diff --git a/readMef3.m b/readMef3.m
index cd90d66..3badbb2 100644
--- a/readMef3.m
+++ b/readMef3.m
@@ -1,309 +1,289 @@
-% Read MEF3 meta- and signaldata from a session directory
-% [metadata, data] = readMef3(sessPath, password, channels, rangeType, rangeStart, rangeEnd)
-% [metadata, data] = readMef3(sessPath, password, channels, rangeType, ranges)
-% sessPath = path (absolute or relative) to the MEF3 session folder
-% password = password to the MEF3 data; Pass empty string/variable if not encrypted
-% channels = a cell array with the names of the channels to return the signal data from. The order of channels
-% in this input argument will determine the order of channels in the output matrix. If left empty, all
-% channels will be read and ordered as in the metadata.time_series_channels (ordered according to
-% the 'acquisition_channel_number' metadata variable of each channel)
-% rangeType = (optional) modality that is used to define the data-range to read [either 'time' or 'samples']
-% rangeStart = (optional) start-point for the reading of data (depending on the rangeType, defined as an epoch/unix
-% timestamp or samplenumber). Pass -1 to start at the first sample of the timeseries
-% rangeEnd = (optional) end-point to stop the of reading data (depending on the rangeType, defined as
-% an epoch/unix timestamp or samplenumber). Pass -1 to end at the last sample of the timeseries
-% ranges = (optional) a Nx2 matrix of multiple ranges (start- and end-points) for the reading of data.
-% Returns:
-% metadata = A structing that contains all session/channel/segment metadata. Will return empty on failure to read
-% data = A matrix of doubles containing the requested channel(s) signal data. The first dimension (rows) represents
-% the channels (ordered based on the 'channels' input argument); the second dimension (columns) represents the
-% the samples/time. If multiple ranges are given then there is a third dimension, representing the requested ranges/epochs
-% Examples:
-% % single range/epoch
-% [metadata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/'); % read metadata only
-% [metadata, signaldata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/', [], {'Ch02', 'Ch07'}); % read metadata and two channels of data
-% [metadata, signaldata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/', [], [], 'samples', 0, 1000); % read all channels, samples 0-1000
-% % multiple ranges/epochs
-% ranges = [[0, 1000]; ...
-% [1000, 2000]; ...
-% [5000, 6000]];
-% [metadata, signaldata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/', [], [], 'samples', ranges);
-% Note: When the rangeType is set to 'samples', the function simply returns the samples as they are
-% found (consecutively) in the datafile, without any regard for time or data gaps; Meaning
-% that, if there is a time-gap between samples, then these will not appear in the result returned.
-% In contrast, the 'time' rangeType will return the data with NaN values in place for the missing samples.
-% Copyright 2020, Max van den Boom (Multimodal Neuroimaging Lab, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN)
+% Read MEF3 meta- and signaldata from a session directory
+% [metadata, data] = readMef3(sessPath, password, channels, rangeType, rangeStart, rangeEnd)
+% [metadata, data] = readMef3(sessPath, password, channels, rangeType, ranges)
+% sessPath = path (absolute or relative) to the MEF3 session folder
+% password = password to the MEF3 data; Pass empty string/variable if not encrypted
+% channels = a cell array with the names of the channels to return the signal data from. The order of channels
+% in this input argument will determine the order of channels in the output matrix. If left empty, all
+% channels will be read and ordered as in the metadata.time_series_channels (ordered according to
+% the 'acquisition_channel_number' metadata variable of each channel)
+% rangeType = (optional) modality that is used to define the data-range to read [either 'time' or 'samples']
+% rangeStart = (optional) start-point for the reading of data (depending on the rangeType, defined as an epoch/unix
+% timestamp or samplenumber). Pass -1 to start at the first sample of the timeseries
+% rangeEnd = (optional) end-point to stop the of reading data (depending on the rangeType, defined as
+% an epoch/unix timestamp or samplenumber). Pass -1 to end at the last sample of the timeseries
+% ranges = (optional) a Nx2 matrix of multiple ranges (start- and end-points) for the reading of data.
+% Returns:
+% metadata = A structing that contains all session/channel/segment metadata. Will return empty on failure to read
+% data = A matrix of doubles containing the requested channel(s) signal data. The first dimension (rows) represents
+% the channels (ordered based on the 'channels' input argument); the second dimension (columns) represents the
+% the samples/time. If multiple ranges are given then there is a third dimension, representing the requested ranges/epochs
+% Examples:
+% % single range/epoch
+% [metadata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/'); % read metadata only
+% [metadata, signaldata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/', [], {'Ch02', 'Ch07'}); % read metadata and two channels of data
+% [metadata, signaldata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/', [], [], 'samples', 0, 1000); % read all channels, samples 0-1000
+% % multiple ranges/epochs
+% ranges = [[0, 1000]; ...
+% [1000, 2000]; ...
+% [5000, 6000]];
+% [metadata, signaldata] = readMef3('./mefSessionData/', [], [], 'samples', ranges);
+% Note: When the rangeType is set to 'samples', the function simply returns the samples as they are
+% found (consecutively) in the datafile, without any regard for time or data gaps; Meaning
+% that, if there is a time-gap between samples, then these will not appear in the result returned.
+% In contrast, the 'time' rangeType will return the data with NaN values in place for the missing samples.
+% Copyright 2021, Max van den Boom (Multimodal Neuroimaging Lab, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN)
+% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+% warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .
+function [metadata, data] = readMef3(sessPath, password, channels, rangeType, varargin)
+ metadata = [];
+ data = [];
-% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-% as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-% warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .
-function [metadata, data] = readMef3(sessPath, password, channels, rangeType, varargin)
- metadata = [];
- data = [];
- % set defaults
- if ~exist('password', 'var') || isempty(password), password = []; end
- if ~exist('channels', 'var') || isempty(channels), channels = {}; end
- % make sure the session directory is valid and exists
- if ~exist('sessPath', 'var') || isempty(sessPath) || ~ischar(sessPath)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: missing or invalid session directory ''%s''\n', sessPath);
- return;
- end
- if ~exist(sessPath, 'dir')
- fprintf(2, 'Error: session directory ''%s'' could not be found\n', sessPath);
- return;
- end
- % read all the metadata in the session (including channels and segments)
- try
- metadata = read_mef_session_metadata(sessPath, password);
- catch e
- metadata = [];
- fprintf(2, '%s\nUnable to read MEF3 metadata\n', e.message);
- return;
- end
- % check whether any (meta)data was found
- % note: kind of weak check, but the underlying meflib doesn't give
- % us much more to work with in terms of error handling
- if isempty(metadata) || ...
- ~isfield(metadata, 'earliest_start_time') || metadata.earliest_start_time < 0 || ...
- ~isfield(metadata, 'latest_end_time') || metadata.latest_end_time < 0
- fprintf(2, 'Error: no MEF3 (meta)data found in directory ''%s''\n', sessPath);
- metadata = [];
- return;
- end
- % warn if there are no channels
- if metadata.number_of_time_series_channels == 0 && metadata.number_of_video_channels == 0
- warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
- warning('No channels found in session directory');
- end
- % check if too many input arguments are given
- if nargin > 6
- fprintf(2, 'Error: too many input arguments\n');
- return;
- end
- % check if signal data should be returned
- if nargout > 1
- % check the range type input argument
- if ~exist('rangeType', 'var'), rangeType = 'samples'; end
- if isempty(rangeType) || ~ischar(rangeType)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid rangeType input argument, should be either ''time'' or ''samples''\n');
- return;
- end
- rangeType = lower(rangeType);
- if ~strcmp(rangeType, 'time') && ~strcmp(rangeType, 'samples')
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid rangeType input argument, should be either ''time'' or ''samples''\n');
- return
- end
- % set range defaults
- if ~exist('rangeStart', 'var'), rangeStart = -1; end
- if ~exist('rangeEnd', 'var'), rangeEnd = -1; end
- ranges = [-1, -1];
- % check whether a single range or multiple ranges are given
- if nargin == 5
- % 5 input args, matrix with multiple ranges given
+ % set defaults
+ if ~exist('password', 'var') || isempty(password), password = []; end
+ if ~exist('channels', 'var') || isempty(channels), channels = {}; end
- % retrieve the ranges
- ranges = varargin{1};
- % check the range start input argument
- if isempty(ranges) || ~isnumeric(ranges) || size(ranges, 2) ~= 2 || size(ranges, 1) < 1 || any(ranges(:) < 0)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid ''ranges'' input argument, should be a Nx2 matrix with numeric values (>= 0)\n');
- return;
- end
- % sort the ranges and calculate their lengths
- ranges = sort(ranges, 2, 'asc');
- rangesDiff = ranges(:, 2) - ranges(:, 1);
- % check whether any of the ranges results in a length of 0
- if any(rangesDiff <= 0)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid ''ranges'' input argument, one or more ranges result in a length of 0\n');
- return;
- end
- % warn if input range differs in length, data will be padded with nans at the end
- if any(rangesDiff ~= rangesDiff(1))
- warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
- warning('The ranges that were requested differ in length, data will be padded with nans at the end');
- end
- elseif nargin == 6
- % 6 input args, range start and end given
- % check the range start input argument
- if isempty(rangeStart) || ~isnumeric(rangeStart) || length(rangeStart) ~= 1 || (~(rangeStart == -1) && rangeStart < 0)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid rangeStart input argument, should be a single value numeric (either -1 or >= 0)\n');
- return;
- end
- % check the range end input argument
- if isempty(rangeEnd) || ~isnumeric(rangeEnd) || length(rangeEnd) ~= 1 || (~(rangeEnd == -1) && rangeEnd < 0)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid rangeEnd input argument, should be a single value numeric (either -1 or >= 0)\n');
- return;
- end
- % transfer the start and end of the range
- ranges = [varargin{1}, varargin{2}];
- % if there are no -1's, % order and check length
- if ~any(ranges == -1)
- ranges = sort(ranges, 2, 'asc');
- if ranges(2) - ranges(1) <= 0
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid range, the requested range length is 0\n');
- return;
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ % make sure the session directory is valid and exists
+ if ~exist('sessPath', 'var') || isempty(sessPath) || ~ischar(sessPath)
+ error('Error: missing or invalid session directory ''%s''', sessPath);
+ end
+ if ~exist(sessPath, 'dir')
+ error(['Error: session directory ''', sessPath, ''' could not be found']);
+ end
+ % read all the metadata in the session (including channels and segments)
+ try
+ metadata = read_mef_session_metadata(sessPath, password);
+ catch e
+ error('%s\nUnable to read MEF3 metadata', e.message);
+ end
+ % check whether any (meta)data was found
+ % note: kind of weak check, but the underlying meflib doesn't give
+ % us much more to work with in terms of error handling
+ if isempty(metadata) || ...
+ ~isfield(metadata, 'earliest_start_time') || metadata.earliest_start_time < 0 || ...
+ ~isfield(metadata, 'latest_end_time') || metadata.latest_end_time < 0
- %
- % sort the channels in the metadat (using channel->metadata->section_2->acquisition_channel_number)
- %
+ error('Error: no MEF3 (meta)data found in directory ''%s''', sessPath);
+ end
- % list the acquisition channel numbers
- acqChNum = [];
- for iChannel = 1:metadata.number_of_time_series_channels
- acqChNum(iChannel) = metadata.time_series_channels(iChannel).metadata.section_2.acquisition_channel_number;
- end
+ % warn if there are no channels
+ if metadata.number_of_time_series_channels == 0 && metadata.number_of_video_channels == 0
+ warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
+ warning('No channels found in session directory');
+ end
- % sort the channels
- [ordAcqChNum, prevIndex] = sort(acqChNum);
- % check if it starts at one
- if min(acqChNum) ~= 1
- warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
- warning('The acquisition channel count does not start at 1, check the (metadata) output to see if ordered correctly');
- end
- % check if not consecutive
- if ~isempty(setdiff(min(acqChNum):max(acqChNum), acqChNum))
- warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
- warning('The acquisition channel count is not consecutive, check the (metadata) output to see if ordered correctly');
- end
- % re-order the channels in the metadata
- for iChannel = 1:length(ordAcqChNum)
- tmpStruct(iChannel) = metadata.time_series_channels(prevIndex(iChannel));
- end
- metadata.time_series_channels = tmpStruct;
+ % check if too many input arguments are given
+ if nargin > 6
+ error('Error: too many input arguments');
+ end
+ % check if signal data should be returned
+ if nargout > 1
- %
- % load signal data
- %
+ % check the range type input argument
+ if ~exist('rangeType', 'var'), rangeType = 'samples'; end
+ if isempty(rangeType) || ~ischar(rangeType)
+ error('Error: invalid rangeType input argument, should be either ''time'' or ''samples''');
+ end
+ rangeType = lower(rangeType);
+ if ~strcmp(rangeType, 'time') && ~strcmp(rangeType, 'samples')
+ error('Error: invalid rangeType input argument, should be either ''time'' or ''samples''');
+ end
- % check if signal data should be returned
- if nargout > 1
+ % set range defaults
+ if ~exist('rangeStart', 'var'), rangeStart = -1; end
+ if ~exist('rangeEnd', 'var'), rangeEnd = -1; end
+ ranges = [-1, -1];
+ % check whether a single range or multiple ranges are given
+ if nargin == 5
+ % 5 input args, matrix with multiple ranges given
+ % retrieve the ranges
+ ranges = varargin{1};
- % include all channel if no specific channels were given
- if isempty(channels)
- for iChannel = 1:metadata.number_of_time_series_channels
- channels{end + 1} = metadata.time_series_channels(iChannel).name;
- end
- end
+ % check the range start input argument
+ if isempty(ranges) || ~isnumeric(ranges) || size(ranges, 2) ~= 2 || size(ranges, 1) < 1 || any(ranges(:) < 0)
+ error('Error: invalid ''ranges'' input argument, should be a Nx2 matrix with numeric values (>= 0)');
+ end
- % allow the request of a single channel as a string argument
- if ischar(channels), channels = {channels}; end;
+ % sort the ranges and calculate their lengths
+ ranges = sort(ranges, 2, 'asc');
+ rangesDiff = ranges(:, 2) - ranges(:, 1);
- % check the channels input argument
- if ~iscell(channels)
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid input argument for ''channels'', should be a cell array containing channel names as string (e.g. {''ch1'', ''ch2'', ''ch3''})\n');
- return;
- end
- for iChannel = 1:length(channels)
- if ~ischar(channels{iChannel})
- fprintf(2, 'Error: invalid input argument for ''channels'', should be a cell array containing channel names as string (e.g. {''ch1'', ''ch2'', ''ch3''})\n');
- return;
- end
- end
+ % check whether any of the ranges results in a length of 0
+ if any(rangesDiff <= 0)
+ error('Error: invalid ''ranges'' input argument, one or more ranges result in a length of 0');
+ end
- % make sure all requested channels exist
- % note: if one or more channels are not found will return an error. Channel selection can be sensitive, this
- % approach prevents unexpected consequences that could arise when - instead - returning less or empty channels
- channelsFound = ismember(lower(channels), lower({metadata.time_series_channels.name}));
- if sum(channelsFound) < length(channels)
- for iChannel = 1:length(channels)
- if channelsFound(iChannel) == 0
- fprintf(2, 'Error: requested channel ''%s'' was not found\n', channels{iChannel});
- end
- end
- return;
- end
+ % warn if input range differs in length, data will be padded with nans at the end
+ if any(rangesDiff ~= rangesDiff(1))
+ warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
+ warning('The ranges that were requested differ in length, data will be padded with nans at the end');
+ end
- % catch errors
- try
- % loop through the channels in the order they are requested
- for iChannel = 1:length(channels)
- channelIndex = find(ismember(lower({metadata.time_series_channels.name}), lower(channels{iChannel})));
- channelPath = [metadata.time_series_channels(channelIndex).path, filesep, metadata.time_series_channels(channelIndex).name, '.', metadata.time_series_channels(channelIndex).extension];
- %
- % read the data of each channel
- %
- % loop through the ranges
- for iRange = 1:size(ranges, 1)
- % read the signal
- signal = read_mef_ts_data(channelPath, password, rangeType, ranges(iRange, 1), ranges(iRange, 2), true)';
- % on the first read, initialize the array
- % note: we cannot beforehand determine the size of matrix because of potential
- % recording gaps in the data. Therefore, we allocate memory here.
- if iChannel == 1 && iRange == 1
- data = nan(length(channels), length(signal), size(ranges, 1));
- end
- % if signal too large for the data matrix, pad data matrix with nans
- if length(signal) > size(data, 2)
- data = padarray(data, [0, (length(signal) - size(data, 2))], nan, 'post');
- end
+ elseif nargin == 6
+ % 6 input args, range start and end given
+ % check the range start and end input arguments
+ if isempty(rangeStart) || ~isnumeric(rangeStart) || length(rangeStart) ~= 1 || (~(rangeStart == -1) && rangeStart < 0)
+ error('Error: invalid rangeStart input argument, should be a single value numeric (either -1 or >= 0)');
+ end
+ if isempty(rangeEnd) || ~isnumeric(rangeEnd) || length(rangeEnd) ~= 1 || (~(rangeEnd == -1) && rangeEnd < 0)
+ error('Error: invalid rangeEnd input argument, should be a single value numeric (either -1 or >= 0)');
+ end
+ % transfer the start and end of the range
+ ranges = [varargin{1}, varargin{2}];
+ % if there are no -1's, % order and check length
+ if ~any(ranges == -1)
+ ranges = sort(ranges, 2, 'asc');
+ if ranges(2) - ranges(1) <= 0
+ error('Error: invalid range, the requested range length is 0');
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- % store the data
- data(iChannel, 1:length(signal), iRange) = signal;
+ %
+ % sort the channels in the metadat (using channel->metadata->section_2->acquisition_channel_number)
+ %
+ % list the acquisition channel numbers
+ acqChNum = [];
+ for iChannel = 1:metadata.number_of_time_series_channels
+ acqChNum(iChannel) = metadata.time_series_channels(iChannel).metadata.section_2.acquisition_channel_number;
+ end
+ % sort the channels
+ [ordAcqChNum, prevIndex] = sort(acqChNum);
+ % check if it starts at one
+ if min(acqChNum) ~= 1
+ warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
+ warning('The acquisition channel count does not start at 1, check the (metadata) output to see if ordered correctly');
+ end
+ % check if not consecutive
+ if ~isempty(setdiff(min(acqChNum):max(acqChNum), acqChNum))
+ warning('on'); warning('backtrace', 'off');
+ warning('The acquisition channel count is not consecutive, check the (metadata) output to see if ordered correctly');
+ end
+ % re-order the channels in the metadata
+ for iChannel = 1:length(ordAcqChNum)
+ tmpStruct(iChannel) = metadata.time_series_channels(prevIndex(iChannel));
+ end
+ metadata.time_series_channels = tmpStruct;
- end
- end
+ %
+ % load signal data
+ %
- catch e
+ % check if signal data should be returned
+ if nargout > 1
+ % include all channel if no specific channels were given
+ if isempty(channels)
+ for iChannel = 1:metadata.number_of_time_series_channels
+ channels{end + 1} = metadata.time_series_channels(iChannel).name;
+ end
+ end
+ % allow the request of a single channel as a string argument
+ if ischar(channels), channels = {channels}; end
+ % check the channels input argument
+ if ~iscell(channels)
+ error('Error: invalid input argument for ''channels'', should be a cell array containing channel names as string (e.g. {''ch1'', ''ch2'', ''ch3''})');
+ end
+ for iChannel = 1:length(channels)
+ if ~ischar(channels{iChannel})
+ error('Error: invalid input argument for ''channels'', should be a cell array containing channel names as string (e.g. {''ch1'', ''ch2'', ''ch3''})');
+ end
+ end
+ % make sure all requested channels exist
+ % note: if one or more channels are not found will return an error. Channel selection can be sensitive, this
+ % approach prevents unexpected consequences that could arise when - instead - returning less or empty channels
+ channelsFound = ismember(lower(channels), lower({metadata.time_series_channels.name}));
+ if sum(channelsFound) < length(channels)
+ for iChannel = 1:length(channels)
+ if channelsFound(iChannel) == 0
+ error('Error: requested channel ''%s'' was not found', channels{iChannel});
+ end
+ end
+ return;
+ end
+ % catch errors
+ try
+ % loop through the channels in the order they are requested
+ for iChannel = 1:length(channels)
+ channelIndex = find(ismember(lower({metadata.time_series_channels.name}), lower(channels{iChannel})));
+ channelPath = [metadata.time_series_channels(channelIndex).path, filesep, metadata.time_series_channels(channelIndex).name, '.', metadata.time_series_channels(channelIndex).extension];
- % error message
- fprintf(2, '%s\nError while reading MEF3 channel data\n', e.message);
- return;
+ %
+ % read the data of each channel
+ %
+ % loop through the ranges
+ for iRange = 1:size(ranges, 1)
+ % read the signal
+ signal = read_mef_ts_data(channelPath, password, rangeType, ranges(iRange, 1), ranges(iRange, 2), true)';
+ % on the first read, initialize the array
+ % note: we cannot beforehand determine the size of matrix because of potential
+ % recording gaps in the data. Therefore, we allocate memory here.
+ if iChannel == 1 && iRange == 1
+ data = nan(length(channels), length(signal), size(ranges, 1));
+ end
+ % if signal too large for the data matrix, pad data matrix with nans
+ if length(signal) > size(data, 2)
+ data = padarray(data, [0, (length(signal) - size(data, 2))], nan, 'post');
+ end
+ % store the data
+ data(iChannel, 1:length(signal), iRange) = signal;
+ end
- end
+ end
+ catch e
- end
+ % error message
+ error('%s\nError while reading MEF3 channel data', e.message);
+ end
+ end