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Arguments (Miner Configuration)

MaynardMiner edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 17 revisions

Miner Arguments

Miner arguments are added to either StartMM.Coin(UNIX), StartMM.Coin.bat(Windows), or MM.Hash.conf(HiveOS).

You must first specify launching the program for UNIX and Windows versions:


#!/bin/bash pwsh -command "&.\MM.Coin.ps1


powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\MM.CoinW.ps1


No launch necessary. HiveOS launched program for you.

The next step is adding your arguments. A full list of arguments is here: [MM.Hash Argument List](/MM.Hash/blob/master/Help Files/StartMM.Coin_help.txt)

You add the arguments, then close the "". Here is an example setup, which is the basic setup on Windows:

powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\MM.CoinW.ps1 -Timeout 1 -Delay 1 -RigName1 MMHash -StatsInterval 1 -Currency USD -CoinExchange LTC -Interval 300 -Location US -Auto_Algo Yes -Auto_Coin Yes -PoolName zergpool_coin,zergpool_algo,blockmasters,starpool,ahashpool,blazepool,hashrefinery,phiphipool,zpool -Proxy '' -Type NVIDIA1 -Wallet1 1DRxiWx6yuZfN9hrEJa3BDXWVJ9yyJU36i -PasswordCurrency1 BTC -Donate .5"

Hive OS

You simple just add arguments to the MM.Hash.conf file. This is example of basic setup:

-Timeout 1 -GPU_Count1 8 -Delay 1 -RigName1 MMHash -StatsInterval 1 -Currency USD -CoinExchange LTC -Interval 300 -Location US -Auto_Algo Yes -Auto_Coin Yes -PoolName zergpool_coin,zergpool_algo,ahashpool,blazepool,hashrefinery,phiphipool,zpool -Proxy '' -Type NVIDIA1 -Wallet1 1DRxiWx6yuZfN9hrEJa3BDXWVJ9yyJU36i -PasswordCurrency1 BTC -Donate .5

Launch is removed. It is just arguments.

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