This is the EEG processing pipeline for the replication of Experiment 2 of Eimer's seminal N2pc study (1996; in the context of the #EEGManyLabs project (Pavlov et al., 2021; See on OSF for more information:
- MATLAB R2024a
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox R2024a
- Optimization Toolbox R2024a
- Image Processing Toolbox R2024a
- Signal Processing Toolbox R2024a
- Parallel Computing Toolbox R2024a
- EEGLAB version 2024.0
- ERPLAB v10.11
- For BioSemi data import: Biosig v3.8.3
- For BrainVision data import: bva-io v1.73
- For NeuroScan data import: loadcurry v3.2.3
- firfilt v2.8.0
- clean_rawdata v2.91
- AMICA v1.7.0
- postAmicaUtility v2.1
- ICLabel v1.6
- latency v1.3.0