.0.2-beta (2017-12-10)
- changed startup call to fix restart issue
- fixed avahi startup issue
- fixed hostname issue
- added z-wave support
- added logging to /opt/scripts/docker_iobroker_log.txt
- v1.0.1-beta (2017-08-25)
- fixed locales issue
- moved and renamed iobroker startup script
- disabled iobroker daemon to (hopefully) fix restart issue
- added some maintenance scripts
added libfontconfig package (for iobroker.phantomjs)- added gnupg2 package as prerequisite for installing node version 6
- fixed startup issue in startup.sh
- changed node version from 4 to 6
added libpcap-dev package (for iobroker.amazon-dash)
- added git package
- moved avahi-start.sh to separate directory
- fixed timezone issue (sets now timezone to Europe/Berlin)
- added support for avahi-daemon (installation and autostart)
- project started / initial release