A beautiful, dark-mode enabled weather app. Clima checks the weather for the current location based on the GPS data from the iPhone as well as by searching for a city manually. Just another great app built during my bootcamp at AppBrewery!
- How to create a dark-mode enabled app.
- How to use vector images as image assets.
- Learn to use the UITextField to get user input.
- Learn about the delegate pattern.
- Swift protocols and extensions.
- Swift guard keyword.
- Swift computed properties.
- Swift closures and completion handlers.
- Learn to use URLSession to network and make HTTP requests.
- Parse JSON with the native Encodable and Decodable protocols.
- Learn to use Grand Central Dispatch to fetch the main thread.
- Learn to use Core Location to get the current location from the phone GPS.
switch conditionID {
case 200...232:
return "cloud.bolt"
case 300...321:
return "cloud.drizzle"
case 500...531:
return "cloud.rain"
case 600...622:
return "cloud.snow"
case 701...781:
return "cloud.fog"
case 800:
return "sun.max"
case 801...804:
return "cloud.bolt"
return "cloud"
This is a companion project to The App Brewery's Complete App Development Bootcamp, check out the full course at www.appbrewery.co