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API Documentation

As bleekWare was especially developed to be 'usage compatible' to code using Bleak, please also check the Bleak documentation.

bleekWare Scanner

A class to search for free Bluetooth LE peripherals (BLE devices). Like Bleak's BleakScanner, you can manually start and stop the scanning process or use Scanner as an asynchronous context manager. Also see the android_ble_scanner example, which demonstrates some use cases.

Properties and methods of BleakScanner that are not available in bleekWare's Scanner

  • find_device_by_filter()
  • register_detection_callback() (deprecated in Bleak)
  • set_scanning_filter() (deprecated in Bleak)
  • get_discovered_devices() (deprecated in Bleak)

Scanner constructor

Scanner(detection_callback=None, service_uuids=None, scanning_mode='active', **kwargs)

Class to scan for free (un-connected) Bluetooth LE devices

  • detection_callback: Regular or asynchronous method to call when a device is detected or advertising data of a detected device changes
  • service_uuids: list of service UUIDs as strings
  • scanning_mode: The scan mode ('active' or 'passive')
  • Additional keyword argument: Without function

The detection_callback must receive a BLEDevice object and an AdvertisementData object. scanning_mode 'active' sets Android's ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY, 'active' sets ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC.

Differences to BleakScanner

Additional keyword arguments are not handled.

Scanner properties


A list of discovered devices as BLEDevice objects.


Dictionary with MAC addresses (string) of the BLE devices as key and tuples of (BLEDevice, AdvertisementData) as values.

Scanner classmethods, return_adv=False, **kwargs)

Async classmethod to scan for Bluetooth LE devices and return the result

  • timeout: Duration of the scan period in seconds (float)
  • return_adv: If advertisement data should be included in the returned data (bool)
  • Additional keyword arguments: Without function

The method either returns a list of detected BLEDevice objects (if return_adv is False) or a dict of MAC addresses as key and tuples of (BLEDevice, AdvertisementData) as values (if return_adv is True).

Differences to '`

Additional keyword arguments are not passed to the Scanner's constructor.

Scanner.find_device_by_name(name, timeout=10.0, **kwargs)

Async classmethod to find a device by its name and return it as BLEDEviceobject

  • name: The name of the BLE device (string)
  • timeout: Duration of the scan period in seconds (float)
  • Additional keyword parameters: Without function
Differences to 'BleakScanner.find_device_by_name()`

Additional keyword arguments are not passed to the Scanner's constructor.

Scanner.find_device_by_address(address, timeout=10.0, **kwargs)

Async classmethod to find a device by its address and return it as BLEDEviceobject

  • address: The MAC address of the BLE device (string)
  • timeout: Duration of the scan period in seconds (float)
  • Additional keyword parameters: Without function
Differences to 'BleakScanner.find_device_by_address()`

Additional keyword arguments are not passed to the Scanner's constructor.

Scanner methods


Async method to start the scan with a Scanner

Scan results are optionally send to the detection_callback method defined in the Scanner's constructor, can be read from the Scanner's properties (discovered_devices and discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data) or yielded from the asynchronous generator advertisement_data.


Async method to stop the running scan of a Scanner


Async generator that returns an async iterator to iterate over the scan results

E.g. to use in async for loops to handle the data while they're coming in. Scan results are yielded as tuple of (BLEDevice, AdvertisementData).

bleekWare Client

Like Bleak's BleakClient you can use the Client class with an asynchronous context manager or manually connect and disconnect to and from a BLE device.

Properties and methods of BleakClient that are not available in bleekWare's Client

  • read_gatt_descriptor()
  • write_gatt_descriptor()
  • pair()
  • unpair() (there is no unpair functionality in Android anyway)
  • set_disconnected_callback() (deprecated in Bleak)
  • get_services() (deprecated in Bleak)

Client constructor

Client(address, disconnected_callback=None, services=None, **kwargs)

Class to connect to a Bluetooth LE GATT server (a BLE device) and communicate with it.

  • address: bleekWare.BLEDevice object or device address (MAC as string)
  • disconnected_callback: A synchronous method to call when the client is disconnected
  • services: Not implemented yet
  • Additional keyword arguments: Without function
Differences to BleakClient

The Client will not actively search for the device if only the MAC address is given. Thus, the optional timeout keyword argument from BleakClient is without function here. Also, additional keyword arguments are not handled.

The services filter has not been implemented.

Client properties


Property that holds the address of the connected BLEDevice

address is a MAC address (string)


Property to show the connection status of the client

True or False


Property that holds the MTU size

While the client tries to negotiate the highest possible MTU size (517) with the device during connection, this size is not granted.

Returns an integer


Property that holds data about the services of the connected device

The services are stored as a list of BLEGattService objects. Each BLEGattService object has a service attribute and a characteristics attribute (list of characteristics UUIDs (string)). Note: This is different to Bleak's BLEGattService objects!

Differences to

At the moment, this is a major difference to Bleak. Bleak returns a BLEGattServiceCollection. This type of object is not available in bleekWare. bleekWare returns a list of BLEGattService object, which are, however, different to Bleak's BLEGattService objects. bleekware's BLEGattService objects have a service attribute, containing the native Android GATT service object and a characteristics list (containing the characteristics UUIDs as strings). It does not contain data about the characteristics descriptors.

Client methods


Async method to connect the client to the BLE device

  • Additional keyword argument: Not handled. Only for backward compatibility in Bleak


Async method to disconnect the client from the BLE device

start_notify(uuid, callback, **kwargs)

Async method to initiate a notifying characteristic

  • uuid: The notifying characteristic, adressed as UUID (string)
  • callback: Regular or async method to receive the notification. The callback method must have two parameters: the characteristic (BluetoothGattCharacteristic) and the received data (bytearray)
  • Additional keyword argument`: Without function

Like in the Bleak's Python4Android backend, this method does not support indications (which are notifications that must be acknowledged by the client).

Differences to BleakClient.start_notify()

The characteristic must be identified as UUID string. Additional keyword arguments are not handled.


Async method to stop a notifying characteristic and stop reading from it

  • uuid: The notifying characteristic, addressed as UUID (string)
Differences to BleakClient.stop_notify()

The characteristic must be identified as UUID string.


Async method to read a value from a characteristic

  • uuid: The characteristic to read from, as UUID string

Returns the data as bytearray

Differences to BleakClient.read_gatt_char()

The characteristic must be identified as UUID string. bleekWare's Client.read_gatt_char() supports both the new Android readCharacteristic method for Android version 13 and above and the now deprecated readCharacteristic method for Android version 12 and below.

write_gatt_char(uuid, data, response=None)

Async method to write to a GATT characteristic with or without response

  • uuid: The characteristic to write to, as UUID (string)
  • data: The data to write as byte
  • response: If the BLE device should acknowledge the write operation (succeeded or failed).

Not all characteristics support 'write with response'. If response is left as None, the method checks if the characteristic allows 'write with response' and uses this, otherwise 'write without response' is used.

Differences to BleakClient.write_gatt_char()

The characteristic must be identified as UUID string. bleekWare's Client.write_gatt_char() supports both the new Android writeCharacteristic method for Android version 13 and above and the now deprecated writeCharacteristic method for Android version 12 and below.