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Git Essentials

start a project localy

mkdir <<project name>>
cd <<project name>>
git init

push new local project to remote

choose namespace (aka group) and project name be sure to have added and commit your files first git push --set-upstream master

clone a repo

git clone <<repourl>>

checkout master

git checkout master

create a new branch

git branch <<branch name>>
git checkout <<branch name>>
or all in one git checkout -b <<branch name>>

we can create a branch from a given commit : git branch <<branche name>> <<commit id>>
or from a given tag : git branch <<branche name>> <<tag>>

make a commit

add files to stage area first git add <<filename>> or git add --all at the root of the project then git commit -m "<<commit message>>"

list all branches and current branch

git branch list also the remote git branch -r

store your credentials

Store them on disk : git config --global credential.helper store next time you enter your credentials they will be cached

Store them for your current terminal session (more secure but less convenient) git config --global credential.helper cache

get status

git status

check upstream

git remote show origin

push new local branch to remote

git push -u origin <<branch name>>

make master uptodate

TODO check if there is no easier method make master uptodate
git fetch --all
git checkout master
git pull --rebase origin master

merge master into a new local branch

make master uptodate (see above)
switch to branch and rebase from master (branch commit will be appended)
git checkout <<branch name>>
git rebase master

merge master into an existing remote branch

make master uptodate (see above)
switch to branch and merge master into branch
git merge master if merge failed, and is to hard to debunk git merge --abort to revert the merge

delete branch no longer on remote

prune branch no longer on remote
git fetch --prune or git remote prune list branch no longer tracked git branch --v | grep "\[gone\]"
delete branch one by one
git branch -D <<branch name>>

all in onegit branch --v | grep "\[gone\]" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D

resole conflicts

list files in conflict (shell only)
grep -lr '<<<<<<<' .
accepting theirs
git checkout --theirs <<filename>>
accepting mine
git checkout --ours <<filename>> then add the files updated
git add <<filename>> probably need to continue a rebase git rebase --continue or abort it git rebase --abort

reset your branch to remote master (or branch)

get all branch info from remote git fetch --all then reset to master
git reset --hard origin/master or if for another branch
git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>

create a tag

Annotated tag (an entry in history) git tag -a <<tag name>> -m "<<tag message>>"
Ligthweight tag (just a pointer to a commit) git tag <<tag name>> To checkout a tag in a branch git checkout tags/<tag> -b <branch>

amend last local commit

git commit --amend
an editor open, change main message (lines starting with # will be ignored) save & close.
check everything is ok with git log

git log since 6 days

for a given branch

git checkout <<branch_name>>
git pull <<branch_name>>
git log <<branch_name>> --no-merges  --since="6 day ago" 

rename a branch

git branch -m <oldname> <newname>

commit on wrong branch

on wrong branch_name git reset HEAD~1 then go to new branch then add and commit

push a local folder as a new remote repo

for a local repo first create on Gitlab an empty project cd in the directory then git init
git remote add origin {here you git url}
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin master`

for a remote repo see :

clone a whole group at once

create a personnal access token with api access (in gitlab : 'user settings > access tokens') get groupId in web portal (in gitlab it is disaplyed below group name) in bash (with jq installed) :

for repo in $(curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" https://<your-host>/api/v4/groups/<group_id> | jq -r ".projects[].ssh_url_to_repo"); do git clone $repo; done;

To include subgroups add include_subgroups=true query param like To request clone with http url use : http_url_to_repo instead of ssh_url_to_repo