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This is the core library for running PolyKey. It provides a CLI polykey or pk for interacting with the PolyKey system.

For tutorials, how-to guides, reference and theory, see the wiki.



npm install --save polykey


Building the releases:

nix-build ./release.nix --attr application
nix-build ./release.nix --attr docker
nix-build ./release.nix --attr package.linux.x64.elf
nix-build ./release.nix --attr
nix-build ./release.nix --attr package.macos.x64.macho

Install into Nix user profile:

nix-env -f ./release.nix --install --attr application


Install into Docker:

docker load --input "$(nix-build ./release.nix --attr docker)"


Run nix-shell, and once you're inside, you can use:

# install (or reinstall packages from package.json)
npm install
# build the dist
npm run build
# run the repl (this allows you to import from ./src)
npm run ts-node
# run the tests
npm run test
# lint the source code
npm run lint
# automatically fix the source
npm run lintfix

Generating GRPC Stubs

Once you update the src/proto/schemas files, run this to update the src/proto/js files.

npm run proto-generate

Calling Commands

When calling commands in development, use this style:

npm run polykey -- p1 p2 p3

The -- is necessary to make npm understand that the parameters are for your own executable, and not parameters to npm.

Docs Generation

npm run docs

See the docs at:

Publishing to NPM

# npm login
npm version patch # major/minor/patch
npm run build
npm publish --access public
git push
git push --tags

Packaging Cross-Platform Executables

We use pkg to package the source code into executables.

This requires a specific version of pkg and also node-gyp-build.

Configuration for pkg is done in:

  • package.json - Pins pkg and node-gyp-build, and configures assets and scripts.
  • utils.nix - Pins pkg for Nix usage
  • release.nix - Build expressions for executables


Deploying to AWS ECS:

First login to AWS ECR:

aws --profile=matrix ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

Proceed to build the container image and upload it:

repo="" && \
build="$(nix-build ./release.nix --attr docker)" && \
loaded="$(docker load --input "$build")" && \
name="$(cut -d':' -f2 <<< "$loaded" | tr -d ' ')" && \
tag="$(cut -d':' -f3 <<< "$loaded")" && \
docker tag "${name}:${tag}" "${repo}/polykey:${tag}" && \
docker tag "${name}:${tag}" "${repo}/polykey:latest" && \
docker push "${repo}/polykey:${tag}" && \
docker push "${repo}/polykey:latest"