- older UR Polyscope Software which is currently out of support
- ROS setup with ROS-foxy
- ROS interface for neobotix-coordinator (behavior-tree with ottdated iras-interfaces & petra-interfaces packages) - also in ROS-foxy
- update UR Polyscope on the teachpad to version XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- setup of a completely new docker container to run ROS-humble (ur5-driver-humble) --> Dockerfile , build.sh and start.sh
- install ur packages with apt inside the dockerfile
- implementation of the common iras python interface (as known from the r2e cells)
- required depenend packages copied into the
--> moveit_wrapper, ros_enviroment, py_dependencies with additional reference classes for affine-transform calculations - extend Dockerfile to build and source the dependencies proper
- write new launchfile in moveit_wrapper package to launch moveit-nodes and the wrapper-node (providing new service servers) --> only the minimum of required parameters is implemented as launch arguments (for simplicity reasons)
- required depenend packages copied into the
- setup of the robot_application package to run the python applications -->
is mounted to the host machine!- own python scripts can be edited local on the host machine in
- own python scripts can be edited local on the host machine in
- start the docker container (ur.driver.humble) with
- build the ros2_ws (in specific the robot_application package) with
colcon build
- source the ros2_ws with
source install/setup.bash
(note: the dependencies are built and sourced automatically while building the container) - start the drivers:
ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_control.launch.py ur_type:=ur5 robot_ip:= launch_rviz:=false
- start the remote control (program = "external_control") on the UR teachpanel and put the speed-slider bar to 100% because the trajectory execution in ros is calculated on this base and speed reduction isnt possible
- connect anonther terminal to the container:
docker exec -it ur-driver-humble bash
and source it - launch moveit and the wrapper:
ros2 launch moveit_wrapper wrapper_complete.launch.py ur_type:=ur5
(note: launch_rviz:=true by default) - connect another terminal to the container --> 5)
- run the python script you have written your application in:
ros2 run robot_application <program-name>
--> for more informations on how to write python applications please refer here: application-tutorial for diy-robotics
- modify robot_description URDF with neobotix, camera-mount, camera and gripper --> self-collision checking, URDF package is implemented as launch argument!
- maybe also modify the SRDF file?